All Classes and Interfaces

Places an entry in the Help menu.
Abstract implementation of the Buildable interface.
An abstract implementation of the Configurable interface.
Base class for a List Entry maintained by a ConfigurableList A ConfigurableListEntry must be configurered by a single Configurer.
Base class for additional Menu items (with Hotkeys) that can be added to a DrawPile/Deck
Abstract class for a Folder component that can contain/organize a particular type of configurable(s).
Abstract implementation of ImageSearchTarget interface.
The base class for Actions which launch processes from the ModuleManagerWindow.
Base class representing the metadata for a Saved Game, Module or Extension.
An abstract representation of an operation which may be applied to an Image.
An abstract representation of an operation.
An abstract base class for PropertyContainers.
The abstract base class for ImageOps which support multiple tiles.
The abstract base class for ImageOps which are a single tile.
Creates an item that is both configurable w/ an edit box AbstractConfigurable and buildable from the XML buildFile AbstractBuildable, but which also has a Toolbar launch button.
Configures the toolbar's button icon.
Date: Mar 11, 2003
A Trait (aka Decorator that acts like a button on a GamePiece, such that clicking on a particular area of the piece invokes a key command
Registers mouse listeners with Maps and other components.
A FileFilter for ADC2 modules.
Common utilities for importing ADC2 modules to VASSAL.
This Command adds a GamePiece to a game.
Improved version of ServerConfigurer that includes an Address Book of commonly visited private servers and P2P clients.
When executed, adds a SecretNote to a specified List.
AdjustableSpeedScrollPane extends ScrollPane by making the scroll speed user-configurable.
This command, when executed, displays a Dialog box with a message
An ArchiveWriter is a writeable DataArchive.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ArrayUtils.
Root node in a hierarchical server.
Trait allowing creation of an "attachment" to one or more other pieces, which can then be sent GKCs very swiftly and whose properties can be easily read (and if a Dynamic Property can also be set with a Set Global Property trait)
Maintains a list of pieces with attachment traits
Class for selecting an AudioClip while editing a module and adding it to module
A FileFilter for AIFF, AU, and WAV files.
An Auditable class can have the execution of any Expression it contains tracked and errors reported with additional detailusing the AuditTrail class
Class to track the evaluation history of an expression.
A class that implements AutoConfigurable can use the AutoConfigurer class to automatically build a property editor.
A Configurer for configuring Configurable components (Is that as redundant as it sounds?)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use {link SwingWorker} now that we ship the JAR for it.
General-purpose condition indicating that VASSAL has encountered data that's inconsistent with the current module.
Adds Connect/Disconnect button to the server controls toolbar
Although it is the CommandEncoder which handles the basic commands: AddPiece, RemovePiece, ChangePiece, MovePiece, this class is most commonly needed by module designers who want to make custom "Traits" for game pieces because it contains BasicCommandEncoder.createDecorator(java.lang.String, VASSAL.counters.GamePiece), the BasicCommandEncoder.DecoratorFactory for Traits, which are usually internally referred to as Decorators because they are implemented using the Decorator Pattern.
Factory interface for BasicPieces.
Factory interface for Decorators See: Decorator Pattern, Factory Pattern
BasicLogger deals with VLOG Vassal Log files (i.e.
A Command that records whether or not an Undo is in progress.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This trait overrides the $BasicName$ property provided by the "Basic Piece", allowing a module designer decking to define pieces entirely by prototype to safely ignore and leave empty the Basic Piece.
Basic class for representing a physical component of the game.
Base class for a Module Preference.
Class encapsulating BeanShell support in Vassal
A basic beanShell expression
A Configurer for Java Expressions
enum describing any special processing that needs to be done for particular expression types NONE = No special handling PME = Property Match Expression handling.
A FileFilter for BMP images.
This class is responsible for maintaining the Boards on a Map.
Boolean and of two PieceFilters
Configurer for Boolean values
Boolean Or of two PieceFilters
A Checkbox Module Preference.
Trait to draw a colored border around a piece
Comparison Modes for property match
Records the bounding boxes of GamePieces.
A Widget that corresponds to a panel with a JComboBox above a JPanel with a CardLayout layout.
An exception indicating that an image file is broken in some way.
Unpacks a zipped directory stored in the module and displays it in an external browser window.
Handles the packaging of the target directory into the module file after the user saves the properties in the editor
Easier-to-use support for opening a single PDF file in the browser (it can be done with BrowserHelpFile, but requires a substantial workaround and weird confusing procedures)
Utility class for displaying an external browser window.
Used by the Bsh Plugin
A Buildable is an object which can be initialized from an XML configuration file (e.g.
This class holds static convenience methods for building Buildable objects.
Utility class for extracting strings from a ResourceBundle.
Produce standard Vassal buttons.
Conditional Marker A marker with a variable value depending on conditions.
Trait Editor implementation
A CardSlot is identical to a PieceSlot except that it is initialized with a card-like GamePiece.
Queries a known URL to get historical status of the chat room server.
This Command changes the state of a GamePiece.
Adds a toolbar button that changes the value of a global property
Command to change the value of a MutableProperty
Utility class for generating ChangePiece commands.
A Chart is used for displaying charts and tables for the module.
A top-level Widget for displaying Charts
Interface for registering event listeners with the Swing components in a ChatServerControls component
Specialized interface for chat-room server connections
A Factory for building ChatServerConnection instances
The chat window component.
This is a Command object that, when executed, displays a text message in the Chatter's text area
Color auto-configurer.
Color auto-configurer.
Color auto-configurer.
Autoconfigurer for the icon for this timer.
PlayerSidesConfig makes a dropdown of all the player sides
Autoconfigurer for master chessclock button icon (allows user to choose an icon image)
Autoconfigurer for the days/hours/minutes/seconds/tenths styles
Dialog that prompts the user to select a component from the ConfigureTree
Widget for selecting the full path of a Component in the Buildable hierarchy
This trait adds a command that creates a duplicate of the selected Gamepiece
A JButton which displays a color swatch.
Configurer for Color values.
Container for definitions of Generic Color Definitions
Class that implements a named Color Swatch
A Command represents an action that needs to be transmitted from one client to another - any action that could change the game state of a multiplayer game should be encapsulated in a Command object.
Listens for incoming messages (PropertyChangeEvents with name {ChatServerConnection.INCOMING_MSG}) and interprets the message as a command to be executed
Translates a Command to and from a string.
Remove sub-commands from a composite command
A trait that exists in a Piece Definition, but is not included when the piece is created in a real game.
A standardised Panel for use by Component configurers
Components that have descriptions which can be displayed next to their component types/names in the main Editor window
Object encapsulating the internationalization information for a component.
An attribute of a Configurable component that can be translated into another language
A standardised MigLayout for use by Component configurers
Provides an XPath-like syntax for identifying configuration components
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use SplitPane instead.
Contains methods to automatically show/hide one of its components (the "hideable" component) while the other (the "base" component) remains always visible.
An InputStream which concatenates other InputStreams.
Base class for PieceCollection implementation that organizes GamePieces -- a category which in this case also includes Decks and Stacks, in addition to ordinary pieces -- into distinct visual layers.
Combines multiple instances of ValidityChecker
A thread-safe implementation of PropertySupport.
A memory-sensitive ConcurrentMap which stores the values in SoftReferences.
An implementation of Map.Entry.
Evaluates properties of the GameModule and conditionally executes another Command if all values are satisfied.
The class representing a condition that must be satisfied if the Command is to be executed
An object that implements the Configurable interface, in addition to being built from a configuration XML file (because this class ultimately extends Buildable, can be manipulated by the user directly in the VASSAL module editor via the Configuration window.
An interface to be implemented by Configurers that manage variable sized lists.
A small panel of buttons for controlling the entries in a Configurablelist See also ConfigurableList, ConfigurableListEntry, ConfigurableListController
An interface to be implemented by Configurers that manage variable sized lists.
A property editor class.
The ContextLevel of a Configurer defines the level that it is defined at.
General purpose type for defining property-sheet editors.
A Standardised MigLayout for use by individual Configurers
A standardised Panel to hold an individual Configurer
A Window for displaying a Configurer.
The beating heart of the Editor, this class handles the Configuration Tree that appears in the Configuration window when editing a VASSAL module.
Configurers that add or remove their own children directly should implement the Mutable interface so that ConfigureTree can refresh the changed node.
Limits connections to the server to one per registered username
This is now a dummy class
Expandable "Console" to allow entering commands into the Chatter.
Grabs errorlog output and displays it in the Chatter.
This is a Drawable class that draws the counters horizontally when the mouse is held over a stack with the control key down.
Trait that sends a Key Command to other pieces, selected with various filters.
A ReadWriteLock which counts locks held.
Some general purpose CRC utilities.
An ImageOp which crops its source.
An ImageOp which crops its source.
Interface for user interactions with players in the current room
A thread factory which creates daemon threads.
Wrapper around a Zip archive with methods to cache images
Extended HTML Editor kit to let the tag display images from the module DataArchive where no pathname is included in the image name.
Extends JTextPane in a way that lets us put an HTML-compliant string that might access images from the vmod archive Essentially behaves like a JLabel on steroids, the key thing being that links in the HTML can access images in the module.
A collection of pieces that behaves like a deck, i.e.: Doesn't move.
An object that parses expression strings from the config window
Command to set the contents of this deck from a saved file.
This version of MassKeyCommand is added to a DrawPile (which holds a Deck) and applies to pieces/cards currently in the deck.
For Visitors that are aware of Deck types
For handling Visitors that are aware of Deck types
The abstract class describing a generic 'Trait' of a full GamePiece.
A class to provide support for EventListeners.
A class to provide support for EventListeners.
Maps now start with a Game Piece Layers component (i.e.
This trait adds a command that creates a duplicate of the selected Gamepiece
A FilterInputStream which converts a file created with ObfuscatingOutputStream back into plain text.
Implements a trait to allow a piece to be deselected from the KeyBuffer in response to a Key Command.
Close a Dialog Box after a specified delay interval
A Dialog that displays HTML content, with navigation
Provides some basic kinds of dialogs.
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Base DieServer Class Does most of the work.
A Configurer for picking file directories
A FileFilter which accepts directories only.
Date: Mar 12, 2003
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not replaced
Represents the Help menu of the controls window
Prints dots to a stream in response to events.
A Configurer for Double values
A Decimal Number Module Preference.
A component may implement the Drawable interface if it has graphical information the should be drawn whenever the Map is drawn.
generates a prompt with the names of all decks already defined
Empty server
An EventListener which does nothing.
