Module:Totaler Krieg!

From Vassal
Publisher Decision Games Era WWII
Year 1999 Topic Global War
Players 2 to 3 Scale Strategic
Length Long


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
TotalerKrieg_v2_24.vmod Module 18.6 MB 19 June 2024 3.6.6
TotalerKrieg_v2_23.vmod Module 10.58 MB 26 Sep 2010 unknown
TotalerKrieg_v2_22.vmod Module 10.58 MB 22 Jul 2010 unknown
TotalerKrieg_v2.21.vmod 11.05 MB unknown unknown
TK_1_54.vmod Module 5.13 MB unknown unknown
1.53 Module 4.98 MB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer unknown
Contributors jtcourtne, swampwallaby, tiron, Toze Santos (v2), Leland Tankersley (v2.24)

Changes in v2.24

  • Map
    • Turn Record Track
      • Autumn seasonal turns now labeled "autumn" (vice "summer")
      • Adjusted snow/mud notations on turn record track
    • Victory Point Track
      • Allied Total Victory now labeled "Allied" (vice "Axis")
      • Fixed Allied VP totals
    • Lend-Lease Table
      • Armor step type for L-L now correctly listed as "1-1-3" (vice "1-3-3")
    • Visibility Improvements
      • Made rivers easier to see in rough/swamp and when crossing border or strategic hexsides
      • Emphasized mountain hexsides
      • Clarified a few All-Sea (lake) hexsides in Finland
      • Removed red underline misspelling indications for a few cities in the Soviet Union
  • Western Allied Force Pool
    • Added brief descriptions of "Paris Fortress" and "Their Finest Hour" conditional events
  • Counters
    • Added 1 step dot to German "Flsj" corps
    • Fixed French 2-2-3 "Ex" corps and Yugoslav 2nd army step indicators (both had 2 step dots on 1-step side)
  • Cards
    • Added missing seasonal replacements to Soviet card #21 (War Production)
  • Player Aids
    • Fixed misspelling of "Weather"
    • Changed "Soviet War Border" to "Soviet Border War" in tab list and table
    • Fixed image of French 3rd Rep. army in Unit Org chart to indicate only 1 step


By permission of Alan Emrich

(Decision Games 1999) WW2 large scale strategy, link with rules and scenarios download

Screen Shots


  • jtcourtne
  • bala71
  • santi
  • nallo
  • BobAntonacci
  • tiron
  • DerDiplomat
  • Diego
  • pzlehr
  • morgand
  • TracerBullet
  • jbarreto
  • BigDave
  • meng
  • masterguggy
  • rockydadog
  • TKaz84
  • nwnelson
  • robarrieta
  • JonasK
  • JUNO44
  • BugDany
  • Toze Santos
  • Leland Tankersley