Module:Stargard Solstice

From Vassal
3CG SS front.png
Publisher Three Crowns Games Era WWII
Year 2021 Topic Eastern Front
Players 1 to 2 Scale Operational
Length 480 Min

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Stargard_1_0.vmod module 25.43 MB 2024-05-07 3.7.15 Oleg Hudiakov
Stargard_1_1.vmod module 26.03 MB 2024-05-28 3.7.15 Oleg Hudiakov

Change Log

  • Version 1.1
    • Fixed and enhanced the "Goto Specified Hex" command.
    • Added two separate graveyards, one for each side.
    • Fixed menu commands for Tettau HQ and 2GC when placed in their Holding Boxes.
    • Improved reinforcement mechanics: units can only be deployed from the current turn's box.
    • Fixed observer restrictions.
    • Corrected attack mechanics: your side can only initiate attacks, and the opponent's side can only defend.
    • Made numerous minor fixes and improvements.


To view a description of the module, navigate to 'Help -> Module Help'.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy