Module:Freedom in The Galaxy

From Vassal
Publisher Avalon Hill Era Future
Year 1979 Topic Science Fiction
Players 2 to 2 Scale Strategic
Length 2 to 20 hours

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
2.05-Two Player
Freedom-in-the-Galaxy-v2_05.vmod module 45.57 MB 2017-04-04 3.2.16 PeteHat AndyKiger
FitG-v2_05-Solitaire.vmod module 45.56 MB 2017-04-04 3.2.16 AndyKiger AndyKiger
Freedom In The Galaxy v1-3.vmod module 22.96 MB 2017-04-04 3.2.17


AH's classic Rebels v Evil Empire space opera wargame. Version 2.05 includes all "Official" errata (Charts, Tables, Cards). Includes players aids (Star-Faring Race Overlays and Rebel Secret Base Overlay). Detailed Environ information from the Galactic Guide is incorporated interactively into the Main Board (Alt-Click on the Environ symbol)

Update: Revealed Secrets that are no longer applicable may be removed (hidden) from the map with the (Right-click) command “Hide/Show”. This command is not available for the six Secrets that are aways in effect (Cloning Complex, Dead World, Hyper World, Living Planet, Mutant World, Drug World).

Version 2.05-Solitaire is identical to Version 2.05-Two Player with the exception that there is only one player side in the solitaire version (For those players who want to play solitaire without having to retire and switch sides). Saved games are incompatible between the two different versions.

Version 1-3 from the Al Hay archive.

Freedom in the Galaxy, The Avalon Hill Game Company, Registration Number: TX0001125827, Registration Date: 1983-05-26, Imprint: Avalon Hill Game Co., c1981, The Library of Congress, United States Copyright Office

Screen Shots


  • JonasK
  • PeteHat
  • Jadawin911
  • Cynical
  • LordJesse
  • eskravitz
  • gwgardner
  • cguillerm
  • GornTC
  • ScottMayne
  • Dan67
  • raedwald
  • davidk64