Refreshes every time the user attempts to connect
Trait that contains a property accessible via getProperty() and updatable dynamically via key commands
DynamicKeyCommand A class that represents an action to be performed on a Dynamic property
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
If class implementing GamePiece also implements the EditablePiece interface, then it can be manipulated from the Editor's Configuration Tree via the PieceDefiner dialog.
Action to edit all GamePiece's within a given component
Loads an exiting module extension and opens it in an extension edit window
EditorWindow is the base class for the three top-level component editors :- ModuleEditorWindow, ExtensionEditorWindow, PluginEditorWindow
Action to edit the Properties of a component
A cover for the ExecutorService which submits to the Event Dispatch Thread.
An ExecutorService which submits to Event Dispatch Thread.
A {link RunnableFuture} for use on the Event Dispatch Thread.
d/b/a "Layer" The "Layer" trait.
Return Property names exposed by this trait
Embellishment has been extensively re-written for Vassal 3.2 changing both the behavior and the visual look of the configurer.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Iterator, Iterable, Collection or Stream API instead.
Prompts user to select from a list
A Drop-down list preference.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Gives information about what kinds of events a GamePiece will respond to
An interface for handling events.
An interface to provide support for EventListeners.
Handles uncaught exceptions.
An abstract class representing an expression that can be evaluated.
Interactively build inline(beanshell) expressions
A BeanShell Interpreter customised to evaluate a single Vassal expression containing Vassal property references.
An element of a ModuleExtension that extends an individual Buildable component of the GameModule.
A generic by-extension FileFilter.
Convenience class for managing extensions relative to a module file.
The configuration tree for editing a module extension
Convert a BufferedImage to a different type, falling back to conversion on disk if conversion in memory fails.
A ByteArrayOutputStream which does not retain its byte buffer, and can produce an InputStream sharing the same byte buffer.
Tiles images contained in a ZIP archive.
FileChooser provides a wrapper for JFileChooser and FileDialog, selecting whichever is preferred on the user's OS.
A Configurer for values
The file filter abstract base class for {link}.
File cannot be interpreted.
Convert a BufferedImage to a different type by caching image data on disk.
An interface for providing read access to files.
Custom Implementation of FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize to fix rounding bug
A dialog for first-time users.
An ImageOp which scales its source.
An ImageOp which scales its source.
Allows a player to ping a location ("send up a flare") by clicking on a map with the correct modifier key combination held down (default: Alt+LeftClick).
A configurer for different combinations of modifier key
A configurer for our reportFormat, which includes the unique $FlareLocation$, $FlareZone$, $FlareMap$ properties as well as $PlayerName$ and $PlayerSide$ in the "Insert" pulldown.
A Command for sending Flare actions to other clients
Utility subclass of FormattedStringConfigurer which includes variable keys for player name, side, and id
A label which word-wraps and fully justifies its text, and which reflows the text when resized.
A Configurer for Fontvalues
A Configurer for Font values
Container for definitions of Generic Color Definitions
Class that implements a names Font Swatch
Displays a movement trail indicating where a piece has been moved
Key Command Global Visibility Circle Radius Fill Color Line Color Selected Transparency Unselected Transparency Edge Buffer Display Limit Edge Buffer Point Limit
A standard Formatted String configurer that has an additional Calculator icon that: a) Indicates to the user that $name$ variables can be used in this field b) Clicking on it opens up an Expression Builder that allows entry of in-line Calculated Properties (Not implemented yet)
A small 'Calculator' button added after the text to indicate this Configurer accepts Expressions. A String that can include options of the form $optionName$.
Report Format or old-style Formatted String expression containing at least one $variable$ name reference
This KeyListener forwards key event from a Map to the Chatter The event is forwarded only if not consumed
This KeyListener forwards key event from a Map to the KeyBuffer, where it is given to selected GamePieces to interpret.
d/b/a "Can Rotate" A Decorator that rotates a GamePiece to an arbitrary angle
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Moved to package.
A GameComponent is any object which reacts to the start/end of a game, or whose state can be saved as part of a game.
The GameModule class is the base class for a VASSAL module.
Last type of game save/load for our current game
Utility base class for GameModule-related actions, with auxiliary actions and error reporting.
Interface to deal with the behaviors of a physical component of the game, or a Trait of one.
BeanShell proxy for the Vassal GamePiece object BeanShell proxies control access to Vassal components and expose a consistent API to BeanShell Scripts.
Convenience class that provides prompts for the properties found in a BasicPiece
Container for definitions of Generic Counter Definitions.
Container for definitions of Generic Counter Definitions.
An ImageOp which has a GamePiece as its source.
An ImageOp which uses a GamePiece as its source.
GameRefresher Replace all counters in the same game with the current version of the counters defined in the module
Represents a step during the initialization of a game in which the player must specify some information See #addGameSetupStep(SetupStep)
The GameState contains methods to track and read/write the complete enumerated game state of the game currently being played.
GeneralFilter is a pluggable image resampler.
A Bell filter.
A box filter.
A B-spline filter.
The abstract base class for filters.
A Hermite filter.
A Lanczos filter with radius 3.
A Mitchell filter.
A triangle, or bilinear, filter.
A Map grid that consists of a regular tiling of shapes
Reads Properties generated by Git-Commit-Id-Plugin
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with Attachment -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and attaches them
The heart of all the different forms of Global Key Command, GlobalCommand handles sending a key command to multiple pieces, potentially on multiple maps, as long as they match its filtering condition.
