Module:Pacific Victory: Pacific Theater of WW2 – Second Edition

From Vassal
Publisher Columbia Games Era WWII
Year 2018 Topic Pacific Theater
Players 2 to 2 Scale Strategic
Length 180 minutes


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Pacific_Victory_v2.01.vmod 2.01 5.39 MB 3.3.1
Pacific_Victory_v2.0f.vmod 2.0f 5.36 MB 3.2.17+

Module Information

Maintainer AlanEsh
Contributors Jim57, BlackIce, fbedard24


  • Version 2.01 is a small update that adds a new "mark all as not moved" button to the main map toolbar. I've also added a new "utility" token that has several colors and numbers you can cycle through to mark things as needed.
  • Final version released with the 3 scenarios included in the physical game. At some point I hope to write and include a small user/help document in the module, to explain some of the new features. Also, I'm still pondering a few things, like redoing the battle board again (making it clearer who is attacker/defender/reinforcing), adding a couple more generic markers that can be used however the players like, and hopefully some sort of counter/tally widget to help keep track of RPs spent.
  • Bug reports or feature requests welcome! PM me here or on BGG.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy
  • Jesse LeBreton