Class Stack

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertySource, GamePiece, StateMergeable, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Stack extends AbstractImageFinder implements GamePiece, StateMergeable
A Stack is a collection of pieces in the same location that can often be moved with a single drag-and-drop. Because it implements the GamePiece interface, a Stack is formally a kind of GamePiece itself, which can lead to confusion when the terms pieces, GamePieces, etc are used loosely/interchangeably. The kind of "pieces" a Stack contains are the "regular" kind of pieces that have a BasicPiece plus an optional group of Decorator traits.

A standard Stack will only contain pieces that are "stackable" (i.e. doesn't have a "Does Not Stack" Immobilized trait with stacking disabled, so that Properties.NO_STACK is false) and share the same X/Y position on the same Map, and all stackable pieces on a Map will always be part of some Stack -- even single stackable pieces will have a Stack created to contain them. Stacks should contain only pieces from the same visual layer (see LayeredPieceCollection), but presently bad behaviors can still develop (e.g. a piece uses a Dynamic Property to control its Game Piece Layer, and ends up changing layers without the Stack noticing) -- ideally we should straighten that out in future versions.

Deck is a further extension of Stack which utilizes the piece-grouping code but overrides other aspects (e.g. can allow pieces regardless of their "stackability", has different drag-and-drop behavior, etc) to create a different kind of grouping.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Stack

      public Stack()
    • Stack

      public Stack(GamePiece p)
      Creates a Stack to contain a specific stackable piece.
      p - piece to make a stack for
  • Method Details

    • getPiecesIterator

      public Iterator<GamePiece> getPiecesIterator()
    • getPieces

      @Deprecated(since="2020-08-06", forRemoval=true) public Enumeration<GamePiece> getPieces()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      an Enumeration of the pieces in the stack, from the bottom up This is a clone of the contents so add/remove operations during read won't affect it.
    • asList

      public List<GamePiece> asList()
      A list of the pieces in the stack.
      a List which is a defensive copy of GamePieces contained in this Stack
    • getPiecesReverseIterator

      public Iterator<GamePiece> getPiecesReverseIterator()
    • getPiecesInVisibleOrderIterator

      public Iterator<GamePiece> getPiecesInVisibleOrderIterator()
      Returns pieces in the order in which they are visible to the player -- topmost first In other words, selected pieces first, then unselected pieces from the top to the bottom.
    • getLayer

      public int getLayer()
      the visual layer we're bound to, or LAYER_NOT_SET if it we haven't been bound yet. Keeps the stack oriented to its correct Game Piece Layer - see LayeredPieceCollection
    • remove

      public void remove(GamePiece p)
      p - Piece to remove from the stack
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
    • removePieceAt

      protected void removePieceAt(int index)
      index - Index of piece to remove from the stack
    • removePieceAt

      protected void removePieceAt(int index, boolean suppressDeckCounts)
      index - Index of piece to remove from the stack
      suppressDeckCounts - true if this is should not update deck counts nor fire last-card-in-deck (ignored in a mere Stack)
    • pieceRemoved

      public Command pieceRemoved(GamePiece p)
      Perform some action on a GamePiece that has just been removed this Stack
      p - GamePiece
      a Command that performs the equivalent action when executed
    • insertPieceAt

      protected void insertPieceAt(GamePiece p, int index)
      Insert a piece at a particular point in the stack
      p - piece to insert
      index - place to insert it
    • insertPieceAt

      protected void insertPieceAt(GamePiece p, int index, boolean suppressDeckCounts)
      Insert a piece at a particular point in the stack
      p - piece to insert
      index - place to insert it
      suppressDeckCounts - true if ONLY the Stack part of the operation should be performed (we're just rearranging deck order and so don't want extra property updates). Ignored at Stack level.
    • removeAll

      public void removeAll()
      Marks the stack as empty
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(GamePiece p)
      Finds the index of a piece in the stack
      p - Piece to locate
      The index of the piece, or -1 if it is not present in the stack
    • getPieceAt

      public GamePiece getPieceAt(int index)
      index - Index in the stack
      the piece at the specified index
    • add

