Module:The Civil War

From Vassal
Publisher Victory Games Era Gunpowder
Year 1983 Topic American Civil War
Players 2 to 2 Scale Strategic
Length Long


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
1.7.FHB Alternate Version, Custom code and irritants removed
CivilWar17fhb04.vmod Module 7.36 MB 25-March-2024 3.7
1.7.FHB Alternate Version
CivilWar17fhb02.vmod Module 7.39 MB 12-May-2020 3.2.17+
CivilWar171.vmod Module 3.69 MB 26-Mar-2024 3.2.17+
CivilWar17b01.vmod Module 3.72 MB 30-Mar-2020 3.2.17+
CivilWar16b03.vmod Module 3.51 MB unknown unknown
CVW-Rulebook-WGA-3rd-110422.pdf Rulebook 3.73 MB unknown unknown Scenario Records & Version History 10 KB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer Bill Thomson(wga)
Contributors Pecete, wga, swampwallaby, jw62, jw62


Victory Games/The Avalon Hill Game company.

UPDATE 26-Mar-24 Version 1.7.1 is an update of the WGA 1.7b01 version with the Custom code warnings removed.

UPDATE 201205 Alternate version of WGA module version 1.7. Added Sides, Masked capability to Leader and Theater Allocation counters, access to Markers due to ability to clone and delete some of them. This is not an Official WGA module so all questions about the additions should be Directed to me, Fred Buchholz (Buchholz6 here on Vassal).

UPDATE 200330 Version 1.7 posted. Thoroughly scrubbed for all errors in charts, tables, etc with added features. Refer to Version History Help File for listing of detailed changed.

UPDATE 091229: Version 1.6b03; Refer to Version History in the FILES link for listing of detailed changes.

This game uses unknown ending of a turn making planning risky. One always has more desires than has the resources for. This game emphasized leadership ability of the General units. Whereas A HOUSE DIVIDED is the premier introductory title on the Civil War Campaign, THE CIVIL WAR is the most playable historical simulation before considering the more complex card driven FOR THE PEOPLE.

Game information

Screen Shots


  • MrTim66
  • pecete256
  • wga
  • Alberto
  • Damon
  • AZTiger98
  • drewkirste
  • Shaun78
  • mkelwood
  • pkone3
  • Almart
  • mmoore
  • LimboLance
  • DerDiplomat
  • DaveTuransky
  • Brad
  • KGBast
  • smaul1
  • aqui
  • glasper
  • Chuck
  • usapatriot1963
  • firefly
  • drewkirste
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  • Joey Sabin
  • PrivateParts
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  • TKaz84
  • pjmcnamara
  • VonBrunt
  • JonasK
  • LtGustl
  • Fersboo
  • LimboLance
  • jgs3
  • robarrieta
  • Rock7920
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  • TBeach
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  • WebGuy
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  • BULL98