Class GameState

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GameState extends Object implements CommandEncoder
The GameState contains methods to track and read/write the complete enumerated game state of the game currently being played. Its main methods deal with saving/loading games and starting/ending games: see saveGameAs(), loadGame(), setup(boolean). In each case, appropriate calls are made to designated methods in all relevant GameComponents. Can also be queried if a game is in progress isGameStarted() and if the game state has been modified since the last save isModified(). Only one game can be open at once in a single Player, or in a single Editor/Player pair.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GameState

      public GameState()
  • Method Details

    • getAttachmentManager

      public AttachmentManager getAttachmentManager()
    • isLoadingInBackground

      public boolean isLoadingInBackground()
      true if currently loading in background
    • isFastForwarding

      public boolean isFastForwarding()
      true if currently fast-forwarding a log
    • addTo

      public void addTo(GameModule mod)
      Expects to be added to a GameModule. Adds New, Load, Close, and Save entries to the File menu of the controls window
    • isModified

      public boolean isModified()
      true if the game state is different from when it was last saved
    • isSaveEnabled

      public boolean isSaveEnabled()
      true if saveGame action is enabled (mainly to detect if logging can start)
    • addGameComponent

      public void addGameComponent(GameComponent theComponent)
      Add a GameComponent to the list of objects that will be notified when a game is started/ended
    • removeGameComponent

      public void removeGameComponent(GameComponent theComponent)
      Remove a GameComponent from the list of objects that will be notified when a game is started/ended
    • getGameComponents

      public Collection<GameComponent> getGameComponents()
      a Collection of all GameComponent objects that have been added to this GameState
    • addGameSetupStep

      public void addGameSetupStep(GameSetupStep step)
    • removeGameSetupStep

      public void removeGameSetupStep(GameSetupStep step)
      Remove a GameSetupStep
    • getUnfinishedSetupSteps

      public Iterator<GameSetupStep> getUnfinishedSetupSteps()
      an iterator of all GameSetupSteps that are not yet finished
    • setupRefresh

      public void setupRefresh()
    • setup

      public void setup(boolean gameStarting, boolean gameUpdating)
      Start a game for updating (via editor). NOTE: This method is not for use in custom code.
    • updateDone

      public void updateDone()
      Indicated game update is completed and game is saved.
    • isUpdating

      public boolean isUpdating()
    • freshenStartupGlobalKeyCommands

      public void freshenStartupGlobalKeyCommands(AbstractBuildable target)
      When we're known to be starting a fresh game from a Predefined Setup, freshen the starting-a-new-game flag for all SGKCs
      target - the Game Module
    • doStartupGlobalKeyCommands

      public void doStartupGlobalKeyCommands(boolean playerChange)
      Applies all of the Startup Global Key Commands in order, and then blocks undo past this point if any were applied.
    • maybeSaveGame

      public int maybeSaveGame()
      Offers player the chance to save the game if an unsaved one is active and modified
      Whether Yes, No, or Cancel was selected (if Yes was selected, game is saved before returning result). Or NO_NEED_TO_SAVE if game wasn't in a state needing to be saved.
    • setup

      public void setup(boolean gameStarting)
      Start/end a game. Prompt to save if the game state has been modified since last save. Invoke GameComponent.setup(boolean) on all registered GameComponent objects.
    • isGameStarted

      public boolean isGameStarted()
      Return true if a game is currently in progress
    • isNewGameAllowed

      public boolean isNewGameAllowed()
      Return true if starting new games is currently disabled New games are disabled if you are in a multi-player room and are not the owner
    • isSaveMetaDataValid

      public boolean isSaveMetaDataValid(File file)
      file - to validate as a legitimate save file
      true if metadata is valid (or explicitly cleared-for-crash by user) and clear to proceed
    • loadGame

      public void loadGame()
      Read the game from a savefile. The contents of the file is sent to GameModule.decode(java.lang.String) and translated into a Command, which is then executed. The command read from the file should be that returned by getRestoreCommand(). This version for binary compatibility w/ old style.
    • loadGame

      public void loadGame(boolean continuation)
      Read the game from a savefile. The contents of the file is sent to GameModule.decode(java.lang.String) and translated into a Command, which is then executed. The command read from the file should be that returned by getRestoreCommand().
      continuation - if true then do the "old-style" version of load continuation
    • loadGame

