Module:Streets Of Stalingrad (3rd Edition)

Publisher | L2 Design Group | Era | WWII |
Year | 2003 | Topic | Eastern Front |
Players | 2 to 8 | Scale | Operational |
Length | 4 - 48+ hours |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
0.72 | ||||
Streets_of_Stalingrad_0_72.vmod | module | 12.71 MB | 05 Mar 21 | 3.5 |
0.2 | ||||
SoS_Scenarios_1-3v02.vmod | module | 35.64 MB | 8 Oct 10 | 3.1.14+ |
SoS_Scenarios_4-5v02.vmod | module | 35.37 MB | 8 Oct 10 | 3.1.14+ |
SoS_Scenarios_6-7v02.vmod | module | 35.26 MB | 8 Oct 10 | 3.1.14+ |
SoS_Scenario_8v02.vmod | module | 34.34 MB | 8 Oct 10 | 3.1.14+ |
Module Information
Maintainer | cgmclellan |
Contributors | cgmclellan crispy1critter |
UPDATE 0.72:
Complete rebuild, all scenarios in one module. Previous .vsav files will not be compatible. All charts, maps, and documentation included with the express permission of the copyright holder, Dana Lombardy.
- Bridges, Minefields, Fortifications and Immobilized Tanks:
Once placed on the map, these pieces should never move, which means also that they are unstackable. But that would make it impossible to first move them from the pieces palette to a setup chart, and only later to the game mapboard. So. In the pieces palette these counters are selected normally and can be freely moved (and cloned) to setup charts or a temporary location on the game map. Once in heir final location, there is a "Replace/Immobilize" trait which marks that the counter can never move, and - except for the tanks - enables the engineering construction feature.
- Engineering Construction:
When an engineer unit performs construction, the bridge/minefield/fortification counters have a BUILD/DESTROY trait, which activates a numeric layer that shows the number of phases remaining until construction is complete. When under construction, additional traits are available to increment or decrement the phases remaining layer as appropriate. When the counter has counted down to "1", at the end of the next phase, use the BUILD/DESTROY trait to remove the numeric layer which indicates that construction is complete. To remove a bridge/minefield/fortification, one can perform the action in reverse until the counter reaches 15 or 30 as appropriate, when the marker can be deleted. Note that for minefields, this means that unlike in the standard rules the minefiled counter should be initially placed adjacent to the engineering unit in it's final destination instead of in the same hex as the engineer.
- Indirect Fire:
Explosion markers are "built-in" to the Indirect Fire capable units. All units capable of Indirect Fire support a trait with hotkey Ctrl+I, that marks the unit as having fired (with a label/band across the middle of the counter) and pops-up at top-of-stack the associated explosion counter. The explosion counter can then be dragged to the target hex. Note that an entire stack of IF units can thus "fire" with one mouse click. Units labelled "FIRED" have the CTRL+I hotkey disabled until the label is removed. A map-menu button allows a user to remove all explosion markers on-map with a single click. Likewise, all "FIRED" labels can be removed at the end of a game turn with one click. If not playing solitaire, each side will need to press the button to remove "FIRED" markers. Stukas participating in an IF attack will respond to the remove explosion markers command by being automatically moved to the "Stukas Unavailable" box. Both Stuka and explosion counters have a trait to place an "INTERDICTION" label/band on the counter. When so marked, they do not respond to the "remove explosion markers" command; instead there is a separate command to "remove interdiction markers"
VASSAL module required increase in maximum heap size. File / Preferences / JVM maximum heap (in MB): 1024 MB worked.
As the "Size" thing above doesn't seem to work, the modules are about 36 MB. They may take a while to download.
The "0.2" modules replace the "0.1" modules that had incorrect images.
The "0.1" module versions replace earlier versions that did not have hidden units.
I haven't added charts/tables or rules for the game. That is a bit beyond what I am willing to do. Perhaps others may wish to do so.
VASSAL Streets of Stalingrad is imported from ADC2 scenarios.
The following Readme was made by Nick Bell for the ADC2 module. I have edited it for the VASSAL module. cgm
Game Errata:
These modules incorporate all known errata through 28 Sep 2003 as provided by L2 Design Group.
Scenario 3 has 21 Stuka Markers.
The setup charts call for a 3rd Bn, 822 Arty Rgt, 300 Rifle Division. This is incorrect and the unit has not been included.
The countersheet is missing an ATR Company for the 650 Rgt, 138 Rifle Division. This unit is included in the setup.
The ADC2 module has five players: GAMEMASTER, German, Soviet, GE Revealed Marker, SU Revealed Marker. The ADC2 GAMEMASTER has view of all hidden units. When translated to VASSAL, the GAMEMASTER has NO view of hidden units. As this is the same as VASSAL's observer, the GAMEMASTER player has been deleted. The German and GE Revealed Marker are allies with different hidden unit characteristics. The Soviet and SU Revealed Marker are also allies with different hidden unit characteristics. VASSAL does not have the same range of hidden unit features; VASSAL treats the German and GE Revealed Marker and the Soviet and SU Revealed Marker as the same player. Consequently, the GE Revealed Marker and SU Revealed Marker players have been deleted.
