Vassal 4

From Vassal


  • Import modules created with other GameBox tools including Vassal 3, cyber-board, ZunTzu

Design Issues & Requirements (aka Brent's design blog)

1-Aug-17 Game Piece Definitions stored in saved games and log files

What are the implications of removing Game Piece Definitions from saved game and log files in Vassal 4?

1-Aug-17 Internationalization (I18n) and Localization (L10n) requirements for Vassal 4

What lessons did we learn about I18n & L10n from Vassal 3?

29-Aug-17 Scripting Language Requirements in Vassal 4

What are the requirements for a Scripting Language Implementation for Vassal 4?

30-Aug-17 Vassal 4 Scripting Language review

A short review of a few options available for a Vassal 4 Scripting Language

3-Sep-17 Vassal 4 Scripting Language - Lua prototype test

The results of my attempt to develop a prototype Vassal to Lua scripting language interface

17-Dec-21 Vassal 4 Messaging protocols

Some thoughts on designing a Server protocol to avoid inconsistent state due to simultaneous player actions

Misc Notes

Brian's Vassal 4 Notes