Module talk:Carcassonne

From Vassal

4/5/2016 12:12 PM EST || Delvahart

Loading the latest version (3.0.1) with the latest version of VASSAL (3.2.16) leads to an exception being thrown. "Out of Memory VASSAL has run out of memory. This module requires more memory than the maximum heap size you have set for it. Please increase the maximum heap size in your Preferences, and restart VASSAL." I increased it to 512 for initial heap and 1024 maximum heap which is double of what was listed. It still has an issue. So this module is unplayable currently.


Note, in the (-included-) help file ('Module Notes'), it was recommended to set (both) initial AND maximum value to 1024; It seems to run OK, at that level. It does take a LOT of heap memory, compared to most VASSAL games, due to the number of images being loaded (over 1300 different tiles).

10/5/2016 9:13 AM EST || Delvahart

Hello again. I have 16 GB of RAM installed on my laptop. I turned off all other resources and allocated 1/4 of my RAM to the initial and the max heap. So entered 4000 into both fields. Restarted Vassal. Still getting an Out of Memory error and that is just for the core game (no extensions loaded). It is doing the same thing on 4 separate computers. We are running latest versions of the game and of Vassal. I can see CPU and memory max out on my computer's resources. The tablet version (non vassal) runs just fine and has a lot less resources allocated then my ASUS Rog laptop.

Any other ideas what might be causing this issue? We would really like to play but at this point are not able to do so via Vassal.

--Alexey (talk) 06:22, 9 November 2016 (UTC)

Delvhart, try to open module and then close wizard to load module without starting new game. Module will be opened so you can change module preferences. It helped me after trying to change preferences in Vassal main window.

--Alexey (talk) 06:31, 9 November 2016 (UTC)

I have some bugs with Carcassonne module (ver. 3.0.1 at Vassal 3.2.15).

  1. Abbot tokens is loaded at basic game setup (no extensions).
  2. The Fairy token not loaded after activation of "The Proncess & the Dragon" extension, but after "Buried Treasure" extension.
  3. I can't place tower tokens from "The Tower" extension. Right click on tile after placement is not operable.

Detailed list of changes for version 3.0.2

Add_Exp prototype
GKC - Exp - Deploy Tiles - to Draw Stack (normal): Extra $$ around ExpLbl & CurrentMap
anytile prototype
GKC - PT/PT - PlacedTile - PlacedTile: additional matching expression was missing braces {}
GKC - Discard a tile, for hill: Extra $$ around DeckName
tile_gm prototype
GKC - Move Gold tokens to board: Extra $$ around GdCnt & PLDeck
tile_fr prototype
GKC - Move Ferry token: Extra $$ around Fcount & PLDeck
Jail code prototype
Trigger Action - R2S: Extra $$ around PlayerSide
towerbase prototype
GKC - Move twr to base: Extra $$ around DeckName & CExpName
GKC - Move Meeple to Cap: Extra $$ around MCnt, DeckName & CExpName
GKC - Get Sentry: Extra $$ around MCnt, PLNum & SentryLoc
PlayerChit prototype
Trigger Action - Set code: Extra $$ around PLDeck
Dynamic Property - PLStackPos: Extra $$ around PLNum & DeckPosition
anyBoat prototype
Trigger Action - R2S (drops cargo): Extra $$ around PlayerSide
BoatRoles prototype
GKC - Move Meeple to Island: Extra $$ around MCnt, DeckName, & CExpName
dummy-common prototype
Trigger Action - Drop fake card: Extra $$ around DeckLbl
Trigger Action - Empty: Extra $$ around CardCnt