Interface Configurable

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, Translatable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AboutScreen, AbstractConfigurable, AbstractDeckKeyCommand, AbstractFolder, AbstractScenarioProperty, AbstractScript, AbstractToolbarItem, ActionScript, BasicModule, BasicPreference, Board, BoardPicker, BooleanPreference, BooleanScenarioProperty, BoxWidget, BrowserHelpFile, BrowserHelpFile.ConfigSupport, BrowserPDFFile, BshPlugin, CardSlot, ChangePropertyButton, Chart, ChartWindow, ChessClock, ChessClockControl, ColorManager, ColorSwatch, CounterDetailViewer, CounterTurnLevel, DeckGlobalKeyCommand, DeckSendKeyCommand, DeckSortKeyCommand, DeckSubFolder, DiceButton, DieManager, DoActionButton, Documentation, DoublePreference, DrawPile, EnumPreference, Flare, FontManager, FontStyle, GameModule, GamePieceImage, GamePieceImageDefinitions, GamePieceLayout, GamePieceLayoutsContainer, GeneralScript, GlobalKeyCommand, GlobalMap, GlobalMap.CounterViewer, GlobalOptions, GlobalProperties, GlobalProperty, GlobalPropertyFolder, GlobalTranslatableMessage, GlobalTranslatableMessages, HandMetrics, HelpFile, HexGrid, HexGridNumbering, HidePiecesButton, HighlightLastMoved, HtmlChart, IconFamily, ImageItem, ImageItemInstance, ImageSaver, IntegerPreference, InternetDiceButton, Inventory, Item, ItemInstance, Language, LayerControl, LayeredPieceCollection, ListScenarioProperty, ListTurnLevel, ListWidget, Localization, LOS_Thread, Map, MapShader, MapSubFolder, MapWidget, MassKeyCommand, ModuleSubFolder, MoveCameraButton, MultiActionButton, NotesWindow, NumberScenarioProperty, PanelWidget, PieceRecenterer, PieceSlot, PieceWindow, PlayerHand, PlayerRoster, Plugin, PredefinedSetup, PrivateMap, PrototypeDefinition, PrototypeFolder, PrototypesContainer, RandomTextButton, Region, RegionGrid, RegularGridNumbering, ScenarioPropertiesOptionTab, ScriptContainer, SelectionHighlighter, SelectionHighlighters, SetupStack, ShapeItem, ShapeItemInstance, SpecialDiceButton, SpecialDie, SpecialDieFace, SquareGrid, SquareGridNumbering, StackMetrics, StartupGlobalKeyCommand, StringPreference, StringScenarioProperty, SymbolItem, SymbolItemInstance, TabWidget, TextBoxItem, TextBoxItemInstance, TextItem, TextItemInstance, TextPreference, TextSaver, ToolbarMenu, TranslatableMarker, Translation, TurnComponent, TurnGlobalHotkey, TurnLevel, TurnTracker, Tutorial, VassalTranslation, Widget, WidgetMap, Zone, ZonedGrid, ZonedGridHighlighter, ZoneHighlight, ZoneProperty, Zoomer

public interface Configurable extends Translatable
An object that implements the Configurable interface, in addition to being built from a configuration XML file (because this class ultimately extends Buildable, can be manipulated by the user directly in the VASSAL module editor via the Configuration window. It also extends the Translatable interface which provides methods for the getting and setting of XML attributes and adds i18n translation infrastructure.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • removeFrom

      void removeFrom(Buildable parent)
      Remove this component from its parent
    • remove

      void remove(Buildable child)
      Remove a child component
    • getConfigureName

      String getConfigureName()
      The name of this Configurable Object
    • getHelpFile

      HelpFile getHelpFile()
      a HelpFile describing how to use and configure * this component
    • getConfigureComponents

      Configurable[] getConfigureComponents()
      an array of Configurer objects representing the Configurable children of this Configurable object
    • getConfigurer

      Configurer getConfigurer()
      a Configurer object which can be used to set the attributes of this object
    • getAllowableConfigureComponents

      Class[] getAllowableConfigureComponents()
      a list of valid sub-component Classes. If a Class appears in this list, then instances of that class may be added to this component from the Editor's ConfigureTree window by right-clicking on the component and selecting the appropriate "Add" option.
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
      Add a PropertyChangeListener. A PropertyChangeEvent should be fired with property name NAME_PROPERTY when the value returned from getConfigureName() has changed