Module:Winter's Victory: The Battle of Preussisch-Eylau, 7-8 February 1807

From Vassal
Publisher New England Simulations Era Napoleonic
Year 2024 Topic Napoleonic Wars
Players 1 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length 120+ min

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Winter's Victory v1.01.vmod Module 135.02 MB 25 May 2024 3.7.12 Marshal Davout Allen Dickerson
WV-1.0.vmod Module 135.03 MB 25 May 2024 3.7.12 Marshal Davout Allen Dickerson

Change Log

v1.0 is the original module released by New England Simulations

v1.01 contains a few changes and upgrades: - Box graphic added to the launch screen - LoS Thread added - Overview screen resized to aid in utility - Movement Trails set to appear at start (instead of needing to turn them on with a right-click feature selection. The feature is still a toggle. - A few improved buttons on the top ribbon


Winter’s Victory uses a game system inspired by the ground-breaking 1976 SPI game, Wellington’s Victory (and later Ney vs Wellington). The scale is similar with 15 minute game-turns and 116 yards per hex. The combat units are infantry battalions (with detachable skirmish units), artillery batteries (with designated crews), and cavalry regiments. The sizes of the units are represented as steps; relative strength points representing roughly 50-60 troops for infantry and 40-50 troops for cavalry. Command units are brigade and division leaders, corps (wing for the allied army) and army level commanders.

Although the look and feel of the acclaimed SPI classic has been retained, a great many changes and additions have been integrated throughout the game system to “amp-up” the historicity and provide (we hope) for wider tactical and grand tactical choices in an updated and highly immersive experience. The numerous alterations and enhancements to the rules and sub-systems have been carefully applied with minimal affect to the underlying architecture and elegance of the original game. Players that liked the originals, will feel very comfortable with this new member of the family.

Some of the features in Winter’s Victory include:

The apex facing has been retained, along with extended line, etc., but the suicidal effects of changing facing has been greatly diminished. Command units above brigade level have real jobs; command control must be maintained throughout the battle. Limited command points and a layered order issuing protocol makes division and corps leader activations uncertain and brigade commitments delayable – particularly in the Russian Army.A 10-sided die provides more granularity to combat results and morale values. Separate fire combat tables for Russian and French, and the artillery CRT is separated from the infantry. Artillery is more realistically represented; less lethal and their crews are step-reduced and permanently affiliated with their battery.

Skirmish units are less lethal and more vulnerable in the open, but can still be effective, particularly in Hard or Soft cover. Cavalry charges occur during shock combat with its familiar volatility and excitement, but without the “death ray” effect on enemy units in the charge zones. Special rules for the effects of snow and wind, Russian Cossacks, and of course, the Grand Charge!

The Living Rules, Playbook, and updated Fire CRTs are available at:

Screen Shots


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