Module:Sixth Fleet

From Vassal
Sixth Fleet Boxart.jpg
Publisher Victory Games Era Modern Warfare
Year 1985 Topic Naval
Players 2 to 4 Scale Strategic
Length Long Series Fleet Series


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Sixth_Fleet.vmod Module 8.02 MB 2014-05-15 3.2.11
Info_about_the_Sixth_Fleet_module.pdf Readme 411 KB 2011-01-09

Module Information

Maintainer stroar
Contributors Ian Cooper


Version 1.1.3 shows the correct front image of US piece "FF Reid"

Screen Shots


  • stroar,
  • Ian Cooper
  • Dennis Castillo
  • Geof Clark
  • Jim
  • dbeaver
  • Ulv Miller
  • kukailimoku
  • marktb1961
  • Kellmat74