Class UsePrototype

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyNameSource, PropertySource, EditablePiece, GamePiece, PropertyExporter, StateMergeable, PersistentPropertyContainer, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget, SearchTarget, RecursionLimiter.Loopable

public class UsePrototype extends Decorator implements EditablePiece, RecursionLimiter.Loopable
d/b/a "Prototype" This trait is a placeholder for a pre-defined series of traits specified in a PrototypeDefinition object. When a piece that uses a prototype is defined in a module, it is simply assigned the name of a particular prototype definition. When that piece is during a game, the UsePrototype trait is substituted for the list of traits in the prototype definition. From that point on, the piece has no record that those traits were defined in a prototype instead of assigned to piece directly. This is necessary so that subsequent changes to a prototype definition don't invalidate games that were saved using previous versions of the module.
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • UsePrototype Link icon

      public UsePrototype()
    • UsePrototype Link icon

      public UsePrototype(String type, GamePiece inner)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getDescription Link icon

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: EditablePiece
      A plain-English description of this type of trait/piece - includes data from fields where appropriate
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface EditablePiece
    • getBaseDescription Link icon

      public String getBaseDescription()
      Description copied from interface: EditablePiece
      Support for a basic-name-only description introduced later, so this default retrofits it from the full description if an explicit one is not defined.
      Specified by:
      getBaseDescription in interface EditablePiece
      name of trait/piece type, w/o additional data
    • getHelpFile Link icon

      public HelpFile getHelpFile()
      Specified by:
      getHelpFile in interface EditablePiece
      the help file for this trait
    • mySetType Link icon

      public void mySetType(String type)
      Description copied from interface: EditablePiece
      Sets the information for this piece. See Decorator.myGetType()
      Specified by:
      mySetType in interface EditablePiece
      type - a serialized configuration string to set the "type information" of this piece, which is information that doesn't change during the course of a single game (e.g. Image Files, Context Menu strings, etc). Typically ready to be processed e.g. by SequenceEncoder.decode()
    • myGetKeyCommands Link icon

      protected KeyCommand[] myGetKeyCommands()
      Specified by:
      myGetKeyCommands in class Decorator
      the key commands for this trait alone
      See Also:
    • getKeyCommands Link icon

      protected KeyCommand[] getKeyCommands()
      getKeyCommands in class Decorator
      The set of key commands that will populate the piece's right-click menu. The key commands are accessible through the Properties.KEY_COMMANDS property. The commands for a Trait/Decorator are a composite of Decorator.myGetKeyCommands() and the commands of its inner piece member(s), so requesting this information of the "outermost" Trait/Decorator of a piece will produce the complete set of Key Commands for the entire logical game piece. See also: Decorator.myGetKeyCommands(), which returns the commands for this Trait/Decorator only.
    • setInner Link icon

      public void setInner(GamePiece p)
      setInner in class Decorator
      p - Set the inner GamePiece -- usually the next Trait (Decorator) inward, or the BasicPiece itself.
    • buildPrototype Link icon

      protected void buildPrototype()
    • getExpandedInner Link icon

      public GamePiece getExpandedInner()
      Build a new GamePiece instance based on the traits in the referenced PrototypeDefinition. Substitute the new instance for Decorator.getInner() and return it. If the referenced definition does not exist, return the default inner piece.
      the new instance
    • myGetState Link icon

      public String myGetState()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The "state information" is "game state" information that can change during the course of a game. State information is saved when the game is saved and is transferred between players on the server. For example, the relative order of pieces in a stack is state information, but whether the stack is expanded is not.
      Specified by:
      myGetState in class Decorator
      the game state information of this trait alone
      See Also:
    • myGetType Link icon

      public String myGetType()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The "type information" of a piece or trait is information that does not change during the course of a game. Image file names, context menu strings, etc., all should be reflected in the type. The type information is returned serialized string form, ready to be decoded by a SequenceEncoder#decode.
      Specified by:
      myGetType in class Decorator
      the type information of this trait alone
      See Also:
    • keyEvent Link icon