GlobalCommandTarget configures and stores the "Fast Match" parameters of Global Key Commands, allowing certain simple filters to be "pre-matched" without having to initiate the (relatively slower) BeanShell filters.
Comparison Modes for property match
Specifies the type of GKC being configured (affects which Target options are allowed)
Specifies the kind of target matching
When processing a GlobalCommand (either a Global Key Command or an Attachment command), this applies the "additional properties filter"
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with Attachment -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and *detaches* them
Adds a menu entry that fires a specified key event to the module window.
This version of MassKeyCommand is added directly to a GameModule and applies to all maps.
This is scaled version of a Map that gives an overview.
GlobalOptions is a junction point for several flavors of "preferences"-related categories.
Configurer for the Player's ID
The Prompt class allows certain attribute settings to be configured by the module designer: ALWAYS = the "preference" is forced on NEVER = the "preference" is forced off PROMPT = the player actually receives a preference on the General tab to control this behavior
The PromptOnOff class allows certain attribute settings to be configured by the module designer: ALWAYS = the "preference" is forced on NEVER = the "preference" is forced off
A set of global preferences shared by all modules.
Dummy component that acts as a simple container for GlobalProperty components
A component that can contain global properties
Adds a global property to a Map or Module
Command to pass a new Global property value to other players or into the logfile.
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with SetPieceProperty -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and sets their properties
Adds a global property to a Map or Module
Dummy component that acts as a simple container for GlobalProperty components
Build a cross-reference of all GpId-able elements in a module or ModuleExtension, Check for missing, duplicate or illegal GamePieceId's Update if necessary
GameModule and ModuleExtension are the top-level components and must provide some Namespace services for generated GamePiece Identifiers.
A Component that can contain a MapGrid
Provides methods for assigning names to locations on a MapGrid, and drawing those locations when drawing a grid
Handles the drawing of cards in a PlayerHand.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use HashCodeBuilder instead.
Places an entry in the Help menu.
A Window that displays HTML content, with navigation
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
To be replaced
A Hexgrid is a map grid composed of hexes.
This removes all game pieces from the (@link Map) therefore providing an un-cluttered view.
An interface that defines how to draw GamePieces that are selected
A class extending a JTextField that can display a 'ghost' text prompt in the field when it is empty.
A Configurer for KeyStroke values
Text component for specifying a hot key
An HtmlChart is used for displaying html information for the module.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Parses image tags out of an HTML file or string.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Apache HttpComponents instead.
Performs Get and Post operations to a given URL
Delegates calls to another SvrConnection instance, which can be changed programmatically
Manage and Provide Icons in standard sizes.
An IconFamily is a named set of Icons in the four standard Tango sizes.
An Exception indicating that an illegal operation was performed when building a Buildable component.
A Configurer for Image values.
A FileFilter for GIF, JPEG, PNG, and SVG images.
An exception indicating some I/O problem while reading an image file.
An image loader which wraps ImageIO.
An interface for loading images.
An exception indicating that an image file was not found.
An abstract representation of an operation which may be applied to an {link Image}.
ImageOpObservers can be notified on the completion of an ImageOp.
This allows the user to capture a snapshot of the entire map into a PNG file.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An interface for "things that contain images" to ship off convenient packages of filename.
Allows a user to select from the images currently available in a module, or to open a File Dialog to import a new image.
An ImageOp which uses a fixed image as its source.
An on-disk ImageTileSource and FileStore for image tiles.
An interface for classes which supply image tiles.
Converts an image file to tile files.
An interface for converting BufferedImages from one type to another.
d/b/a "Does Not Stack" Decorator that filters events to prevent a GamePiece from being selected and/or moved.
Action for importing foreign modules into VASSAL.
Abstract parent of all importer classes.
Class representing the metadata for an Importable file.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Increments a property by a given value.
The IndexManager maintains a set of indexes on GamePieces that will primarily be used by the GKC Fast-match mechanism to quickly find sets of pieces that meet certain critera.
Class for storing release-related information
Pumps an InputStream to an OutputStream.
Pumps an InputStream.
Controls for configuring an individual ItemInstance
A Configurer for Integer values
A whole number Module Preference.
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.
An expression consisting of an Integer only
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Filter to select pieces required
When invoked, will Kick another player out of his current room back to the Main Room.
A Command that, when executed, sends game synchronization information to a given SimplePlayer
Date: Mar 16, 2003
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use IOUtils instead.
The base portion of a Counter Layout component.
Individual override parameters for an instance of an Item.
A Configurer for a String that enforces the string to be a valid Java name
This class exists solely for checking if Java can load classes compiled with the class version we've used.
When invoked, will join a game room on the server
The KeyBuffer is the list of "currently selected pieces" in the VASSAL UI (map windows).
Selects and unselects pieces on the map, using the mouse.
Represents a sub-menu in a GamePiece's right-click drop-down menu
Configurer for specifying key masks (CTRL, SHIFT, CTRL-ALT, etc.)
Translates key codes into human-readable strings (e.g.
Configures an array of keystrokes
Utility class for associating an Action with a keystroke from multiple different component sources
Utility class for registering a component as a source of hotkey events
When invoked, will Kick another player out of his current room back to the Main Room.
d/b/a "Text Label" Displays a text label, with content specified by the user at runtime.
Extended HTML Editor kit to let the tag display images from the module DataArchive where no pathname is included in the image name.
Container for definitions of Translations.
A JButton for placing into a VASSAL component's toolbar.
