Interface StateMergeable

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionButton, AreaOfEffect, Attachment, BasicName, BasicPiece, BorderOutline, CalculatedProperty, Clone, Comment, CounterGlobalKeyCommand, Deck, Decorator, Delete, Deselect, DynamicProperty, Embellishment, Embellishment0, Footprint, FreeRotator, GlobalHotKey, Hideable, Immobilized, Labeler, Marker, Mat, MatCargo, MenuSeparator, MovementMarkable, MultiLocationCommand, NonRectangular, Obscurable, Pivot, PlaceMarker, PlaySound, PropertySheet, Replace, ReportState, RestrictCommands, Restricted, ReturnToDeck, SendToLocation, SetGlobalProperty, SetPieceProperty, Stack, SubMenu, TableInfo, TranslatableMessage, Translate, TriggerAction, UsePrototype
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface StateMergeable
GamePieces may implement this interface to implement "merge" functionality of their state. The merge method applies the diff between an "old" and a "new" state to the current state of the piece.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    mergeState(String newState, String oldState)
    Compute the difference between newState and oldState and apply that difference to the current state
  • Method Details Link icon

    • mergeState Link icon

      void mergeState(String newState, String oldState)
      Compute the difference between newState and oldState and apply that difference to the current state
      newState - new serialized game state string
      oldState - old serialized game state string