From Vassal
Strategic level game. These typically cover an entire war or theater of operations.
Pages in category "Strategic"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 596 total.
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- Module:13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis
- Module:13: The Colonies in Revolt
- Module:1714: The Case of the Catalans
- Module:1775: Rebellion
- Module:1812!: War on the Great Lakes Frontier
- Module:1812: The Campaign of Napoleon in Russia
- Module:1812: The Invasion of Canada
- Module:1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany
- Module:1914
- Module:1960: The Making of the President
- Module:1979: Revolution in Iran
- Module:1989: Dawn of Freedom
- Module:A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)
- Module:A House Divided
- Module:A Mighty Fortress
- Module:A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession 1741 – 1748
- Module:A Wing and a Prayer: Bombing the Reich
- Module:A World at War
- Module:Absolute Victory: World Conflict 1939-1945
- Module:Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45
- Module:Acadians
- Module:Acquire
- Module:Across the Pacific
- Module:Advanced Civilization
- Module:AFTERSHOCK: A Humanitarian Crisis Game
- Module:Age of Bismarck: The Unifications of Italy and Germany 1859-1871
- Module:Age of Napoleon
- Module:Age Of Steam
- Module:Agricola, Master of Britain
- Module:Alchemists
- Module:Alea Iacta Est
- Module:Alexandros and I Am Spartacus!
- Module:Alhambra: Big Box
- Module:Alien Frontiers
- Module:All Bridges Burning
- Module:Almost a Miracle! The Revolutionary War in the North
- Module:Amateurs to Arms!
- Module:America Falling: The Coming Civil War
- Module:Amoeba Wars
- Module:An Attrition of Souls
- Module:Apocalypse in the East: The Rise of the First Caliphate 646-656 A.D.
- Module:Apocalypse: World War II in Europe
- Module:Argent: The Consortium
- Module:Arkwright
- Module:Armada: The War With Spain 1585-1604
- Module:Arriba Espana!
- Module:Asia Engulfed
- Module:At the Gates of Loyang
- Module:Athens & Sparta
- Module:Aurelian: Restorer of the World
- Module:Austerlitz: The Battle of Three Emperors, 2 December 1805
- Module:Axis & Allies
- Module:Axis & Allies Europe 1940
- Module:Axis & Allies Pacific: 1940 Edition
- Module:Balance of Powers
- Module:Banish the Snakes: A Game of St. Patrick in Ireland
- Module:Barbarian Kings
- Module:Barbarians at the Gates: The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476
- Module:Battle for Fallujah: April 2004
- Module:Battle For Germany
- Module:Battlefields of Olympus
- Module:Beyond Waterloo
- Module:Big*Bang
- Module:Bios: Genesis
- Module:Bios: Megafauna
- Module:Bios: Origins (Second Edition)
- Module:Blitz! A World in Conflict
- Module:Blitzkrieg General (2nd Edition)
- Module:Blocks in the East
- Module:Blood on the Ohio
- Module:Bloodstones
- Module:Blue vs. Gray
- Module:Bobby Lee
- Module:Border Reivers: Anglo-Scottish Border Raids, 1513-1603
- Module:Breaking the Chains: War in the South China Sea
- Module:Breakthru
- Module:Britannia
- Module:Brotherhood & Unity
- Module:Buck Rogers: Battle for the 25th Century
- Module:Bullet♥︎
- Module:Burgle Bros.
- Module:Burning Suns
- Module:Byzantium
- Module:Caesar's Gallic War
- Module:Caesar: Rome vs Gaul
- Module:Canadian Civil War: La Guerre de la Sécession du Canada
- Module:Cataclysm: A Second World War
- Module:Chainsaw Warrior
- Module:Charlemagne, Master of Europe
- Module:Chicago Express
- Module:Chronicles of Frost
- Module:Civil War
- Module:Civil War Game 1863
- Module:Clash of Monarchs
- Module:Clash of Sovereigns: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48
- Module:Coalition: The Napoleonic Wars, 1805-1815
- Module:Codex: Card-Time Strategy
- Module:Cold War Naval Battles
- Module:Colonial Diplomacy
- Module:Confederate Rails: Railroading in the American Civil War 1861-1865
- Module:Congo Merc: The Congo, 1964
- Module:Conquerors
- Module:Conquest & Consequences
- Module:Conquest of Paradise
- Module:Conquest of the Empire
- Module:Conquest of the Empire: Imperator
- Module:Conquistador
- Module:Contractors
- Module:Cortes et la conquête du Mexique 1519-1521
- Module:Cosmic Encounter
- Module:Cosmic Encounter (2008)
- Module:Cradle of Civilization
- Module:Credo
- Module:Crescent City Cargo
- Module:Crisis 2020
- Module:Critical Collapse
- Module:Cromwell
- Module:Crown of Roses
- Module:Crusade and Revolution: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
- Module:Crusader Rex
- Module:Dawn of Empire: The Spanish American Naval War in the Atlantic, 1898
- Module:Dawn of the Evenstar
- Module:Dawn's Early Light: The War of 1812
- Module:Death in the Trenches: The Great War 1914-1918 (Second Edition)
- Module:Death in the Trenches: The Great War, 1914-1918
- Module:Demonlord
- Module:Demons
- Module:Diplomacy
- Module:Divided America: The Next Civil war
- Module:Divine Right
- Module:Dixie: The Second War Between the States
- Module:Downfall of Empires
- Module:Downfall of the Third Reich
- Module:Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich, 1942-1945
- Module:Dragonlance
- Module:Dragonriders of Pern
- Module:Dragons of Glory
- Module:Dune
- Module:Dune: War for Arrakis
- Module:Dungeon Crawler
- Module:Dynasty
- Module:Déluges
- Module:Eastern Front Solitaire
- Module:EastFront: The War in Russia, 1941-45
- Module:Eclipse
- Module:El Grande
- Module:Elo Darkness
- Module:Elric: Battle at the End of Time
- Module:Emperor of China
- Module:Empire of the Rising Sun
- Module:Empire of the Sun
- Module:Empires & Alliances
- Module:Empires in Arms
- Module:Empires of the void
- Module:Empires: Rise and Fall
- Module:End of the Iron Dream
- Module:Endangered
- Module:Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid
- Module:Epic of the Peloponnesian War
- Module:EuroFront II
- Module:Europe Engulfed
- Module:Europe in Turmoil II: The Interbellum Years 1920-1939
- Module:Everything vs. Everything
- Module:Excalibur
- Module:Exile Sun
- Module:Explorers & Exploiters
- Module:Fall Of The Third Reich
- Module:Fatal Alliances III Dreadnoughts in Flames
- Module:Fatal Alliances: The Great War
- Module:Federation & Empire
- Module:Federation Space
- Module:Festung Europa: The Campaign for Western Europe, 1943-1945
- Module:Fifth Frontier War
- Module:Fire In The Sky
- Module:Flashpoint: Venezuela
- Module:Fleet 2025: East China Sea
- Module:For the People
- Module:Forbidden Stars
- Module:Forged in Fire
- Module:Fortress America
- Module:Fortress Europa
- Module:Fortress Rhodesia
- Module:Frederick's Gamble: The Seven Years War
- Module:Free at Last Draft Rules Version 2022
- Module:Freedom in The Galaxy
- Module:Friedrich
- Module:From One War To Another
- Module:Frondeurs et Frondeuses
- Module:Fury in the East
- Module:Futbol Extraño