Encapsulates and parses command-line arguments.
The Exception thrown by LaunchRequest when command line arguments cannot be parsed.
Adds a button to the toolbar to manipulate Game Piece Layers
The optional "Game Piece Layers" component of a Map which allows pieces on the map to be assigned to an arbitrary number of visual layers according to a property setting.
The PieceCollection class used by the Map to which a LayeredPieceCollection has been added.
Configures a variable-length list of objects
Editor tool for finding all the key commands (and named key commands) in a module, and applying sorts/filters to them.
A Widget that corresponds to a panel with a JList sitting to the right of a JPanel with a CardLayout layout.
Loads a module in play mode
Configure a Locale Value using full, localized Language and Country names
Singleton class for managing the translation of a module into other languages
A room that may be locked
Renders rooms with a "locked" icon if locked Change Owners name to display Red
Watches for thread lock on a server.
A FileFilter for VASSAL logs and saved games.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A FileFilter for VASSAL logs.
An OutputStream which feeds an Logger.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Logger instead.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A Configurer for Long values
Code for controlling looping common to both TriggerAction and DoActionButton
A class that allows the user to draw a straight line on a Map (LOS = Line Of Sight).
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Only passes commands that are allowed in the Main Room
Requires that at least one child of a given type exist within a target component
The Map is the main component for displaying and containing GamePieces during play.
BeanShell proxy for the Vassal Map object BeanShell proxies control access to Vassal components and expose a consistent API to BeanShell Scripts.
Report format configurer for "modified on map"
Report format configurer for "created on map"
Autoconfigurer for map's icon used on its launch button
The Layout responsible for arranging insets which overlay the Map InsetLayout currently is responsible for keeping the GlobalMap in the upper-left corner of the Map.View.
Implements default logic for merging pieces (into a Stack or Deck} at a given location within a map Returns a Command that merges the input GamePiece with an existing piece at the input position, provided the pieces are stackable, visible, in the same layer, etc.
Report format configurer for "moved to map"
Report format configurer for "moved within map"
Autoconfigurer for mark-unmoved icon
Report format configurer for clear movement history
The (JPanel-extending) component that represents the map itself
The map board itself.
Line styles for hex sides and hex lines.
line patter such as dashed or dotted or solid
A FileFilter for ADC2 map boards.
Centers the map when user right-clicks on an empty hex
A MapGrid overlays a map board to constrain the legal locations of GamePieces
Draw shaded regions on a map.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Pieces that contribute to shading must implement this interface
A generic Decorator that retains in its state the value of a property.
Adds a button to a map window toolbar.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Edits an entire set of GamePieces at once
Class to load a directory full of images and create counters
Designates the piece as a "Mat" on which other pieces ("Cargo") can be placed.
Designates the piece as "Cargo", which can be placed on a "Mat" to move along with it
A utility class for holding and manipulating Mats and their Cargo
Convert a BufferedImage to a different type, in memory.
A utility class for getting information about system memory.
A class that provides scrolling capabilities to a long menu dropdown or popup menu.
This trait puts a menu separator bar in the context menu for the piece
A message in a message board
Simple abstraction of a message board Date: Mar 11, 2003
UI controls for posting and retrieving messages from a message board.
Adds controls to post/retrieve message from a message board
An optional extension to a GameModule Like a GameModule, it is built from scratch from a 'buildFile' in a DataArchive The components described in the buildFile are appended to components in the base DataArchive
A command that verifies that a certain extension has been loaded
A FileFilter for VASSAL module extensions.
A FileFilter for VASSAL modules.
Tracks recently-used modules and builds the main GUI window for interacting with modules.
Class representing the metadata for a Module or an Extension.
A ModulePlugin is basically identical to a ModuleExtension except that is loaded earlier and must throw Plugin specific error messages
Adds a button to a Maps toolbar that moves the view/camera to a specific point
d/b/a "Mark When Moved" A GamePiece with this trait will automatically be marked whenever it is moved.
Builds an auto-report message for a collection of Move Commands
A version of the MovementReporter for reporting the movement of Invisible pieces.
Command that moves a piece to a new location and position within a stack.
Convenience class for building MovePiece commands.
Generic interface for sending messages
Combines multiple buttons from the toolbar into a single button.
An interface to provide support for EventListeners.
Allows a single trait to generate multiple context menu commands, using a set of filtered map locations.
Lets our special key commands carry a bit of extra baggage around "for our later reference"
A component that can contain mutable (updatable) properties
Simple implementation of MutablePropertiesContainer
A container for a String property that can be updated
Simple implementation of MutableProperty Support dynamic changing of the property name, provided that the MutableProperty.Impl.addTo(MutablePropertiesContainer) method is used to register this property with a properties container.
A configurer for Configuring Key Strokes.
A NamedKeyStroke is a KeyStroke with a name given by the module developer.
Configures an array of {link NamedKeyStrokes}
Extension of KeyStrokeListener to support NamedKeyStroke's and store the supplied NamedKeyStroke.
Configurer for Color values
Creates a new module extension and opens an extension edit window
Provides information about whether a game was started from File->New Game or loaded from a saved game
Base class for the hierarchical server model.
