Module:Vietnam 1965-1975

From Vassal
Publisher Victory Games Era Modern Warfare
Year 1984 Topic Vietnam War
Players 2 to 2 Scale Operational
Length Long

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
GMT_Vietnam_2_25.vmod Module 29.78 MB 2024-07-12 3.5.8 Romero
GMT_Vietnam_2_24.vmod Module 29.78 MB 2023-11-19 3.5.8 Romero
GMT_Vietnam_2_23.vmod Module 29.73 MB 2023-01-07 3.5.8 Romero
GMT_Vietnam_2_21.vmod Module 29.65 MB 2022-09-11 3.5.8 Romero
VG.Vietnam.4.3.4.b.vmod Module 8.71 MB 2019-01-30 3.2.17 Romero
VG.Vietnam.4.3.4.vmod Module 8.23 MB 2018-10-29 3.2.17 claudioc
VG.Vietnam.4.3.1.a.vmod Module 13.14 MB 2018-10-17 3.2.17 Romero
VG.Vietnam.4.3.1.vmod Module 12.65 MB 2018-04-19 3.2.17 claudioc
Vietnam_II_1.1.vmod Module 15.69 MB 2017-10-23 4.2h Rkirk
vietnam4_2h.vmod Module 14.2 MB 2012-06-30 4.2f, 4.2g Cdodd
vietnam4_2g.vmod Module 15.37 MB 2011-05-28 unknown Cdodd
vietnam4_2f.vmod Module 15.33 MB 2010-09-06 unknown SK
vietnam4_2e.vmod Module 14.87 MB 2010-09-03 unknown SK
4.0 Pop. control sheet & \n optional rules 96 KB 2010-06-19 unknown
Vietnam4_0.vmod Module 10.38 MB unknown unknown unknown
VGVietnam3_459.vmod Module 4.07 MB unknown unknown Pecete crward


Victory Games' simulation of the Vietnam conflict, 1965-1975. A classic wargame from the golden age. GMT version is available too.

VG Vietnam BoardGameGeek link

GMT Vietnam BoardGameGeek link

Version GMT.00

GMT.00 - 12/02/2022 - Vassal version GMT.00. GMT version update. New graphic design. These versions update the work of many friends of Vietnam 1965-1975 who developed all previous modules: - Pecete ( - Carrington ( - SK ( - Rkirk ( - Cdodd - Caudio ( - Petri ( and all other that have cooperate in the design of previous modules. Thanks.

Revision 2.04 > 4 ARVN infantry bat was added for complete the 24 in the game.

Revision 2.05 > Victory condition for scenarios table new look. Boundary hex modified. Silver Bayonet reinforcement fix.

Revision 2.06 > Mew markers for general track. Battle board revised (Fores Hill/ Jungle icon change).

Revision 2.09 > Pursuit in the unit with automatic delete when resolve combat.

Revision 2.10 > Support left marker move down and you can see directly when you place.

Revision 2.11 > Change Active unit layer in order to make it more visible.

Revision 2.12 > Pursuit in the units delete with button in the main window, not automatically after each combat. Some round have 2 or more combats.

Revision 2.14 > 11th Armored Recon Brigade update to new values (Baron1994's feedback). Air Support info token add to the Target market.

Revision 2.15 > Unit in VC Force Pool are now hiden, in order to hold the secret when you move to the map. Suport left token can be Mask now in order you can hide this info.

Revision 2.18 > Fix Ind Art Operation End process.

Revision 2.21 > Fix some SV leaders mechanics. If you observe some problem in campaign games, please report to me. If you have a game in process loaded with previous version, use the option Tool/Refresh Counters.

Revision 2.23 > Windows Ranger and Ship include now space for HQ deployed and HQ withdrawn.

Revision 2.24 > Aeromobile capacity fix in 5th Brigade HQ

Revision 2.25 > Dead NLF pool problem detected. The Send to NLF Pool don't work properly. Revised.

Version 4.3.4.b

4.3.4.b - 10/01/2019 - Vassal version 3.2.17 Revised 4.3.4.a versión. More zoom is available.

