Module:Trailblazer Starmap

From Vassal
Publisher Metagaming Concepts Era Future
Year 1981 Topic Economic
Players 2 to 4 Scale Strategic
Length 2 Hours - Multiple Days


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
trailblazer_starmap_1_1.vmod Uses actual star names 283 KB 2017-07-11 1.1
trailblazer_starmap_1_0.vmod First Alpha release 208 KB 2017-07-11 1.0

Module Information

Maintainer Benjamin Sigal


Trailblazer is a game about economics and exploration in a Sci-Fi setting. This module does not provide all the materials necessary to play the game. It only provides a map on which to move around the fleets, factors, and stars.

Known Bugs

Deck of stars does not automatically shuffle, you will have to do this yourself using the right-click menu. Fleet decks are in reverse order. Right click on them and select "reverse" to change this. There are only 9 fleet tokens of each color.

Screen Shots