      public void add(GamePiece c)
      Adds a piece to the stack. If the piece already exists in the stack, moves it to the top
      c - Stack to add piece to
    • insertChild

      public void insertChild(GamePiece child, int index)
      Adds a GamePiece to this Stack. Slightly more efficient than insert(VASSAL.counters.GamePiece, int) because it assumes the piece does not already belong to this Stack.
      child - GamePiece to insert
      index - Insert Index
    • getPieceCount

      public int getPieceCount()
      the number of pieces in the stack
    • getMaximumVisiblePieceCount

      public int getMaximumVisiblePieceCount()
      Return the number of pieces that could possible be drawn in the stack, regardless of visibility to any particular player
      Piece Count
    • insert

      public void insert(GamePiece p, int pos)
      Inserts a child GamePiece at a given index. If the child piece already belongs to this Stack, it will be repositioned to the given index.
      p - GamePiece to insert
      pos - Insert position
    • pieceAdded

      public Command pieceAdded(GamePiece p)
      Perform some action on a GamePiece that has just been added to this Stack
      p - Game Piece
      a Command that performs the equivalent action when executed
    • draw

      public void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y, Component obs, double zoom)
      If the obs parameter is a Map, delegate drawing of this Stack to the StackMetrics of that Map. If obs is not a Map, use the default StackMetrics
      Specified by:
      draw in interface GamePiece
      g - target Graphics object
      x - x-location of the center of the piece
      y - y-location of the center of the piece
      obs - the Component on which this piece is being drawn
      zoom - the scaling factor.
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName(boolean localized)
      localized - if true, use the localized names
      a comma-separated list of the names of the pieces in this Stack
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      The plain English name for this piece
      Specified by:
      getName in interface GamePiece
      a comma-separated list of the (non-localized) names of the pieces in this Stack
    • getLocalizedName

      public String getLocalizedName()
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      And the translated name for this piece
      Specified by:
      getLocalizedName in interface GamePiece
      a comma-separated list of the (localized) names of the pieces in this Stack
    • boundingBox

      public Rectangle boundingBox()
      Specified by:
      boundingBox in interface GamePiece
      bounding box for the stack (minimum rectangle to contain the bounding boxes of all the pieces inside)
    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface GamePiece
      shape for the stack (shape to contain the shapes of all the pieces inside)
    • selectNext

      public void selectNext(GamePiece c)
      Finds and selects (in the UI) the next piece in the stack after this one
      c - Starting piece
    • getPieceBeneath

      public GamePiece getPieceBeneath(GamePiece p)
      Finds the piece "underneath" the one provided
      p - Starting piece
      piece underneath it, or null if none.
    • getPieceAbove

      public GamePiece getPieceAbove(GamePiece p)
      Finds the piece "above" the one provided
      p - Starting piece
      piece above it, or null if none.
    • topPiece

      public GamePiece topPiece()
      CAUTION: returns the top VISIBLE piece in the stack, or null if none is visible.
      the top visible piece in this stack
    • topPiece

      public GamePiece topPiece(String playerId)
      playerId - Player Id to check
      the top piece in this stack that is visible to the player with the given id
      See Also:
    • bottomPiece

      public GamePiece bottomPiece(String playerId)
      playerId - Player Id to Check
      the bottom piece in this stack that is visible to the player with the given id
      See Also:
    • bottomPiece

      public GamePiece bottomPiece()
      the bottom visible piece in this stack
    • nVisible

      public int nVisible()
      Number of GamePieces that are visible to me
    • keyEvent

      public Command keyEvent(KeyStroke stroke)
      Processes a key command for this stack, by sending it to the top visible piece in the stack.
      Specified by:
      keyEvent in interface GamePiece
      stroke - keystroke to process
      Command encapsulating anything that happened as a result
      See Also:
    • isExpanded

      public boolean isExpanded()
      true if stack has been visually expanded by the player
    • setExpanded

      public void setExpanded(boolean b)
      Sets the expansion state of the stack. Players can expand (and un-expand) stacks by e.g. double-clicking on them. Expanded stacks are generally shown with the pieces drawn further apart, the better to see the individual pieces. When a stack is expanded, drag-and-drop operations can affect an individual piece rather than only the whole group.
      b - true if stack should be expanded, false if not
    • getState

