
From Vassal
Publisher Game Designers Workshop Era Future
Year 1977 Topic Exploration
Players 2 to 2 Scale Strategic
Length Medium Series Traveller


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Module III
Imperium_1.06.vmod Module 6.89 MB 2016-10-9 3.2.16 Gouka
Version_1.06_Readme.txt 1.06 Readme 13 KB unknown unknown Gouka
Module II
Imperium_2.1.vmod Module 6.39 MB 2011-12-14 3.1 Mycenae
Module I
Imperium with Ground Combat Module.vmod Module 7.83 MB unknown unknown {{{2}}}
Imperium Info Helpful Info 414 KB unknown unknown {{{2}}}


Module III Notes

GDW 1st edition from 1977. This module features some updated graphics as well as a limited force pool with random draw pile for ground forces. There are a lot of special right click functions as well as explanations for using the Force Pool in the Readme, so please download that file for more information. Module updated to 1.06 removing the side restrictions. The Readme file is the same as for 1.05.

Module II Notes

GDW Company's version

Module I Notes

Conflict Game Company's 1977 version

This VASSAL module was created from the ADC2. I am not experienced in VASSAL and have not altered or modified the converted module in any manner -- nor do I know how to do so.

In the ADC2 module, there were four players -- Terran, Imperial, Terran Commander, and Imperial Commander. The purpose for this was to accommodate two different size counters because ADC2 uses a transparent symbol to show the edges of stacked counters.

The grid is invisible at all three levels of the ADC2 module board, but the antialising in the reduced VASSAL views permits the grid to show. I can't do anything about that unless VASSAL is altered to import the separate ADC2 levels.

My contact information is cgmclellan2000 at knology dot net. TeL: (256) 883-6779

Screen Shots


  • cgmclellan
  • KevinRohrer
  • gjnelson
  • Mycenae
  • DMarcus7
  • davidk64
  • Bobblanchett