Vehicle units capable of dismounting can be flipped to their dismounted side which reflects the reduced movement rate of 8, negating the need to mark them with Dismount markers (which are provided for both sides for those players wishing to use them). Yellow Movement Factors for the Germans or White Movement Factors for the Soviets indicate units which have dismounted.
Additional markers have been included (eg Opportunity Fired, Indirect Fired, etc, 88mm FLAK IF, No Move, No Fire, No Spot, Soviet Ammo Saved, etc) in Tray boxes. Please review marker flip definitions.
Markers associated with GE Revealed Marker and SU Revealed Marker have been changed to German and Soviet respectively. Examples of these markers have been place in the Revealed Mines box of the Tray.
Balka counter can be rotated (30 deg at a time) to point the arrow toward the indicated Balka.
Name Abbreviations:
Given ADC's 25 character limitation in piece and class names, abbreviations have been used where needed.
AA = Anti-aircraft artillery
AAA = Anti-aircraft artillery
Art = Artillery
AT = Antitank Gun
ATG = Antitank Gun
ATR = Antitank Rifle
Bn = Battalion
Co = Company
FA = Field Artillery
FLAK = Anti-aircraft gun
FR = Fahrrad (Bicycle)
GRD = Guard Rifle Division
HMG = Heavy Machine Gun
How = Howitzer
Hvy = Heavy
IG = Infantry Gun
KRS = Kraftradschützen (Motorcycle)
Lt = Light
Mdm = Medium
MID = Motorized Infantry Division
Mot = Motorized
MRB = Motorized Rifle Brigade
Mtr = Mortar
Mtz = Motorized
Nblwrfr = Nebelwerfer
PAK = Antitank Gun
Pz = Panzer
RB = Rifle Brigade
RD = Rifle Division
Recon = Reconnaissance
Rgt = Regiment
Schweres = Heavy
SMG = Submachine Gun
SP = Self-Propelled
StuG = Sturmgeschütze
TB = Tank Brigade
TC = Tank Corps
TD = Tank Destroyer
Tk = Tank
Class Properties
1. Attacking Fire
2. Defensive Fire
3. Range
4. Movement Points
5. Miscellaneous Notes*
6. Antitank Capability (AT)
7. Anti-Aircraft Capability (AAA)
8. DRM (Die Roll Modifier – check rules)
'*'Miscellaneous Notes Include:
M&F Move and Fire Capable
DIS Dismounted
RKT Rocket
Flip Definitions
Attack Marker – Breakthrough Marker
Bad Weather – Good Weather
Ammo Markers flip between positive and negative
Phase Marker flips between German and Soviet Phase
Turn Marker flips between German and Soviet Turn
Moved Marker – No Fire Marker – No Spot
Non-Phasing Opportunity Fire – Opportunity Fire
Out of Supply flips from 1 to 2 to 3 to 1
Pinned – Spent
Please review the Tray boxes prior to commencing play. Tray boxes have been created to hold markers and other common use units. Units are separated based on nationality, formation and/or arrival time.
Reinforcements are in Tray boxes
Eleven files are included:
Scenario 1 The Grain Elevator
Scenario 2 The Guards Counterattack
Scenario 1-2 Combined
Scenario 3 Verdun on the Volga
Scenario 4 House to House
Scenario 5 The Orlovka Pocket
Scenario 4-5 Combined
Scenario 6 The Tractor Factory
Scenario 7 Siege of Spartakovka
Scenario 6-7 Combined
Scenario 8 Operation Hubertus
Scenario Setup:
On map units have been placed on their respective setup lines or areas. Players must refer to the Scenario Setup charts for specific information regarding unit placement.
Miscellaneous Army and Corps level units not attached to formations are grouped separately and placed outside the setup areas for the Germans, and in the Volga River for the Soviets.
Formation Setup Lines and/or Scenario Boundary Lines can be turned off once initial setup is complete (View \ Hex Lines or Hex Sides).
Hidden Units:
Hidden units have been fully implemented in all scenarios. Hidden units are visible on map, but appear as generic Balkan Cross or Red Star counters.
The SoS was designed by Dana Lombardy with David Parham and later Art Lupinacci. The ADC2 module was created by Nick Bell and John Kincaid from art and graphics by Joe Youst and Art Lupinacci. The VASSAL importer was developed by Michael Kiefte.
Note that I know nothing about VASSAL; so if you have any questions about how Vassal works ask elsewhere.
You are free to correct, edit, add to, or fix anything you can of the posted material.
Screen Shots
- Some Guy