Module:Fortress America

From Vassal
Publisher Milton Bradley Era Fantasy
Year 1986 Topic Science Fiction
Players 2 to 4 Scale Strategic
Length 180 min Series Gamemaster Series

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
fortressamerica_2.5.vmod Module 7.97 MB 2018-03-18 3.2 Mycenae (Other modules by Mycenae)
Fortressamerica_2.4.vmod Module 7.12 MB 2018-02-06 3.2 Phlebas Phlebas
Fortress america (MB)_2.2.vmod Module 7.09 MB 2021-03-23 3.2.17
FortressAmericaMB_1.1.vmod Module 11.94 MB 2019-04-19 3.2.17 cianchet
FortressAmericaMB.vmod Module 11.77 MB unknown unknown Unknown

Screen Shots


Fortress America, originally part of Milton Bradley's Gamemaster series, depicts an alternate near-future in which all of the world attacks and invades the continental United States. From the west arrives hordes of Asian foes; from the south arrives a union of South American countries through Mexico, and from the east lands come legions of Soviets who have taken over all of Europe. America besieged has to rely on the remaining ground and air forces left in the country along with partisan uprisings to defend mom's apple pie.


  • Richard Krafty
  • mycenae