Module:Exile Sun

From Vassal
Publisher Game Knight Games Era Future
Year 2012 Topic Science Fiction
Players 2 to 6 Scale Strategic
Length 150 Min


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
ExileSun.vmod Module 19.45 MB 2016-11-30 3.2.16
Exile_Sun.pdf Board Game Rules 17.97 MB 2016-11-30 3.2.16
Help Notes.txt MUST READ 2 KB 2016-11-30 3.2.16
Exile Sun 1.02.vmod Module 15.27 MB 2010-10-17 3.1
Rules (Booklet Style).pdf Board Game Rules 1.42 MB 2010-10-16 3.1
Rules (Standard Style).pdf Board Game Rules 1.42 MB 2010-10-16 3.1
Help Notes.txt MUST READ 2 KB 2010-10-16 3.1

Module Information

Maintainer Eric Martin


2016-11-30 - Module has been updated... New Rules posted.

2010-10-16 - This Module is out of date. It was extensively used for playtesting, it has prototype images, and it currently does not work with the final Exile Sun rule set. An updated module is being created and will be uploaded soon. The screen shot below gives a preview of the updated module.

Screen Shots


  • Eric Martin