A SimplePlayer subclass used in clients of the hierarchical server
Subclass of SimpleRoom for use on the client side of a hierarchical server
A button with no insets to be as small as possible
A trait for assigning an arbitrary shape to a GamePiece
This is a GameComponent that allows players to type and save text notes during a game.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Requires that the object does not have null configurable name
An Empty Expression
Prompts for an integer value
A FilterOutputStream which handles simple obfuscation of a file's contents, to prevent the casual cheat of hand-editing.
d/b/a "Mask" Trait that lets some traits of a piece be hidden "from some players, some of the time".
Determines whether players are allowed to unmask other players pieces.
An operation with a cacheable result.
A memory-sensitive cache for Ops and their results.
A cache key for OpCache.
Action to edit all GamePiece's within a given component in separate Piece Definer windows
An implementation of Icon using an ImageOp as a source.
An OpObserver is notified when its Op completes..
Pumps an OutputStream.
An immutable class for pairs of objects.
A Widget that corresponds to a JPanel with a GridLayout or BoxLayout layout.
A Description of a Parameter to be set in a target gamepiece - A Dynamic property name - A value, which may be an expression and contain $$ variables.
A Configurer for the Parameter class The value stored as the value in the Configurer is a Parameter Object
Configurer for a List of Parameters The object stored in the value of the Configurer is a List
Date: Mar 11, 2003
Date: Mar 12, 2003
A container holding properties that must be maintained as part of the Game State (saved with saved games, passed to other clients via logfile/server, etc).
Defines ability of a player to access a GamePiece
Global utility class to temporarily restrict access to all piece
Utility class for cloning GamePieces
A PieceCollection generally holds a list of GamePieces on a Map.
This is the GamePiece designer dialog.
A Dialog for editing an EditablePiece's properties
Contents of the Copy/Paste buffer for traits in the editor
A filter for GamePieces Sample implementations include: PropertyExpression - used for "matching expressions" in Global Key Commands and the like RangeFilter - filters for pieces within range of a point BooleanOrPieceFilter - "OR"s two Filters together to make one Amazing Disjunctive Filter BooleanAndPieceFilter - "AND"s two Filters together and you'd better satisfy both CounterDetailViewer.Filter - Filter created from Mouseover Stack Viewer settings Inventory.Selector - Layered filter for Piece Inventory window
This interface defines selection criteria for finding a GamePiece in a Map
Returns a Mat that overlaps this piece
Object encapsulating the internationalization information for a GamePiece.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use GamePieceOp instead.
An iterator for GamePieces.
PieceMover handles the "Drag and Drop" of pieces and stacks, onto or within a Map window.
Common functionality for DragHandler for cases with and without drag image support.
Picks the correct drag handler based on our OS, DragSource, and preferences.
VASSAL's front-line drag handler for drag-and-drop of pieces.
Special MacOSX variant of DragHandler, because of differences in how device scaling is handled.
Fallback drag-handler when DragImage not supported by JRE.
Maintain a reverse cross-reference of property values to GamePieces that have that value for a given property.
Adds a button to a Maps toolbar that adjusts the positions of all pieces so that their centroid is at the center of the map
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A Component that displays a GamePiece.
Sorts GamePieces according to their position: If on different Maps, order by Map id If in different Stacks order by Stack position on the Map If in the same Stack, order by position within the Stack
For implementing a somewhat modified Visitor pattern for GamePieces.
For implementing a modified Visitor pattern on GamePieces.
A window from which players can create new GamePieces by clicking and dragging from the PieceWindow.
d/b/a "Can Pivot" Provides commands to pivot a Game Piece around a given point
This Decorator defines a key command to places another counter on top of this one.
Represents an occupant of a chat room, i.e. a VASSAL user connected to the server
Access is granted if GameModule.getUserId() matches
Date: Mar 16, 2003
Utility subclass of FormattedStringConfigurer which includes variable keys for player name, side, and id
use FormattedString constructor with defaultProperties
Utility subclass of FormattedStringConfigurer which includes variable keys for player name, side, and id
A window that displays information on a SimplePlayer
Node representing a single player.
Maintains a list of players involved in the current game
Call-back interface for when a player changes sides during a game
Represents the current status of a player on the server.
A trait that plays a sound clip
Plugin is a general purpose component for use by Module Plugins that require some sort of initialisation.
Load Plugins.
Any components that are added to the module by a Plugin MUST implement PluginElement to prevent them being written to the buildFile when saving the module.
A FileFilter for PNG images.
Defines a saved game that is accessible from the File menu.
A set of preferences.
Date: Mar 16, 2003
Manages PrivateChatter instances
A window for private messages between the user and another player;
A Map that may be configured to be visible only a particular side.
When invoked, will open a private message window to another player
Holds PrivateText objects, only displaying the one owned by the current user
A text message with an owner
A Command that encapsulates a private chat message from another SimplePlayer
A wrapper for returning processes from a ProcessLauncher.
A cancellable progress dialog.
A progress handler.
Defines the properties expected to be defined in each GamePiece
Encodes a set of properties into a String, without using an '\n' character.
Accepts pieces based on whether the piece has properties that match a given set of conditions
Window for editing properties of a Configurable object
Represents a named property with a specified type.
Provides a new value for a global property.
Configurer instance that allows a module editor to specify a PropertyChanger, i.e. the way in which a dynamic property will be updated by a player during a game
Provides an interface for getting and setting Propertys and listening for changes to them.
Interface for classes that can export the names and values of the properties they maintain
A Configurer for Java Expressions
The listener interface for receiving Property change events.
An old-style Property Match expression.
A Builder for a field that can contain a property Name or a beanshell expression.
