Category:Eastern Front
From Vassal
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Pages in category "Eastern Front"
The following 189 pages are in this category, out of 189 total.
- Module:A Frozen Hell
- Module:A Victory Awaits: Operation Barbarossa 1941
- Module:A Victory Denied
- Module:A Victory Lost
- Module:Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45
- Module:Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941
- Module:Apocalypse of Steel
- Module:Arctic Storm: The Russo-Finnish Winter War 1939-40
- Module:Assault on Sevastopol
- Module:Assault Red Horizon 41
- Module:Autumn For Barbarossa
- Module:Baltic Gap
- Module:Barbarossa: Army Group Center, 1941
- Module:Barbarossa: Army Group North, 1941
- Module:Barbarossa: Army Group South, 1941
- Module:Barbarossa: Crimea
- Module:Barbarossa: Game of the Russo-German War 1941-45
- Module:Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov, 1941
- Module:Barbarossa: The Russo-German War 1941-45
- Module:Battle for Galicia, 1914
- Module:Battle for Kursk: The Tigers Are Burning, 1943
- Module:Battle for Moscow
- Module:Battle for Moscow II
- Module:Battle for Stalingrad
- Module:Battles in the East 2: Uman Pocket and Guderian's Final Blitzkrieg
- Module:Bautzen 1945
- Module:Bitter End: Attack to Budapest, 1945
- Module:Black Sea Black Death
- Module:Black Wednesday
- Module:Blocks in the East
- Module:Blood & Steel
- Module:Campaign Commander Volume I: Roads to Stalingrad
- Module:Campaign to Stalingrad: Southern Russia 1942
- Module:Case Blue / Guderian's Blitzkrieg II
- Module:Circle of Fire: The Siege of Cholm, 1942
- Module:Combat Commander: Battle Pack 2 - Stalingrad
- Module:Combat Leader: East Front '41
- Module:Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-1942
- Module:Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! Kursk 1943
- Module:Crimea: Conquest & Liberation
- Module:Cross of Iron
- Module:Death Ride Kursk: 11th Panzer
- Module:Death Ride Kursk: Gross Deutschland
- Module:Death Ride Kursk: Totenkopf
- Module:Debrecen 1944: Orages à l'Est 2 Hongrie
- Module:Defiant Russia: Operation Barbarossa, 1941
- Module:Demyansk Shield: the Frozen Fortress, February-May 1942
- Module:Destruction of Army Group Center: The Soviet Summer Offensive
- Module:Donnerschlag: Escape from Stalingrad
- Module:Drang Nach Osten!
- Module:Drive on Kursk: July 1943
- Module:Drive on Stalingrad: Battle for Southern Russia Game
- Module:Duel for Kharkov
- Module:Karelia '44
- Module:Kasserine
- Module:Kestenga: Another Fight to the Finnish
- Module:Kharkov Battles: Before & After Fall Blau
- Module:Kharkov: The Soviet Spring Offensive
- Module:Kiev 1943: Orages à l'est 3 Ukraine
- Module:Kirovograd
- Module:Korsun Pocket
- Module:Korsun Pocket 2: Little Stalingrad on the Dnepr
- Module:Kursk: History's Greatest Tank Battle, July 1943
- Module:Kursk: Operation Zitadelle, 4 July 1943
- Module:Last Stand: The Battle for Moscow 1941-42
- Module:Leningrad
- Module:Leningrad '41
- Module:Lock 'n Load Tactical: Dark July 43
- Module:Lock 'n Load Tactical: Heroes of the Bitter Harvest
- Module:Lock 'n Load Tactical: Heroes of the Motherland
- Module:Lost Battles: Operational Combat in Russia
- Module:Luzon: Race for Bataan
- Module:Panzer Battles: 11th Panzer on the Chir River
- Module:Panzer Command
- Module:PanzerBlitz
- Module:Panzergruppe Guderian
- Module:Panzerkrieg
- Module:Panzers Last Stand: Battles for Budapest, 1945
- Module:Paths To Hell
- Module:Pavlov's House
- Module:Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk
- Module:Poland of Somnium
- Module:Prelude to Disaster: The Soviet Spring Offensive – May 1942
- Module:Race for Berlin: The Final Struggle
- Module:Rattenkrieg
- Module:Red Poppies Campaigns: Volume 2 – Last Laurels At Limanowa
- Module:Red Star Rising: The War in Russia, 1941-1944
- Module:Red Storm over the Reich
- Module:Red Vengeance
- Module:Reds! - The Russian Civil War
- Module:Roads to Leningrad: Battles of Soltsy and Staraya Russa, 1941
- Module:Roads to Moscow: Battles of Mozhaysk and Mtsensk, 1941
- Module:Rostov '41: Race to the Don
- Module:Russia Besieged
- Module:Russia Besieged: Deluxe Edition
- Module:Russian Front
- Module:Salla 1941: A Fight to the Finnish
- Module:Savage Streets
- Module:Scorched Earth
- Module:Smolensk: Barbarossa Derailed
- Module:Stalin's War
- Module:Stalingrad
- Module:Stalingrad '42
- Module:Stalingrad Inferno on the Volga
- Module:Stalingrad Pocket (2nd Edition)
- Module:Stalingrad Roads: Battle on the Edge of the Abyss
- Module:Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga
- Module:Stargard Solstice
- Module:Steamroller: Tannenberg 1914
- Module:Storm Over Stalingrad
- Module:Streets Of Stalingrad (3rd Edition)
- Module:Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs
- Module:Tank on Tank: East Front
- Module:Tanktics: Computer Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front
- Module:Tannenberg 1914
- Module:Tannenberg 1914 (1990)
- Module:Tannenberg: Eagles in the East / Galicia: The Forgotten Cauldron
- Module:Target: Leningrad
- Module:The Arduous Beginning
- Module:The Battle of Moscow : The German Drive on Moscow, 1941
- Module:The Caucasus Campaign: The Russo-German War in the Caucasus, 1942
- Module:The Dark Valley
- Module:The Hell of Stalingrad
- Module:The Jaws of Victory: Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket – January/February 1944
- Module:The Last Hundred Yards: Volume 4 – The Russian Front
- Module:The Last Victory
- Module:The Little Land: The Battle for Novorossiysk
- Module:The Moscow Campaign: Strike and Counterstrike Russia
- Module:The Russian Campaign
- Module:The Third Winter: The Battle for the Ukraine September 1943-April 1944
- Module:Tolling of the Bell
- Module:Total War
- Module:Traces of Hubris
- Module:Traces of War
- Module:Turning Point Stalingrad
- Module:Turning Point: The Battle of Stalingrad
- Module:Typhoon!