Module:Europe Engulfed
From Vassal

Publisher | GMT Games | Era | WWII |
Year | 2003 | Topic | European Theater |
Players | 2 to 3 | Scale | Strategic |
Length | Long |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
3.4.0 | ||||
Europe_Engulfed_3.4.0_Release.vmod | Module | 6.65 MB | 2024-12-09 | 3.7.15 |
3.3.1 | ||||
Europe_Engulfed_3.3.1_Release.vmod | Module | 7.06 MB | 2024-01-04 | 3.7.6 |
3.2.0 | ||||
Europe_Engulfed_v3.2.0 Release.vmod | Module | 6.6 MB | 2022-02-08 | 3.6.4 |
3.1.0 | ||||
Europe_Engulfed_v3.1 Release.vmod | Module | 6.56 MB | 2022-01-17 | 3.6.3 |
3.0.1 | ||||
Europe Engulfed v3.0.1 Release.vmod | Module | 6.2 MB | 2021-09-21 | 3.5.8 |
3.0 | ||||
Europe Engulfed v3.0 Release.vmod | Module | 6.15 MB | 2021-09-12 | 3.5.8 |
2.0 | ||||
Europe_Engulfed_v2.0.vmod | Module | 52.6 MB | 2020-07-25 | 3.4.9+ |
1.7 | ||||
Europe Engulfed v1.7.vmod | Module | 2.98 MB | xxxx-xx-xx | 3.0+ |
Module Information
Maintainer | Korval (v3.x) |
Contributors | GJK, countertroll, swampwallaby, Cantata, bennyb, dbcopeland, Korval |
Version 3.4.0
- Groups -
- Add 8 additional Groups
- Grey out unavailable Groups in drop-down menu (i.e., Group Block on Main Map)
- Add 2 buttons HIDE and SHOW (only affects stuff in Group)
- Neutral Country Pieces -
- Add fixed labels for predefined forces
- Add variable labels for piece palette
- Force Pools - Add HIDE (all in FP) and GLOBAL HIDE (everywhere)
- Scenario Options - Add USA Initial WERP and per-year increment
- Works with calculate production in Builds
- Piece Palettes -
- Add STOP piece (for Patton's Fantasy scenario out of bounds areas)
- Add Neutral Special Action
- Bug Fix -
- Add Axis Minor Cavalry to National Power Map (only relevant for Axis Yugoslavia)
- Include Finnish units in Axis Minor Power National Power calculations
- Include Finnish units in Axis Minor Inventory
- Deploy 1944 Free French units immediately when "France Fights On"
Version 3.3.0
- Changed Mask (i.e., Hide) to show black "?" on white background in 4 corners of blocks
- Add OPEN/CLOSE to GROUP Blocks right-click context (makes it easier to open existing group)
- Added Scenario Options to track use of Optional & Variant rules
- Units will no longer set movement flag or report to chat if they move only in their original area.
- -This prevents minor "adjustment" moves from spamming the chat log and false flagging moves.
- Added Color Coded Tags to Chat log for New Turn
- Added Build Flag - can be manually cleared (right click), all clear when turn changes. Helps to enforce rules limits on builds (a. 2 new units/area; b. can't build in battle w/o SA). This provides the same visibility that carefully watching an opponent's builds in face-to-face provides.
- -Can be turned off - Scenario Option [MISC] Display Build Flag
- Simplified DICE display Main Map Toolbar, eliminate redundant 2d6,3d6,4d6 buttons
- Add Reduced Luck d6 button, for players that want less swingy Sub/ASW rolls
- Rebuild all scenarios
- BUG Fixes
- -Inventory - change "sum_Unit" to "count_Subtype" so the function properly counts how many of each type exists
- -Fix Hidden units not showing move flag (change trait order)
- -Updated 1939 scenarios to properly show Poland having deployed
- -Move Russian Winter trigger from Russian Force Pool to German Force pool (only works correctly if Axis player triggers it, because it will not affect hidden units, unless it is triggered by same player who hid the units)
Version 3.2.0
- Automate Russian Winter Effects and Reporting
- -This will look inside GROUPS located in Russia and apply damage
- remove duplicated Deploy Belgium property that was causing it not gray out properly after reloading
- change NP value of Russian Heavy Forts from 10 to 15 (net cost of field fort + heavy fort)
- rebuild 41 scenarios
- -Delete leftover Polish unit in Brest-Litovsk in 1941 scenarios
- Change Prototype-EliteAxis value from "Allied" to "Axis"
- Fix Expert German INF-4s not reporting return to FP as part of 1942 deployment
- Fix Expert USA ARM-4s not returning to FP (or reporting) as part of 1944 deployment
Version 3.1.0
- Implemented new die roller features
- -Display total # of hits (single = 6, double = 5,6, triple = 4,5,6, quad = 3,4,5,6)
- -Display raw rolls in order
- -remove ability of players to change die sides, adds - leave only ability to set # of dice to roll
- Check ability of closed maps to accept GHK
- -This fixes the problem of the NP update not working when these maps are closed
- Implement ability to gray out toolbar buttons when not allowed or already used (if single use)
- -Various Nation Force Pool Toolbar Buttons (e.g., Italy Surrender); Deploy Neutrals; Deploy Annual Force Pool Adds; Optionals & Variants
- Added automatic trigger of Force Pool additions when turn advances to Jan-Feb of new year
- Builds - Italy/USA/Russia - Added visual flag and check to ensure Fleets Maintenance is not deducted while at PEACE
Version 3.0.1
- Bug Fix - Fixed British Available WERP Calculation
- KNOWN ISSUE - some automation (BUILD - Reset Turn, New Year; NP Track - auto-update) does not work if that map is not open
- - Added "Manual" dropdown to expose previously hidden buttons, if automation breaks (Main Map, Build Map)
Version 3.0 - Requires VASSAL Version 3.5.8 or later!
- This is a branch of version 1.7 and doesn't include the text overlays of v2.0
- Dedicated Force Pools (FP) for each major comabtant and Axis Minors. Axis Minor FP, shows status of each Axis minor (neutral, Axis Minor, etc.)
- All fixed inventory units are predefined and clone/delete is disabled. Accordingly, the full piece palette is not available during the game (it is available in the editor) and only a limited piece palette of unlimited markers is available in game.
- Automated (i.e., button push) deployment of Neutrals
- Automated deployment of New Year (e.g., 1941) Force Pool adds/deletes
- Automated deployment of Axis Minors, Vichy, and Free French
- Implemented counters for Info track (e.g., U-boats), Nation Economics, & Fleet Maintenance
- Added Turn counter to track Player-Month-Year.
- Automated weather calculation and weather marker placement (auto update when turn advances)
- Added 8 GROUPS (A-H) Maps for handling large groups. Each group includes a Group block to put on the main map, which can be cycled (only in it's home map) to indicate the owning nation. Group block will indicate # of blocks in the map. Group Map will show # of INF/ARM blocks and factors (if not hidden).
- Automated France/Italy surrenders
- Automated tracking of Industrial Production Level, including correctly accounting for garrison requirement. Will not correctly identify isolation or contested and unconquered Neutrals.
- Automated tracking of Production WERP spends for builds from Force Pools and Step Increases. Maintains a single running total, but will automatically clear when selecting a new nation's production.
- Added a variety of Inventory options to survey unit locations
- Added offical optional rules implementation – 6th German SA; Expert Force Pool changes; France Fights On (For implementation simplicity these deploy to the USA FP); Patton's Fantasy scenario prerequisites
- Map fixes for Scottish Highlands, Southern Iraq, Bucharest, Bohemia.
- Implemented Zones for the Info track so numbers will register
- Implemented additional die roll buttons
- Automated check for Russian up-front (official) & 2-deep front (variant), doesn't check GSUs
- Added a few non-official "variants" – just for fun and experimentation
- Added National Power (NP) Map that measures forces by total WERP value. Added a NP Track Map to track NP during a game, which includes buttons for both manual snapshot and toggle automatic measurement. A "Save Text" button allows saving to a file for offline spreadsheet analysis.
Version 2.0
- This is a branch of version 1.7
- Adds text overlays to map
- Map fixes
Rick Young and Jesse Evans' WWII Masterpiece.
1.7 version of module is also available here
Screen Shots
- czmielon
- dbcopeland
- Darcy Burgess
- JonasK
- seanmac31
- Toadkillerdog
- MedievalBanquet
- sprydle
- jgs3
- Ogreking
- DerDiplomat
- ahickey
- Athos
- Ogreking
- pmiranda
- Cantata
- thirts30
- Seamus
- ermd
- pzlehr
- Noman
- TracerBullet
- Nessin
- borat
- KevinRohrer
- BigDave
- JonatanRaven
- Biswut
- TKaz84
- marshallneal
- BobG
- zaxor0
- PacoHolliday
- underdog80909
- JonasK
- daxelos
- VonBrunt
- underdog80909
- cornjob
- wargamerx
- daxelos
- donpaulo
- MikeO
- daxelos
- fatgreta
- gerland
- mike
- DTomato