User talk:DanielTShaw
The dream of the Europa series was to have separate games for each major event of the European Second World War, which being of consistent scale could be joined together, with the map extending beyond the size of most players' rooms. Vassal provides a tool that allows all the maps to be presented in one module. I have created three such "Full map" modules for the Europa Series of games. Because the series was published over decades the graphics of the maps have evolved. Therefore it is logical that several "full map" modules will be required to cover the various editions: EuropaOldMapV080.vmod presents the games in their early editions (which many die-hard players prefer). EuropaCurrentMapV080.vmod presents the games with the maps from the latest published editions (you might say the official game today) EuropaNewMapV086.vmod contains a new 2024 version of the maps with different graphics. I've tried a couple of times to present these three modules on the main Europa page: but I think the moderator is thinking that the three versions are perhaps just two and is rejecting the update to include the third one. Can we fix that? Daniel