A Configurer for Java Expressions
A component that exposes properties
Prompts user for a new value
Provides a fixed value The value can be specified as a FormattedString property and evaluated at runtime
A Decorator class that endows a GamePiece with a dialog.
A PropertySource provides an interface to read properties (values), usually game- or UI-related, from various game objects.
An interface for handling PropertyListeners.
Utility method for encoding server-related commands into strings.
Container for definitions of Game Piece prototypes.
Enumeration of node types.
Datastructure: A point Quad Tree for representing 2D data.
A Callable which calls a Callable retrieved from a queue.
Allows certain special characters at the beginning of a string to control a color styling, as an easier shortcut than putting style="color:#00ffff;" tags in every message.
A Runnable which operates on a rolling range.
Accepts all pieces within a specified range of a given point on a map
Utility class for reporting an IOException reading from the local system or a resource bundled with the VASSAL engine
A simple preferences class which permits reading stored values.
Utility class to detect and report Infinite Loops within Vassal components
Ensures that at most a single instance of a given type belongs to a given parent Runs Recursively down whole component tree from target, using Buildable.isUnique to identify sub-components that should be unique Designed to be attached to the GameModule.
Holds a mutable reference.
Abstract base class for grid numbering classes for hexagonal and rectangular grids
Remote version of IncrementProperty, sets the value into a DP in a different piece, replacing any $$ variables in the expression with values from the source piece.
Change for updating a remote DP by a prompted entry.
A PropertySetter that runs agains a remote DP, replaces $$ values from a local piece
This Command removed a GamePiece from a game.
An ImageOpObserver which repaints Components.
GamePiece trait that replaces a GamePiece with another one
d/b/a "Report Action" A GamePiece with this trait will echo the piece's current name when any of a given key commands are pressed (and after they take effect)
Looks in both the new and old piece for property values.
An rereadable InputStream.
RestrictCommands Restrict the availability of Key Commands, depending on a Property Match String
d/b/a "Restricted Access" A GamePiece with the Restricted trait can only be manipulated by the player playing a specific side
GamePiece trait that returns a piece to a DrawPile
Describes a set of DieRolls
Represents a game room on the server
Adds mouse listeners to the RoomTree components: double-click to join a room, etc.
Tracks players entering/exiting a room
JTree component displaying chat rooms on the server
Cell render component for RoomTree
An ImageOp which rotates its source about its center.
An ImageOp which both rotates and scales its source.
An ImageOp which rotates and scales its source.
An ImageOp which rotates and scales its source.
General-purpose "Save" action
General-purpose "Save As" action
Class representing the metadata for a Save Game/Log File.
Paints an image at arbitrary scale.
An ImageOp which scales its source.
An ImageOp which scales its source.
An ImageOp which scales its source and cobbles scaled tiles from the tile cache.
A free-standing class to display the combined Scenario options
A Command to record the lock status of an individual Scenario Options tab
Container for Scripts.
This component listens to key events on a Map window and scrolls the map.
ScrollPane extends JScrollPane to have complete mouse-wheel functionality.
An interface for "things the editor might search for with its 'Search' function" to ship off convenient packages of searchable strings in various categories.
Represents a text note with an owner and hidden/revealed status.
Send a wake-up sound to another player - Can't wake-up oneself - No wake-ups in the default room - No wake-ups to people in different rooms - No wake-up to the same person in the same room until at least 5 seconds has passed.
This trait adds a command that sends a piece to another location.
Encodes a sequence of Strings into a single String with a given delimiter.
The server-side Main class
Specifies the server implementation in the Preferences
Represents the connection to a live server
Represents the history and current state of connections to the chat room server
Shows the current status of connections to the server
Interface for user interaction with {org.vassalengine.module.ServerWindow}
This Command sets a Persistent Property in a PersistentPropertyContainer.
When executed, adds a PrivateText to a specified set.
A Future which provides methods for setting its result.
This is the "At-Start Stack" component, which initializes a Map or Board with a specified stack.
ShadowDice Dice Server
Action that displays a HelpWindow
When invoked, will show profile information about another player
Access is granted if PlayerRoster.getMySide() matches
A Configurer for configuring Configurable components (Is that as redundant as it sounds?)
An uninterruptable SettableFuture.
A SimplePieceCollection is used within a CompoundPieceCollection to maintain an array of the pieces/stacks/decks (GamePiece) within a single visual layer.
Simple Player bean
A simple Room bean
Immutable PlayerStatus class with flags indicating "looking for a game" and "away from keyboard" and a String profile
Ensures that at most a single instance of a given type belongs to a given parent
A PropertyContainer which holds one Property.
An expression consisting of a single property name
Bogus extension of list that takes up less space.
Generic interface for listening to a socket
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use {link java.util.Collections.sort} instead.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use the natural ordering on Strings instead.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Comparator instead.
Compare 2 GamePieces based on a List of SortParameters
Configurer for specifying a Clip.
Encodes commands that play sounds This class is used exclusively by the 'Send wake-up' server feature.
An ImageOp which provides a source.
An ImageOp which loads an image from the DataArchive.
An ImageOp which loads tiles from the tile cache.
An ImageOp which loads an image from the DataArchive.
An ImageOp which loads an image from the DataArchive, but produces tiles loaded from the tile cache.
An ImageOp for producing tiles directly from a source, without cobbling tiles from the source.