      public String getState()
      Encodes the game state information of the stack into a string
      Specified by:
      getState in interface GamePiece
      Current encoded "game state" string for the stack
    • setState

      public void setState(String s)
      Decodes the game state information of the stack from a string
      Specified by:
      setState in interface GamePiece
      s - Game state information to be loaded into the stack
    • mergeState

      public void mergeState(String newState, String oldState)
      Compute the difference between newState and oldState and apply that difference to the current state
      Specified by:
      mergeState in interface StateMergeable
      newState - New State
      oldState - Old State
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in interface GamePiece
      the encoding type
      See Also:
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(Object key, Object val)
      Stacks themselves ignore property sets -- use setPropertyOnContents(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object) to apply a property to the members of a stack.
      Specified by:
      setProperty in interface GamePiece
      key - String key of property to be changed
      val - Object containing new value of the property
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      string list of stack contents, for debugging-type purposes
    • setPropertyOnContents

      public void setPropertyOnContents(Object key, Object val)
      Calls setProperty() on each piece in this stack
      key - Property Key
      val - Property Value
    • getProperty

      public Object getProperty(Object key)
      Stacks themselves do not have any properties, so always return null.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface GamePiece
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface PropertySource
      key - String key of property to be returned
      always null
    • getLocalizedProperty

      public Object getLocalizedProperty(Object key)
      Stacks themselves do not have any properties, so always return null.
      Specified by:
      getLocalizedProperty in interface PropertySource
      key - String key of property to be returned
      always null
    • setMap

      public void setMap(Map map)
      Specified by:
      setMap in interface GamePiece
      map - Each stack belongs to a single Map
    • getMap

      public Map getMap()
      Specified by:
      getMap in interface GamePiece
      the map for this Stack
    • getPosition

      public Point getPosition()
      Specified by:
      getPosition in interface GamePiece
      current X/Y position of stack
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition(Point p)
      Specified by:
      setPosition in interface GamePiece
      p - Sets the location of this stack on its Map
    • getParent

      public Stack getParent()
      Stacks cannot contain other stacks/decks, nor be contained in them, so parent is always null.
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface GamePiece
      always null
    • setParent

      public void setParent(Stack s)
      Required for interface but won't be needed for stacks
      Specified by:
      setParent in interface GamePiece
      s - sets the Stack to which this piece belongs.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      Each GamePiece must have a unique String identifier
      Specified by:
      getId in interface GamePiece
      stack's unique ID
      See Also:
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      Each GamePiece must have a unique String identifier
      Specified by:
      setId in interface GamePiece
      id - sets unique ID for this piece
      See Also:
    • setDefaultMetrics

      public static void setDefaultMetrics(StackMetrics s)
      StackMetrics encapsulate information on how to draw expanded/unexpanded views of stacks. This method sets the default metrics for the module, but each map can have its own configuration, which can be found in the [Stacking options] subcomponent of the Map in the Editor.
      s - default stack metrics for the module
    • getStackMetrics

      public StackMetrics getStackMetrics(Map m)
      StackMetrics encapsulate information on how to draw expanded/unexpanded views of stacks. This method retrieves the appropriate stack metrics to use for a given map
      m - a map
      stack metrics for the map, if provided, or the default one for the module.
    • getStackMetrics

      public StackMetrics getStackMetrics()
      StackMetrics encapsulate information on how to draw expanded/unexpanded views of stacks. This method retrieves the appropriate stack metrics to use the stack, based on its map
      stack metrics for the map, if provided, or the default one for the module.
    • getDefaultMetrics

      public StackMetrics getDefaultMetrics()
      StackMetrics encapsulate information on how to draw expanded/unexpanded views of stacks. This method retrieves the default stack metrics for the module.
      default stack metrics for the module
    • addImageNamesRecursively

      public void addImageNamesRecursively(Collection<String> s)
      See AbstractImageFinder Tells each of the pieces in the stack to add its images to the collection
      Specified by:
      addImageNamesRecursively in interface ImageSearchTarget
      addImageNamesRecursively in class AbstractImageFinder
      s - Collection to add image names to