Module:Wizard Kings

From Vassal
Publisher Columbia Games Era Fantasy
Year 2000 Topic unknown
Players 2 to 7 Scale Strategic
Length Medium


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
2nd Edition 5.2
WizardKings2-v5.2.vmod Module 4.12 MB 2/18/22 3.6.3
2nd Edition 5.0
WizardKings2-v5.vmod Module 3.59 MB 10/6/2009 3.1
?? Edition 1.0
WizardKings.vmod Module 3.59 MB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer MarcHanna
Contributors MarcHanna, fbedard24, shilinski


Comments added on Feb 17th 2022 by Marc Hanna:

a) Version 5.2 adds 23 new images for several factions and mostly new Chaos units and an Artefact from the Treasure Chest The chaos units/artefacts can be used by any faction so indeed over 130 new blocks have been added.

b) fixed errors with Sword B3 being identified as Sword B4.

c) Separated 'Were' creatures as a separate tab from Chaos units.

This module has been updated using VASSAL 3.6.3 but may still work with earlier versions. Many thanks to the original developer 'Stan@ on whose shoulders I stand in updating his original module from 2009. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Version 5.0 module is based on the 2nd edition. It contains maps 1-16, the last four being the 2nd edition maps. It contains a limited selection of 2nd edition block labels -- the 2nd edition base set plus a handful of expansions. If I get my hands on more sticker images, I will add them. Note that you can have an unlimited number of blocks for the stickers I do have, so there is enough to do just about anything.

I built this module primarily as a tool to help me create scenarios for the 2nd edition components, and I have uploaded it for other scenario builders. However, one can use it to play solo or regular games. It is now strictly 2-player, but I could easily increase the number if requested.

To use it, download the module, run vassal, start a game, and drag your blocks from the palette. Then set pieces to belong to either player 1 or player 2. If you are going solo or developing a scenario, you can then flip facedown one side, then the other to playtest your creation. Otherwise it works much the same as all the other modules that I have created for the block games. If you need help, write to me.

After you start the game, be sure to read the menu item File/Help/Wizard_Kings_Help. It has the details you need to make the module work. If you are doing scenario development or are playing solo, you do not have to be online to use the module.

Version 5. 8/24/2007 I added new units.

If you have problems, questions, or comments, write to me at

Screen Shots


  • fbedard24
  • wargamer55
  • MedievalBanquet
  • Burkhalter
  • Firward
  • scamper
  • raestuart
  • LordJesse
  • alexcobo
  • yangtze
  • lj1983
  • Adaman
  • Bardur
  • shilinski
  • Corbeau
  • raestuart
  • DerDiplomat
  • lj1983
  • Adaman
  • Bluekingzog
  • J6A
  • Batei
  • DMarcus7
  • Mllange
  • davidk64