An ImageOp for producing tiles directly from a source, without cobbling tiles from the source.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Command for displaying the results of a roll of the dice
Access is granted if PlayerRoster.getMySide() is in a specified list
Displays an image centered on the screen
A Stack is a collection of pieces in the same location that can often be moved with a single drag-and-drop.
BeanShell proxy for the Vassal GamePiece object BeanShell proxies control access to Vassal components and expose a consistent API to BeanShell Scripts.
StackMetrics provides the [Stacking options] component of a Map.
A Global Key Command that is automatically invoked on game start-up, once the various Key Listeners have been started.
GamePieces may implement this interface to implement "merge" functionality of their state.
Copyright (c) 2003 by Rodney Kinney.
A Configurer that returns an array of Strings
A Configurer for String values
Wrapper class for an enumerated type.
A Configurer that returns a String from among a list of possible values
A Configurer that returns a String from among a list of possible values
An expression consisting of a String only
A String Module Preference.
A trait that groups menu items of other traits into a sub-menu
For property names of the form sum(name), returns the value of the named property summed over a list of pieces.
Utility methods for manipulating SVG images.
An ImageOp which produces images from SVG.
Render an SVG image to a BufferedImage.
ADC2 game piece and terrain symbols.
A FileFilter for ADC2 symbol sets.
When invoked, will request synchronization info from another player - Cannot Synch when in the default room - Cannot Synch with a player in a different room - Cannot Synch with yourself - Cannot Synch with any player in the same room within 15 seconds of your last synch in this room
A Command that, when executed, sends game synchronization information to a given SimplePlayer
Date: Mar 16, 2003
d/b/a "Spreadsheet" A Decorator class that endows a GamePiece with an editable spreadsheet (i.e.
A Widget that corresponds to a JTabbedPane.
Tail a file.
A factory for temporary files.
Stores components in a dummy toolbar, then transfers them to another toolbar component when it becomes available.
A Configurer that allows multi-line string input via a JTextArea
A multi-line textbox Module Preference.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An exception indicating that a tile file was not found.
Slices an image into tiles.
Slices an image into tiles.
Reconstitute an image from tile files.
Converts tile files to image files.
A class for reading and writing image tiles.
A launcher for the process which tiles large images.
Indicates a component with a toolbar
Takes buttons from the toolbar of a Map or the main module and places them into a popup menu
A standardised Panel for use by Trait configurers
A standardised MigLayout for use by Trait configurers
Defines VASSAL's standard interface for getting and setting XML (buildFile) attributes, as well as attendant i18n translatable field infrastructure.
A Class representing an Attribute of a Component that can be translated.
A trait to expose a translated string as a readable/displayable property.
Decorators that contain localizable elements must implement this interface
A container for a String property that can be translated
Simple implementation of TranslatableString Support dynamic changing of the property name, provided that the TranslatableString.Impl.addTo(TranslatableStringContainer) method is used to register this property with a properties container.
A component that can contain mutable (updatable) properties
Simple implementation of TranslatableStringContainer
Wrapper class for an enumerated type.
d/b/a "Move Fixed Distance" Give a piece a command that moves it a fixed amount in a particular direction, optionally tracking the current rotation of the piece.
Batches up all the movement commands resulting from a single KeyEvent and executes them at once.
Action to open the Translation Window for a component
Window for editing translations of a Configurable object
Custom CellEditor to support CopyButtons in JTable cells
Custom Cell Renderer to support CopyButtons in JTable cells
Custom Tree Node implementation
A Configurer that allows a user to select from an underlying list of values, based on a translatable list of descriptions of those values.
Macro Execute a series of Keystrokes against this same piece - Triggered by own KeyCommand or list of keystrokes - Match against an optional Property Filter
Generic Turn Component
Generic Turn Counter
Provides tutorial functionality by reading in a logfile
A class for assigning unique identifiers to objects.
An object with an identifier that can be manipulated by a UniqueIdManager
Ensures that any children of a given type have unique configure names
An exception indicating that an image file is not a recognized type.
d/b/a "Prototype" This trait is a placeholder for a pre-defined series of traits specified in a PrototypeDefinition object.
A dialog for setting a username and password.
Summarizes error/warning messages about invalid module configuration
Dialog for reporting the results of validating a GameModule
Performs validation checks on Buildable objects
Maintain a set of Indexes about location related information of pieces on a Vassal Map. 1.
A Quadtree index of pieces on the playable area of the Map.
VASSAL PropertyResourceBundle - Expose setParent()
Utility class to allow translation of VASSAL using the Component Translation mechanism.
Allow "Anding" two VisibilityCondition items together, dealing with the whole "null means visible" situation
A Preferences option controlling the visibility of a window
Date: Mar 11, 2003
A general-purpose configurable GUI container Widgets are Configurable objects that represent AWT components.
Provides support for two different wizards.
Branches the wizard by forwarding to the Wizard stored in the wizard settings under a specified key
Wizard pages for starting a new game.
Wizard pages for loading a saved game
Wizard pages for starting a new game offline
Loads a saved game in the background.
Wizard page for an unfinished GameSetupStep
FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components.
Tiles images contained in a ZIP archive.
A class for writing ZIP archives.
Our configurer for the Zone, including ability to edit the polygon
Map Grid that contains any number of Zones against a background MapGrid
A Class that defines a method of highlighting the a zone in a multi-zoned grid.
Controls the zooming in/out of a Map window.
Stores the state information for the Zoomer.