4.3.1.a - 31/10/2018 - Vassal version 3.2.17 This is a variation of the Version 4.3.4. The only one diference is that the old Operated, Hold, Patrol and Inefective markers have been changed by overlays that permit to see the Division/Regiment/Batallion of the units. In the old version you can not see this information and it is very usseful when you are playing.


For comments and bug report writyte to

Version 4.3.4

This version is based on 4.3.1 and contains several bug fixes and improvement. Major changes are (see change log in module for more details): - Added a 'Report all DRMs' to review all the Pacification DRMs that have been entered. - Both sides have now access to the commands of the opposing side. This is a major change that is meant to allow easier solo play and interaction during live play. - Thanks to Petri Piira, for fixing features of the VC units context menus as seen by FWA that might have revealed information about the nature of hidden VC. - New counter: "Support Left" useful to mark the remaining support of units participating to an operation. - Reviewed Pursuit counter: possibility to make the counter appear with the desired value, instead of having to increment or decrement 1 level at a time from 0. - Corrected some message reporting in the chat box (mainly Activate/Deactivate) - Do not unhide all VC units that enter the Dead Pool (if sent there by FWA player/observer) - Added The Fall of South Vietnam scenario - Removed hexborders within the trail boxes, to make it clear that a trail box is not 1 hex but the whole blue or red zone. - Fixed the Naval Chart on the Map - Added a "Pacify All Provinces" button in the "Pacification Map and Resolution Tool". The button sets the SVN Morale based column shift and then executes the pacification on all 35 provinces. - Unhide all VC units that enter the Dead Pool (Due to how Vassal is built, this works only if units are moved by NLF) - Hide automatically all VC units that enter the Map (Due to how Vassal is built, this works only if units are moved by NLF) - Add Activate, Hold, Ops Complete layers to Conduits. - Added a Air Total GT (Game Turn) to record air available for Operations after the expenditure of air points for strategic bombing.

Version 4.3.1.a

4.3.1.a - 17/10/2018 - Vassal version 3.2.17 -

This is a variation of the Version 4.3.1. The only one diference is that the old Operated, Hold, Patrol and Inefective markers have been changed by overlayys that permit to see the Division/Regiment/Batallion of the units. In the old version you can not see this information and it is very usseful when you are playing.

It would be interesting if some one make the same with the Hidden marker of Vietcom units. I have not knowledge for do it. But it is the same problem.

Other interesting modification will be allow to 2 or more players can be use the same sade in order you can play by teams in each side. In my group we are planning to play 2 vs 2 players, but not posible for me to change it. If someone want to help me I will be greatfull.

For comments and bug report writyte to

Version 4.3.1

4.3.1 - 15/04/2017 - Vassal version 3.2.17 -

  • Complete rewrite of Pacification logic to fix "Pacification, Maxed Region causes misbehaviour / Loses track of totals"
  • End Operation button. Added "Return Operation Available Air to 0" action.
  • Added Rangers "Markers" in addition to normal Ranger pieces to the available Operations Markers.
  • Added Place Ranger command to Target marker and to all ARVN and FWA units.
  • Added Delete Ranger Markers action to the End Operation action.
  • Counter corrections: NVA 2/2 Front. 3 VC Divisional HQs arty set to 4. ROK 2nd Marine Pursuit.
  • Correct and adapt the "Main Map"/"Return Rangers and Naval" Global Key Command.
 (arvndiv=="Rangers") || (type=="naval" && ( CurrentZone != "Ship Available"  || (GetProperty("Activate for Ops_Name")=="(Active)") ) )
  1) It was referring to rangers as "ranger" instead of "Rangers"
  2) Removed the requirement of being activated for the return of Rangers. Removes the need to activate rangers.
  3) Returns naval counter to the Assigned box when the unit was moved out of the Available box or when the unit was not moved but set to Active.
  • Activate Movement Trail and Mark When Moved options on all units.

