Module:Undaunted: Normandy
From Vassal

Publisher | Osprey Games | Era | WWII |
Year | 2019 | Topic | Western Front |
Players | 2 to 2 | Scale | Tactical |
Length | 45-60 min |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
1.0 | ||||
UndauntedNormandy.vmod | with all scenarios | 7.66 MB | 2022-01 | 3.6.4 |
Module Information
Maintainer | alecrespi |
Contributors | alecrespi |
Most actions can be accessed by right clicking on pieces. Some pieces (like terrain tiles) are selected by pressing SHIFT + LEFT CLICK and then can be accessed via RIGHT CLICK submenu.
- SHIFT + 1 ---> Send to Play Area 1
- SHIFT + 2 ---> Send to Play Area 2
- SHIFT + 3 ---> Send to Play Area 3
- CTRL + I ---> Send to Initiative (flipping it down is automatic)
- CTRL + SHIFT + C ---> Check for initiative (flip up initiative cards)
- CTRL + A ---> Keep initiative (discard initiative cards)
- CTRL + SHIFT + T ---> USA target
- ALT + CTRL + T ---> GER target
- ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + T ---> Clear target
- CTRL + SHIFT + S ---> USA scouted
- CTRL + SHIFT + C ---> USA controlled
- ALT + CTRL + S ---> GER scouted
- ALT + CTRL + C ---> GER controlled
- ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + A ---> Scouted Both
- ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + U ---> USA cont. / GER scou.
- ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + G ---> GER cont. / USA scou.
Common Actions
- Each Player hand hit the x4 icon to draw 4 cards at turn start.
- Right click on a card to send it to initiative (or left click and press "CTRL + I" shortcut)
- the initiative cards go on the board "flipped".
- after both player selected the initiative card you can right click current initiative marker to "Check initiative" (as to say flip up both cards).
- after that right click on the inititative marker to "Keep" or "Swap" initiative (this will discard both initiative cards).
- Right click on cards in your hand to send them individually to "Play Area 1", "Play Area 2" and "Play Area 3".
- At turn End you can press the "Hourglass" icon to discard all your hand and "play area" cards.
Screen Shots
- alecrespi
- BigAL
- Hank B
- Shaughn H