      public Command keyEvent(KeyStroke stroke)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The primary way for the piece or trait to receive events. Appends the command returned by Decorator.myKeyEvent(javax.swing.KeyStroke) with the command returned by the inner piece member's GamePiece.keyEvent(javax.swing.KeyStroke) method. KeyStroke events are forwarded to this method if they are received while the piece is selected (or as the result of e.g. a Global Key Command being sent to the piece). The class implementing GamePiece can respond in any way it likes. Actual key presses by the player, selected items from the right-click Context Menu, keystrokes "applied on move" by a Map that the piece has just moved on, and Global Key Commands all send KeyStrokes (and NamedKeyStrokes) which are passed to pieces and traits through this interface.
      Specified by:
      keyEvent in interface GamePiece
      keyEvent in class Decorator
      stroke - KeyStroke to apply (note that although they are passed as KeyStroke objects, they may be NamedKeyStroke objects)
      a Command that, when executed, will make all changes to the game state (maps, pieces, other pieces, etc) to duplicate what the Trait/Decorator plus any inner piece members did in response to this event, on another machine. Often a ChangePiece command, but for example if this keystroke caused the piece/trait to decide to fire off a Global Key Command, then the Command returned would include the entire results of that, appended as subcommands. Returns null if the keystroke did not produce an effect.
      See Also:
    • myKeyEvent Link icon

      public Command myKeyEvent(KeyStroke stroke)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The response of this trait alone to the given KeyStroke or the virtual keystroke of a NamedKeyStroke. NamedKeyStrokes are allocated a unique internal KeyStroke when they are first used in a module, and that KeyStroke is passed up and down the decorator stack to represent them (see NamedKeyStroke.getKeyStroke()).
      Specified by:
      myKeyEvent in class Decorator
      stroke - KeyStroke to apply (to apply a Named Keystroke send NamedKeyStroke.getKeyStroke()
      Generated Command to reproduce any changes just made to to the game state, or null if no effect
      See Also:
    • mySetState Link icon

      public void mySetState(String newState)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Sets the state of this-trait-only (inverse of Decorator.myGetState()). The "state information" is information that can change during the course of a game. State information is saved when the game is saved and is transferred between players on the server. For example, the relative order of pieces in a stack is state information, but whether the stack is expanded is not.
      Specified by:
      mySetState in class Decorator
      newState - New state information serialized in string form, ready to be passed to a SequenceEncoder#decode.
    • boundingBox Link icon

      public Rectangle boundingBox()
      Specified by:
      boundingBox in interface GamePiece
      The area which this GamePiece occupies when drawn at the point (0,0)
    • draw Link icon

      public void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y, Component obs, double zoom)
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      Draw this GamePiece
      Specified by:
      draw in interface GamePiece
      g - target Graphics object
      x - x-location of the center of the piece
      y - y-location of the center of the piece
      obs - the Component on which this piece is being drawn
      zoom - the scaling factor.
    • getName Link icon

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      The plain English name for this piece
      Specified by:
      getName in interface GamePiece
    • getShape Link icon

      public Shape getShape()
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface GamePiece
      The shape of the piece from the user's viewpoint. This defines the area in which the user must click to select or move the piece, for example. Like GamePiece.boundingBox(), it assumes the position is (0,0) -- which to be clear is normally aligned with the CENTER of the piece image -- and must be translated to the actual location where the piece is being drawn. For most ordinary pieces, the shape returned here will simply be equivalent to the bounding box, but see NonRectangular.
    • getPrototypeName Link icon

      public String getPrototypeName()
    • testEquals Link icon

      public boolean testEquals(Object o)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Test if this Decorator's Class, Type and State are equal to another trait. Implementations of this method should compare the individual values of the fields that make up the Decorators Type and State. Implementations should NOT compare the values returned by myGetType() or myGetState(). This method is intended to be used by Unit Tests to verify that a trait is unchanged after going through a process such as serialization/deserialization.
      testEquals in class Decorator
      o - Object to compare this Decorator to
      true if the Class, type and state all match
    • getEditor Link icon

      public PieceEditor getEditor()
      Specified by:
      getEditor in interface EditablePiece
      getEditor in class Decorator
      the configurer for this trait - the dialog which allows the editing the piece's type information. Default configurer is a SimplePieceEditor, but many traits will want to provide custom versions.
    • getPropertyList Link icon

      public List<String> getPropertyList()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Specified by:
      getPropertyList in interface SearchTarget
      getPropertyList in class Decorator
      a list of any Property Names referenced in the Decorator, if any (for search)