      public void loadGame(boolean continuation, boolean forceForeground)
      Read the game from a savefile. The contents of the file is sent to GameModule.decode(java.lang.String) and translated into a Command, which is then executed. The command read from the file should be that returned by getRestoreCommand().
      continuation - if true then do the "old-style" version of load continuation
      forceForeground - if true then force load in foreground
    • loadGame

      public boolean loadGame(File f, boolean continuation)
      Loads a specific file as a saved game
      f - File to load
      continuation - true if this is to be a continuation
      true if a file load was successfully started
    • loadGame

      public boolean loadGame(File f, boolean continuation, boolean forceForeground)
      Loads a specific file as a saved game
      f - File to load
      continuation - true if this is to be a continuation
      true if a file load was successfully started
    • dropFile

      public void dropFile(DropTargetDropEvent dtde)
      Accepts a saved file dropped onto the main window or a map, attempts to load it as a saved game.
      dtde - DropTargetDropEvent from the drop() handler
    • saveString

      protected String saveString()
    • checkForOldSaveFile

      protected boolean checkForOldSaveFile(File f)
    • closeGame

      public void closeGame()
      Closes the game.
    • saveGame

      public void saveGame()
      Saves the game to an existing file, or prompts for a new one.
    • saveGameAs

      public void saveGameAs()
      Prompts the user for a file into which to save the game
    • setModified

      public void setModified(boolean modified)
    • addPiece

      public void addPiece(GamePiece p)
      Add a GamePiece to the current game. The GameState keeps track of all GamePieces in the system, regardless of which Map they belong to (if any)
    • getPieceForId

      public GamePiece getPieceForId(String id)
      the GamePiece in the current game with the given id
    • removePiece

      public void removePiece(String id)
      Remove a GamePiece from the current game
    • removePiece

      public void removePiece(GamePiece piece)
    • getNewPieceId

      public String getNewPieceId()
      a String identifier guaranteed to be different from the id of all GamePieces in the game
      See Also:
    • loadContinuation

      public void loadContinuation(File f) throws IOException
    • getPieces

      @Deprecated(since="2020-08-06", forRemoval=true) public Enumeration<GamePiece> getPieces()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use getAllPieces() instead.
      an Enumeration of all GamePieces in the game
    • getAllPieces

      public Collection<GamePiece> getAllPieces()
      a Collection of all GamePieces in the game
    • getRestoreCommand

      public Command getRestoreCommand()
      a Command that, when executed, will restore the game to its current state -- this command can then be written to a save game file. Invokes GameComponent.getRestoreCommand() on each registered GameComponent, and then creates an AddPiece command for each game piece.
    • encode

      public String encode(Command c)
      A GameState recognizes instances of GameState.SetupCommand
      Specified by:
      encode in interface CommandEncoder
    • decode

      public Command decode(String theCommand)
      A GameState recognizes instances of GameState.SetupCommand
      Specified by:
      decode in interface CommandEncoder
    • saveGameRefresh

      public void saveGameRefresh(ZipArchive archive) throws IOException
    • saveGame

      public void saveGame(File f) throws IOException
    • loadGameInForeground

      public void loadGameInForeground(File f)
    • loadGameInForeground

      public void loadGameInForeground(String shortName, InputStream in) throws IOException
    • loadGameInBackground

      public void loadGameInBackground(File f)
    • loadGameInBackground

      public void loadGameInBackground(String shortName, InputStream in)
    • loadGameInBackground

      public void loadGameInBackground(String shortName, InputStream in, boolean fromPredefinedSetup)
    • getRestorePiecesCommand

      public Command getRestorePiecesCommand()
      a Command that, when executed, will add all pieces currently in the game. Used when saving a game. Pieces are grouped by map, and within a map by visual layer.
    • decodeSavedGame

      public Command decodeSavedGame(File saveFile) throws IOException
      Read a saved game and translate it into a Command. Executing the command will load the saved game.
      saveFile - Save file name
      IOException - I/O Exception
    • decodeSavedGame

      public Command decodeSavedGame(InputStream in) throws IOException
    • getSavedGameDirectoryPreference

      public DirectoryConfigurer getSavedGameDirectoryPreference()
    • getEditorImageDirectoryPreference

      public DirectoryConfigurer getEditorImageDirectoryPreference()
    • getEditorSoundDirectoryPreference

      public DirectoryConfigurer getEditorSoundDirectoryPreference()