On pressing End Operation both Moved marker and Movement Trail are removed. Added keyboard shortcut to clear movement flags and trails, CTRL+ALT+M Changed Alert roll shortcut from CTRL+M to CTRL+A so it doesn't conflict with movement flags command:

  • Inventory of all pieces was not visible to <observer>. Corrected.
  • Swap Thua Thien and Binh Dinh SVN controlled pop in Campaign 65 scenario, Values in 4.2h are inverted.
  • 1/2/101 Btn is labelled 1C in deployed status. Corrected.
  • Add this change log in the help menu


  • Fix the "Activated" and "Deactivated" messages
  • Blockade Chart Index 166 should be 60, not 69

Possible improvements

  • Add counter for Air allocated to Strategic Bombing
  • Stats box for - VC units on map - VC units in dead... see [1]
  • Activate Ranger Roll + count activated FWA and ARVN vs Rangers available + Send to Target Hex or next to a random Activated unit
  • Combat window - Heli and Air losses need to be reset by End Ops button
  • Create a stats Inventory box to count VCs on map...

Version II 1.1

Amended map. The Vassal mechanisms of this module have not been changed from "Version 4.2h." The designation "Version II" is to distinguish this module from the prior series because its map has been amended to more closely represent the actual terrain and roads of Vietnam, as depicted in contemporaneous US Geological Survey maps and maps published in the US Army and Marine Corps official histories. In addition, the counters for the US 173rd Airmobile Brigade have been amended to depict that unit as having dedicated helicopter assets—that is, they are for play in which the 173rd is to be treated as permanently airmobile, just as the US 1st Cavalry and 101st Airborne Divisions. Several other counters have been amended to show correct values for the game (for example, the VC HQ units have been corrected to show support strengths of 4).

Two new markers have been added, one indicating support remaining to a unit and one indicating the province occupied by a unit in a border hex.

Players may of course mix and match these changes as they wish by swapping images between module versions as they see fit. This module is merely and primarily offered as an alternative to the map as published by Victory Games and to depict the 173rd as organically airmobile, as the historical record indicates it was.

A discussion of these changes may be found on the page for “Vietnam 1965-1975.”

Version 4.2h

Add missing US units (4th battalion of several brigades), Fix minor problems with pacification.

Still has known problem with pacification if a province becomes more than 100% SVN controlled.

Version 4.2g

Added missing US 4/11/23 and 4/1/101 units, fixed Khanh Hoa pacification control

Version 4.2

Bug fixes and several new features, improving on ver 4.0. Please use the VASSAL save game updater to convert 4.0 save games.

Version 4

Graphics Overhaul and Automation Project (combat resolution, pacification, politics/leadership and effectiveness all automated to significant degree) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EARLIER VERSION SAVED GAMES

Version 3.458

Significantly improves end-turn clean-up and hidden/masked counter handling, while enforcing NVA and FWA counter-limits through at-start stacks.


Version 4.2

If Pacification values become incorrect during a game for some reason, you can manually adjust population level of individual provinces by using the CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-M keyboard shortcut. The +/- modifier can be adjusted with CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-N

Screen Shots


  • ClaudioC
  • akulkis00
  • ahickey
  • Alberto
  • alsandor
  • anchamo2000
  • atat
  • BaroqueEvilEye
  • Battlehardened
  • Brad
  • bruno68
  • conrad55
  • crward
  • cws
  • destroyer1963
  • dmsheppard1949
  • donimator
  • DRZ
  • esparver73
  • Flaggellumdei
  • Honus
  • jeb123
  • JokerRulez
  • kazbo
  • Kenrick823
  • koebi57
  • ktodd
  • Marius
  • MCharves
  • mkelwood
  • mmoore
  • moustache mike
  • Pabu
  • patton1138
  • pecete256
  • PedroCH
  • PierreM
  • Przemcio241
  • robarriea
  • robarrieta
  • rockinron
  • Scott
  • sholly
  • SK
  • SteelDragon
  • steveK
  • TeTeT
  • Thurman
  • Tommo
  • Treespider
  • usapatriot1963
  • valgurd
  • Vardune
  • Vatsetis
  • Wicked133
  • sealdioftal
  • dbhall
  • MaxVonMad
  • Kellmat74