Module:Central Front Series

From Vassal
Publisher Simulations Publications, Inc. Era Modern Warfare
Year 1980 Topic The Cold War
Players 2 to 2 Scale Operational
Length Medium Series Central Front Series


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
1.xx Red Thrust 5-Map Grand Campaign
CFS_Red_Thrust_v1.5.vmod Module 32.37 MB 2021-09-16 3.5.8
CFS_Red_Thrust_v1.11.vmod Module 32.35 MB 2021-07-10 3.5.8
CFS_Red_Thrust_v1.10.vmod Module 32.08 MB 2021-05-31 3.5.5
CFS_Red_Thrust_v1.00.vmod Module 18.87 MB 2021-05-27 3.2.17
Central_Front_Unified_Rules_210104.pdf File 6.12 MB February, 2021 PDF
1.xx Mittelland Thrust 3-Map Campaign
CFS_Mittelland_Thrust_v1.00.vmod Module 15.91 MB 2021-05-27 3.2.17
0.1 Standard
Central Front Initial Placement_v01.vmod Module 27.06 MB unknown unknown
0.1 Blind
Central Front Hidden Initial Placement_v01.vmod Module 27.07 MB unknown unknown
Central Front Series README.txt 2 KB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer BattlerBritain
Contributors Allen Yan


Vassal 'Central Front' modules, v0.1, date 9th Feb 2010.

Author: Bry Barnard.

IMPORTANT NOTE about opening these modules in Vassal: The map in this module is huge and you will need to use a computer with at least 2GB of RAM in order to open the mod file in Vassal.

UPDATE v0.1: I've changed the v0.0 Base Layer.png file into a jpg for v0.1 and whilst the jpg is larger than the png file (making a larger download file) it seems to use less memory in the Vassal java exe and loads more reliably. It seems to use about 1.2Gb of RAM on startup. The display takes about 10secs to initially load the map and seems to redraw OK on pan.

I have tested this module with Vassal versions 3.1.9 and v3.1.12 only.

This is the Readme for the Vassal modules for the Central Front Series of games produced by me, Bry Barnard.

The Central Front is a series of games originally produced by SPI in the 80's that portrays a Warsaw Pact invasion of West Germany in the 80's.

There were meant to have been 10 games in the series but SPI only produced 3 (Fifth Corps, Hof Gap and BAOR) before 3W produced 'North German Plain' and 'Donau Front' using maps to the same scale but new rules and counter values.

I've included two Vassal Modules of the Central Front Series, one where both players can see all pieces and one where the opponents pieces are hidden until one of your pieces gets within 12 hexes. The latter is an option allowable in ADC2.

These Vassal Modules have been created by importing the Aide-De-Camp2 module I made back in 2004/5 into Vassal. Each module combines all 5 Central Front games together. I set the piece values for the 'North German Plain' and 'Donau Front' counters to the equivalent of the 'Fifth Corps/Hof Gap/BAOR' values, ie using the original rules and values. I have made a best effort guess on the North German Plain and Donau Front counter values.

Pieter Dietrich originally started making the ADC2 modules and I picked up from where he started to put all 5 together. Thanks Peter for getting me started and to Nick Bell who has run an ADC module website for a number of years.

I have received permission from Decision Games and Christopher Cummins, the SPI copyrights holders, to publish the Central Front Vassal modules at the Vassal site and at Limey Yank Games only.

Note that I know next-to-nothing about Vassal so if you've got any questions about how Vassal works ask elsewhere - I probably won't be able to answer your questions.

If you've got any questions about the Central Front Series ask over at BoardGameGeek or over at ComsimWorld.

Many Thanks,

Bry Barnard

Red Thrust 5-Map Grand Campaign

This module is the 5-Map Grand Campaign based on the Unified Rules and Master Deployment list that can be found over at Consimworld. It uses the same scale and general mechanics as the BAOR Vassal module.

- v1.5: Added Artillery Suppression markers (dual-sided, toggleable to WP and NATO sides).

- v1.11: Added rotate commands to all counters (helps in keeping divisions from getting mixed up);

 Added a Casualty display, and a command to send Eliminated units to this display, rather than Delete them.  Also, improved map border transition on HG/DF seam.

- v1.1: - Replaced map scan graphics for NGP and DF with higher quality scans. Also did some minor color corrections to better match the color palette of the center three maps. - Moved Movement Trail traits to Warsaw Pact and NATO Unit prototypes, respectively; changed WP movement trail to red and retained blue for NATO. Adjusted center circle to match the line. Thickened the movement trail connecting lines. - Reduced scale of Overview Window from 19.4% to 10%.

Mittelland Thrust 3-Map Grand Campaign

This module is the 3-Map Campaign from the Filling The Gap article published in the MOVES 60 magazine. A copy of the article is available at Consimworld. It uses the same scale and general mechanics as the BAOR Vassal module.

Central Front Unified Rules A copy of the amalgamated rules for the Red Thrust and Mittelland Thrust grand campaign games, developed on the Consimworld forums is provided here.

Standalone Central Front Modules

These are available on their respective module standalone page

For players who wish to more accurately reflect the original SPI designs, modules for three of the component games of the series are available. These are based on scanned counter art. Also, there are a number of great features included:

- Friction Point markers (accessbile via right click) appear on the corners of pieces, to reduce counter clutter - There is a button for performing the end-of-turn FP reduction for all units in supply (1 for combat units, 2 for artillery). This can be pressed after checking supply status, and marking all out of supply units on the map (who will not receive the reduction). The counters for all units will be flipped to their non-FP side, and FP markers for artillery are reduced by one.

Screen Shots


  • Pierre Miranda
  • Stiglr