Module:Galactic Rising

From Vassal
Galactic Rising Cover2 SMall.png
Publisher (Self-Published) Era Fantasy
Year 2025 Topic Science Fiction
Players 3 to 6 Scale Strategic
Length Long


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
GR_4_Player(2).vmod Module 20.62 MB 2025-02-18 3.7.15
QuickStart.vsav Save Game 69 KB 2025-02-18 3.7.15
1. Introduction Book (1.5).pdf PDF 1.32 MB 2025-02-18 unknown
2. Beginner Manual 1.9(8).pdf PDF 1.21 MB 2025-02-18 unknown
3. Advanced Book 1.9.pdf PDF 959 KB 2025-02-18 unknown
4. Galactic Information Network (GIN) .3.96.pdf PDF 1.91 MB 2025-02-18 unknown
5. Setup Rules 1.3.5.pdf PDF 1.53 MB 2025-02-18 unknown
6. Reference Card Compile2.4.pdf PDF 265 KB 2025-02-18 unknown

Module Information

Maintainer Mhat
Contributors Mhat


This is a game I have been working on for a few years. I am the sole designer of the game, though I have used some free images to my advantage. Currently this project has no publisher, so I can upload this here as I please.

Beta prototyping but playable. Currently I only have the 4 player version uploaded. I suggest you play with the quickstart game and only play using the introduction book, the beginner manual, and the GIN book at first. This will allow you to play the first 3 rounds. Once you become familiar with the basic rules, then move on to the advanced book for the rest of the rules.

When you are comfortable with the rules, consider trying the quick game setup in the setup book. It is a bit of a process, but once you figure that out, you will be able to fully customize your game later one. The full setup rules allows for various map sizes, difficulties, and optional rules.

There is a reference sheet in the files listed above, but there is also a refence button in the game's main tool bar- you can see it in the screenshot between the 'GA' button and the blue 'Player Hand' button.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the in game cards will be out of date- always use the GIN reference book for the most up to date card descriptions and effects.

Since this is a work in progress there will be errors and room for improvement. Please send me any Questions, Corrections, and Suggestions you may have via PMing me or contacting me at:

You can leave comments in reddit: [1]


February 19/25 Updated the Setup Rules

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Stiglr whose youtube video greatly helped set up this page: [2]

Screen Shots