Module:Valley of Tears: The Yom Kippur War, 1973

From Vassal
Publisher Multi-Man Publishing Era Modern Warfare
Year 2023 Topic Middle East Conflict
Players 1 to 4 Scale Operational
Length 4+ Hours Series Battalion Combat Series (BCS)


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
BCS_Valley_of_Tears_1-02.vmod module 27.18 MB 2023-12-15
BCS_Valley_of_Tears_1-01.vmod module 27.56 MB 2023-11-28
BCS_Valley_of_Tears_1-00.vmod module 27.12 MB 2023-11-22 VASSAL 3.7.5

Module Information

Maintainer Jim Pyle
Contributors Jim Pyle


Ver 1.02

1. Fixed HQ Mats so they stay on map when resetting all HQs at end of turn.

2. Brought back Arab Reinforcements to setups

3. Fixed Traffic Markers not being deleted when deleting OBJ markers with button

4. Added Place Temp Support Dropped menu choice to Arab unit counters

5. Added “VP Mrkrs to Bottom” button, see HELP notes

6. Fixed Div Assignment showing up as Text Label

ver 1.01

1. Fixed HQ mats not having proper image

2. Fixed Arab Cmdo OOA rule reference

3. Added Dbl Obj side to standard Obj marker

4. Added a March Obj marker

Version 1.00 is Initial Module

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy