Module talk:Terraforming Mars

From Vassal

Difference between FR and EN versions

The reason why there is a difference in versions is because there is still a functionality not present in the english version.
In the FR version, the tiles are sent either directly to reserved City areas, or to Player Next Tile area, for each project (standard or card) that says you place a tile, or when converting plants, or when passing 0°C, with prelude cards and corpos as well, and for special Tiles (volcano, capital, mines ...) too.
This took a long time to have this working on FR version. Maybe someone wants to check the FR code and adapt the EN code.
Note from jrwatts:  Version C2.0.0 (English only) has this functionality included, plus even more automation!

Modules FR

French dialogs and images only in these versions

A-3.0 FR

3.0.7 Fr

  • When a player buys or discards the last project in Research hand -> Automatic Message about Research Done
  • If at this moment, all Research hands are empty of projects -> Automatic switch to Actions Phase
  • Unused decks (Prelude and Xeno) are no longer on the board during the game

3.0.5 Fr

  • Cartes mises à jour:
  • Inventrix - rend compte du modificateur du propriétaire de la corpo, pas du joueur actif
  • Morning Star Inc - rend compte du modificateur du propriétaire de la corpo, pas du joueur actif
  • [153] Technologie d'Adaptation - rend compte du modificateur du propriétaire de la carte (techniquement, du propriétaire du plateau où elle est en jeu)
  • [206] Conception Spéciale - rend compte du modificateur du propriétaire de la carte, et l'effet temporaire est valable uniquement la première fois
  • Jouabilité:
  • Toutes les tuiles posées ont une option clic: Tuile Transparente, afin de voir les bonus recouverts sans avoir à redéplacer la tuile une fois posée
  • Les Forets et Cités ne peuvent plus être retournées manuellement. Elle sont maintenant dispo individuellement.

3.0.4 Fr

  • [080] Astéroide de Glace Géant - ne donnait pas 2 tuiles océans à placer
  • Ecoline - Corpo ne donnait pas de tuile forêt à placer
  • La limite du nombre de tuiles cité et forêt a été augmentée, suite à un remplissage total du plateau de jeu

3.0.2 Fr

  • Player on Seat2 had a bad experience with triggered cards going back to hand after asking a question - solved, from a bad sequence in the Automat (always on Seat2)
  • [256] Magnétisation de Vénus - Now considering Energy Prod to push Venus +1

3.0.1 Fr

  • The Martian - The Automat is ready
  • A 2 players game where Seat1 is occupied by a human, and Seat2 by The Martian
  • The Martian will play 1 action card from his own deck ... then every 3 Generations, 1 more action card
  • At upper levels of difficulties, The Martian will pick 1 more action cards every 2 Generations, but may gain more points also
  • The Martian does not have Credits, Steel nor Titanium units, but Plants, Energy and Heat units
  • The Martian will nee your help to place Oceans, Greeneries (from Plants or Actions), cities for the best possible location each time
  • Without any money income, the martian will focus on gettings Plants and Cards and VP's from the surface of the planet, but does not care about touching a Lake tile
  • The actions will also allow The Martian to claim a Milestone, as soon as the conditions are met, and can also fund an Award
  • For these conditions, you'll need some help, as there is no need for Credits to fund the Awards, but some badges requirements may be considered differently
  • As soon as The Martian gains a card from an action, the Project is computed for Tags and VP (Terraforming Points positive and negative) and sent to the player 2's hand
  • These cards can then be discarded or stay there for ever, it's not important
  • Thre is no research phase for the Martian, but if a cards has to be drawed from a position bonus on the planet, you'll need to draw from the deck, and place the card on the Pink Martian board - It will then be computed and immediately stored on Hand. Don't do it twice ! Or you would count the Tags and VP a 2nd time !
  • There is no World Gov Effort, even if you play with venus Next
  • There is no Blue Action Unit cards for The Martian, unless you want to do that manually as an advanced level of difficulty - The Help will tell you how to count these units
  • At the end, the player with the most points wins tha game ! There is no limitation in 12 or 14 Gen, but you'd better hurry against the Martian
  • BTW, if you play with Prelude, just pick 2 cards for the Martian and play them normally for her - The Tags will then be counted
  • Have Fun

3.0.0 Fr

  • After vassal engine upgrades, TM module dev is back on track, this time starting with the Automat dev.
  • Automat The Martian has to be used as a 2nd player, hot seat - Not in solo game !
  • Automat automation will come with the development, and cards will be more and more automatic

Automat The Martian - Rules

A-2.8 FR

2.8.3a Fr

  • VASSAL v3.3.3-beta1 uncovered a bug in the coding which was masked by previous VASSAL versions, making the module unplayable. This is a quick fix to make the module playable again, and has NOT been thoroughly tested.
  • Details of the bug: Properties in Beanshell expressions (curly braces, '{}') should not be enclosed in dollar signs. Previous versions of VASSAL just ignored the dollar signs, but 3.3.3-beta1 interprets them, replacing the property with its value before evaluating the Beanshell expression, causing the expression to fail (or always return zero, depending on the context). This broke many Restriction traits, making most cards with any pre-req's unplayable.
  • This was repaired with a global search-and-replace using a regular expression. It is possible this removed dollar signs that should have remained (for example, if there were any literal '$' in any strings).

2.8.3 Fr

  • Previous was bugged for Milestones and Awards : would not pay

2.8.2 Fr - removed 'cause bugged

  • [187] Pompade de l'aquifere, image en français
  • Fleuves de lave : Bolcano remplace en Volcan
  • Les rapports en couleurs n'étant pas probants, voici un cadre coloré de 5 cases de la couleur du joueur au début de chaque rapport (ou presque). Ca passe mieux pour les yeux.
  • Cubes créés sur les awards et objectifs : on n'a plus besoin de les cloner

2.8.1 Fr

  • Utilisation des couleurs dans les rapports pour 90% des actions, spécifiques aux joueurs, Bleu Noir, Vert et Rouge ont leurs textes dans leurs couleurs respectives
  • Yellow/Jaune a une option dans les settings pour choisir la couleur de son texte entre 5, parce que le jaune se voit peu sur fond blanc. La couleur par défaut est orange !
  • Corpo Ecoline marche bien, et s'arrête comme il faut après 14% d'Oxygène

A-2.7 FR

  • Les noms des joueurs sont affichés sur chaque fenêtre des cartes jouées
  • Icones plus petites et plus sympa pour Joueur Suivant et Passer
  • Retour de ces 2 icones sur le plateau principal des joueurs
  • Sur Venus, les 4 cités sont maintenant correctement alignées avec leur cube de couleur au centre. C'était à cause du deck initialement caché sur cette map si on ne l'utilisait pas. Les cartes projets et corpo de Venus sont cachées ailleurs maintenant.
  • Des cartes manquantes ajoutées et des images corrigées
  • Plein de boutons dans les menus
  • Les projest standards Aquifère, Foret, Cité envoient une tuile correspondante sur la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours
  • Les cartes qui posent des villes quelconques envoient une tuile cité vers la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours
  • Les cartes qui posent des villes spécifiques envoient directement une tuile cité vers la zone correspondante : refuge de phobos, ganymède, et les 4 cités de Vénus
  • Les cartes qui posent des tuiles spéciales envoient la tuile en question sur la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours
  • Les cartes prélude et corpo qui posent des cités ou des forêts envoient la tuile correspondante dans la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours
  • Les cartes préludes et projets qui posent des océans envoient une tuile océan vers la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours
  • Mode SOLO - Passer lance bien la nouvelle génération en enlevant le mot PASSER de la corpo
  • L'autofocus sur les actions en cours est supprimé
  • Les plateaux HAND de tous les joueurs ont l'espace entre les cartes réduit à 15 au lieu de 50 pixels. Les cartes étaient auparavant trop éloignées
  • Chaque couleur dispose d'un bouton pour alterner l'ouverture et la fermeture des 4 fenêtres à sa couleur
  • La temperature max à 8° indique de nouveau un cube rouge
  • La temparature à 0° envoie une tuile Océan vers la zone Tuile Suivante du joueur en cours


  • Les maps Hand et Cards de chaque joueur proposent les boutons joueur suivant et passer
  • La map Recherche de chaque joueur propose un bouton Recherche Terminée pour envoyer un rapport dans la log
  • Next Generation ne lance plus de son - essai pour accélérer le traitement en multijoueurs
  • Règles au format texte plus lisible (UTF-8 ???)
  • La pioche de recherche à 10 ou 4 cartes pour la génération est explicite, avec un bouton
  • Les menus d'interface ont été remplacés par des boutons: actions/recherche Paramètres Inventaire Main et Recherche / masquer Tempo ....
  • Les gros boutons de modificateurs d'objectifs et Next Gen ont été envoyés dans le menu des paramètres, car utilisés rarement (effort du gouvernement mondial sur terre avec Vénus), sauf en cas de problème
  • Les niveaux 8 et 16 de Vénus donnent respectivement et automatiquement 1 carte et 1 TM quand on les joue à son tour (cf. Effort Terrestre de Venus)
  • Les niveaux -24 et -22 de la température ne donneront plus de prod de chaleur si jouées avec les gros bouton, hors de son tour (Effort Terrestre avec Venus)
  • Plus de cartes avec leur texte personnalisé en français
  • Le projet standard de purification de l'air de Vénus fait maintenant monter le TM de 1 point. C'était oublié.
  • De nombreuses cartes vont continuer de mettre un texte d'ambiance en anglais ... ca avait pris du temps de tout faire en anglais. Ca en prendra autant de tout traduire.
  • No modification in the code from 2.6.1 but all texts and images are in french and french only. This makes a smaller file, and no issue with he text in logs
  • Pour jouer en français et en français uniquement, tous les textes des logs sont en français et les images en anglais ont été supprimées

/* Version C */

Expansions and Module EN

These versions contain both english and french cards as far as these were available.
No more development for this version from kerkael.
Bugs will still be adressed  ! Please mention them.
If you can scan vertical images with 280x395 in .jpg, that's always better to match existing images, or an extra treatment is required.
For new English versions of the module, see Module talk:Terraforming Mars#Version C.



  • VASSAL v3.3.3-beta1 uncovered a bug in the coding which was masked by previous VASSAL versions, making the module unplayable. This is a quick fix to make the module playable again, and has NOT been thoroughly tested.
  • Details of the bug: Properties in Beanshell expressions (curly braces, '{}') should not be enclosed in dollar signs. Previous versions of VASSAL just ignored the dollar signs, but 3.3.3-beta1 interprets them, replacing the property with its value before evaluating the Beanshell expression, causing the expression to fail (or always return zero, depending on the context). This broke many Restriction traits, making most cards with any pre-req's unplayable.
  • This was repaired with a global search-and-replace using a regular expression. It is possible this removed dollar signs that should have remained (for example, if there were any literal '$' in any strings).


  • [P25] Orbital Construction Yard & [P35] Acquired Space Agency still had an ugly left edge on the English images
  • Forbidden Area special tile - renamed to Restricted Area.
  • Volcan special tile - renamed to Lava Flows.
  • [052] Fish - changed report to mention the Plant production reduction.
  • [055] Kelp Farming - report said "Prod prod levels" instead of "Plant prod levels".
  • [089] Peroxyde Power - renamed to "Peroxide Power".
  • [147] Herbivores - wasn't prompting to remove Plant production from a player. Typo in "Report - play" ("Mard" for "Mars").
  • [200] Immigrant City - report said to manually increase Banker level for playing the card, but it occurs automatically (for this card only).
  • Tharsis Republic corp - wasn't increasing city count
  • Point Luna corp - wasn't drawing initial card.
  • Morning Star Inc. corp - added missing Permanent Effect.
  • Viral Enhancers Permanent Effect - was labeled as "Virus" instead of "Viral".
  • Mass Converter Permanent Effect - had 2 different effects listed. Deleted the first, incorrect, one.
  • card prototype - changed Scientific discount to apply multiple times if multiple Science tags are present (e.g., Valley Trust should get a discount of 4 on card [090] Research, with 2 Scientific tags).
  • Relay 8 Heats prototype - reworded to sound better in English.

Note: the Scientific discount change is a bit of a kludge, and may have possibly broken other cards; we probably actually need 2 sets of discounts, one per card and one per tag, as some other discounts only apply once per card no matter how many tags they have.

Further note: 2.6.7b was created using a development build of VASSAL 3.3.0. It *should* be playable with 3.2.17 if you manually change the VASSAL version number in the buildFile and moduledata files within the .vmod archive, but I make no promises.


  • [008] Capitale - would not check for Power Prod before letting pay with steel
  • [029] Cupola City - would not check for Power Prod before letting play the card
  • [110] Business Network, [111] Business Contacts, [192] Invention Contest ... and all cards allowing for searching cards would not work since the new Draw 4 button for research phase.

New icons : Next Player, Pass, Research Phase Prelude Cards in english still had issues with images. Should be fine ...

2.6.6 All missing English images are in now ! Many contributors for this ! Thank them !

  • [002] Asteroid Mining Consortium !!!!! Not Steroid, of course :)
  • [012] Water Import from Europa : proposes to pay in Titanium with credits. Can't consume more than 4. Is restricted when 9 oceans already in.
  • [187] Aquifer Pumping : proposes to pay in Steels with credits. Can't consume more than 4. Is restricted when 9 oceans already in.
  • [176] Noctis Farming : Added missing VP.
  • [215] Air-Scrapping Expedition : had Space tag, should have Venus tag instead
  • [256] Venus Magnetizer was not increasing scores or Venus% all fine now
  • Also, the claimable effects are back, after a few versions. I didn't think they were so popular :)
  • Some images were tested with transparency, with round corners. Requiring .png they were 3.5 times biggers, and would add 10MB to the module. I made them jpg. Sorry for the corners and transparency.
  • I made this compatible with official version, instead of the 3.3 beta I received from the new contributors (with the images)


  • Draw 10/4 cards is now a button below research deck projects (Stil right clic on the deck to draw 1 out of research phase)
  • Show ALL is a button for reorganing windows for each color - il like it, as it switches between closed/opened windows
  • Solo game is now ok to pass -> Next Gen
  • Button for Objectives shows a target (that's the icon) to play woth World Gov Effort with Venus Next ! They were hidden in 2.6.4, sorry.
  • Thorgate corpo was not working, plus it was not moving - it is now
  • A few prelude images are still not in english (or badly trimed)
  • vmod zip file was cleaned from useless images
  • Missing english basic projects images for :
  • [002] Steroid Mining Consortium
  • [013] Space Elevator
  • [014] Development Center
  • [025] Space Station
  • [046] Lightning Harvest
  • [057] Vesta Shipyard
  • [061] Great Escarpment Consortium
  • [065] Building Industries
  • [066] Land Claim
  • [108] Open City
  • [153] Adaptation Technology


  • Next Player and pass are back on all individual players Hands and Cards boards
  • Research done is present on Research board for a nice report
  • [195] Indentured Workers - discount should not be reactivated if the card is flipped again
  • Big buttons/new icons
  • NEW REAL ENGLISH IMAGES for Prelude, Corpose, Venus (thanks to Furrball)
  • Playing without Prelude keeps the 7 Prelude Projects cards out of main deck
  • still some delays ... probably improvable code
  • still misses a few cards in english

World Governement on Earth Effort modifications: (this is an option when you play with Venus Next, to play shorter game, the current First Player before Next Gen will increase 1 of the 4 major objectives, with no personal benefit. Due to the auto-NextGen when all players have passed, you will need to do this after Next Gen has been sent, and before any card is drawed)

  • Oxygen +2% big button does not give any TM (but placing a forest, or +Oxy from a card does)
  • Oxygen 8% reached will always push Temp (but does not give TM if coming from big Oxygen button)
  • Temperature +2° Temp big button not give any TM, nor -24 and -22 steps any extra heat prod (but std project Asteroid, or +Temp from a card does)
  • Temperature 0°C reached will always add an extra Ocean( but does not give TM if coming from big temp button, or +8%Oxygen))
  • Venus steps 8 and 16 will generate card pickup and extra TM (but not if coming from big button)
  • City tiles were turned in Greeny ... Now it says Greenery !
  • delays in NextGen were caused by many cards with ALL PIECES option. This is now ok. Always use NO PIECES when you create a module ! Please report if the issue is still there (precise which color generates the problem).
  • Next Gen + 1st Player Token moved Automatic after Last Pass
  • Playability
    • Big Image below the current player's corp shows who's turn it is
    • Current player AND 1st player markers move with Next Player / Next Gen
    • When a player Passes, it's written PASSED on their corpo in big characters
    • With 3 players and more, the pass/next may not always work this requires extra testing
    • But as the actions are not blocked even if it's not your turn, this can be worked around, in case there is a problem
  • Playability
    • Added many Alerts/Message for placement restrictions
    • Added a message for South Pole on Hellas Board
    • Alert Message for Cost Preview (with discounts) in research and hand
    • Extra zoom level for minimum
    • 2 Texts available in research window to help playing 1st turn sequence
  • Player Attributes
    • Other Cubes update : Green says Blue ???? - sorted out
    • All Special cards count as Other cubes for the landlord (but the Capital)
    • Inventrix Corpo : Gives Option to Draw 3 cards during 1st Generation only, once on the board


  • Players Maps renamed Boards in each menu
  • Background Red Board back in red (was missing in previous version)
  • Next Player / Pass buttons : generic on main board (works for the current player); individual on each Player Board (can be clicked by another player)
  • Game Setup
    • Proposes a Close button for all players (as Ready is removed after clic)
    • In a backup/restore situation, all the joining players would see the Game Options again - no longer, after Gen 1

To-do list

  • Players Turn will move Active/Pass around the table when buttons are clicked
  • Next Gen should be automatically launched when all the players have passed
  • 1st Player token will move too !


  • Menu and behaviour
    • Game is launched with a setup menu : Main Map hiddent untill selection is made
    • Users have to click on their chosen color so they're counted as "in the game"
    • Options for Prelude, Venus Next, and also Xeno Corps is proposed
    • If only 1 player in, the game is automatically set as solo game with start at 14 and all other color cubes removed
    • player colors are placed around the table based on seat : 1,2,3,4,5 - First Player token set accordingly


  • Main Map has a button to show/hide. This will not end the game.
  • New Startup Key Command: bing ... which can be used for startup options/windows/selections

Future options

  • Players icons to explicitely show : pass/still in/ Active player
  • Draft



  • Bug with multiple automatic pick up cards is solved.


  • Project cards that would pick up cards are automatic ... with a bug. It looks like they pick the cards twice.


The 2.3.x versions are being updated for bugs and incomplete development.


  • Almost all cards with choice propose it when played.
  • Venus cards still not all set with all prerequisites.
  • Next step is to have all Venus cards done.
  • Also, possibility in the future to get a random distribution for awards and objectives instead of fixed 5 or 6 by map (with Venus)
  • Standard projects are working with special cards and discounts now
  • Cards with points depending on tags (Jovian tags for Jupiter) or cities or nearby oceans (like capital) now treated as units cards. Add a unit for the matching property, and the points are automatically counted (easier that way)
  • standard projects cities and greeneries are now counted in Player Attributes, so it's easier or points AND for cards using these properties
  • No card that would allow to draw additional cards is handled at this time ! This requires advanced coding and searching for de the developer :)

2.3.7: For example, some Blue unit cards propose an Action to remove a unit, when it's not compatible with the game play. As it's still possible to destroy, steal or remove units from some other card action, I made this possible with multiple choice :

  • Add 1 Unit hidden once the card has been tapped, or if there is no action on the card
  • Remove 1 Unit visible only if there is more than 0 unit AND if the game play authorize to use a local action to remove
  • Add 1 Unit (no action) visible for all cards that can store units
  • Remove 1 Unit (no action) visible only if stock > 0

Color Cubes used as markers are not removed from all cards when moving to next generation.

Global requirement modifiers: +/-2 permanent or temporary are working even with corpos like Venus Morning Star Inc

Text should be hidden when card is marked. Just a question of trait position, but many cards to edit now :( (as there are too many prototypes to find where to do that correctly)

Still no "This is Player Blue Turn" nor preset game for solo, nor tuto to start with. I will do one, some day.

version beta Fusion with Venus Next Expansion - self sufficient module Many automatisms (not finished yet)

  • Milestones and Awards playable onboard by clicking on the cost button (8,14,20)
  • Pre-pay with Steel for Building cards
  • Pre-pay with Titanium for Space cards
  • Major prerequisites prevent from playing cards if not met
  • +/- 2 for major prerequisites working as well
  • Color cubes easy to play on tiles by a simple clic (each tile can only be activated once, with the 1st color cube it receives)

Still testing some cards. They will be ready in GA.


New sounds for :

  • Onboard actions
  • Score+1 for each user (Monty Python Holy Grail reference)
  • Premium Objectives

New Automatisms for:

  • Corpos when played : revenues and immédiate actions
  • Onboard actions (Asteroid, city, greenery ...) - Available ON THE BOARD, by clicking on arrows
  • Individual 8 plants conversion and 8 heats conversion

Next step :

  • Automatisms for all project cards to pay/receive money and resources


This new module includes Hellas and Elysium so they are easier to maintain. Also included, prelude, as a permanent option to choose in multiplayer or solo. Rules are included as text files in the help menu for Hellas and Elysium maps, as well as for Prelude, as well as for Solo game new rules.

2.0e A new Era of Automatics

  • Automatic corpos for corpo era, prelude, xenos
    • means money and startup productions are automatic
  • New sounds
    • previous HotDog temperature was too high
  • New buttons in player maps :
    • Convert 8 plants checks the number of plants, consume 8, and raise the oxygen immediately
    • Convert 8 heats checks the number of heat units, consume 8, and raise the temperature immediately
  • automatic -20 and -24 degrees raise Heat Prod


  • Venus Next.
  • Works with and without Hellas & Elysium. If you want to use both, Hellas & Elysium must be in 1.0b
  • Only French cards were available to me when I developed this expansion. If you have English cards, scan them, and send them to me :)
  • You need to send projects, corpos and award and milestones tiles manually to the main board if you want to play with Venus Next
  • Read the rules : you still play with 3 premiums objectives that define the end of the game, but Venus is another premium objective to earn TM points
  • Rules are different for solo game : 14 generation to reach the 4 premium objectives !!!!
  • Read the rules !!!


  • Hellas & Elysium 1.0b expansion is now obsolete and should not be added to version 2.0.
  • It can only be used with version 1.5b and 1.6.
  • There is no compatibility with previous saved games and the version 2.0
  • Help is available in help menu to explain the awards and milestones specific to these 2 maps
  • Pre-setups : It becomes to long to handle pre-setup for all the boards, so only solo games are available in pre-setup Venus Next remains available, without a presetup.
    • Solo : available on each of the 3 boards, with all Score Cubes at 14, and all Corpos and Project cards mixed up with the decks.
    • Multiplayer : Era Corpo - Start with a No Setup, then send the Corpos Discard pile to mix with all ; you send all the projects to the deck as well, with a click on it.
    • Multiplayer : Standard - Start with a No Setup, and don't send Corpos and Projects from the additional piles. Then add +1 to each user productions !
    • To play on the Original Board game, you don't need to deactivate the extension - just chose the board after a No Setup.

Best Practices in Multiplayer by log

  • If you can, Start the game online with all the players, this will accelerate the process, Corpos selection, and 1st 10 cards research
  • When you save an online game, You can use the .vsav to continue the game by turn, but there are no logs in it. So you really start where the game was saved.
  • Suggestion of log naming, for a 3 players game, Red, Green and Blue playing : 3P - log 004 - gen1 - RGB - blue - green next.vlog
    - 3P : Using a first ID to distinct from other games
    - log004 : increment after each player's turn
    - gen1 : keep the number of the active generation visible in each log name
    - RGB : very important, this will change at each generation, indicating that Red is the first player in that generation, and players will cycle RGB RGB RGB until next gen - GBR GBR GBR ... and so
    - blue : this is the blue player turn - the log was created by blue
    - green next : also quite important, especially if red has passed, blue will mention immediately that green is the next player, as in RGB it should be red
  • Click on Pass if you're certain not to do anything else during this generation - especially if you have a very low level of money/steel/titanium/plants/heat, no action card, no cards in hand. This will accelerate next turn
  • Click on 1st Action, then 2nd Action to log what you have done in a standard report
  • Play your turn immediately during research phase, if you're 1st player, and don't care about what other players would do in their research
    - wait for other players research if you think they could pick up some cards with prerequisites you could blast of during this turn ! You may give them too much info too early by playing to fast
  • Report in plain text when what you do is not explicit from the logs !
    - The game reports are more and more complete so you don't need to talk in the logs, but it may be useful to remind when : you fulfil the prerequisites, you pay with titanium, your titanium or steel is worth +1, you use your corpo specific powers (there is no such thing as Action / Unit on the corpo cards, so this is to be done manually !!!)
    - log, log, log and report
  • Use Saved Game Folder in the Module Library
    - so you see in which version the log was saved, as well as the description the last player mentioned
    - We are still improving the module development, and sometimes the saved game have to be updated - can be done from the module editor but not everyone may want to do this :)
  • Don't use a synchronized folder (dropbox, googledrive, Box ...) as the Saved Game Folder
    - You may be creating a log, while still playing, that starts to be synchronized as an incomplete file ... and the next player picks it up before it's complete !
  • Don't open 2 instances of the game at once (like one online real time and the other as a turn by log) - You may completely mess the logs your are playing and both games would be ruined !
  • Have fun

How to play (V1.5)

  • Corpos with an effect will automatically have this effect claimed when kept to hand.
  • Blue Project cards with an effect will report : User should claim the permanent effect ... from the Effect Inventory list.
  • Inventory will easily show you which effects a user can invoke (so no need to repeat each time you have a reduced cost ...).
  • Each user will have their own claimed effects visible in their hand, making it easy to remember what to apply. (But the effects images don't stack, so organise them as you wish.)

Modification : During research phase, you can't send/keep a Corpo to hand ! You need to wait for the actions phase. This to prevent report log showing that you may claim an effect, thus giving too much info to your opponents !

How to play (V1.4a)

  • Menu : On Board Actions (nothing automatic, but normalised reports to help the game)
    • Standard Projects
    • Menu for Milestones and Awards
    • Menu for plants and heat conversion
  • 1st player token placed on top left position on the map, and 5 color cubes ready
  • Pre-defined setups :
    • Multiplayer
    - Era Corpo - All corpos available And cube colors ready on the board)
    - Normal - additional corpos are in the corpo discard - can still be added by right clic on the discard, as well as the era projects, not shuffled yet with all the other cards. You would still need to increase all prods to +1 if playing standard game
    • Solo
    - All colors set on position 14 - All corpos available with all the cards, as the solo game must be played in Era Corpo
  • Actions and Research Phase buttons
    - These should prevent from doing things during incorrect phase (not perfect yet, like calling Research in Next Generation not working)
  • Translation
    - Some reports - in french
    - Only report should be translated to avoid issues with the code
  • 1st action, Next Player, 2nd Action, Pass
    - Buttons options available to normalise report to make the game clear
  • 1d36 - 36 faces die to decide who starts :)

Known bugs :

  • Blue Cards action cubes not removed anymore during next generation - you will reset them manually, like on the board game, until fixed
  • Next Generation should reset phase to "research" but it does not work
  • Prevent all unwanted actions during research, and vice versa

Next improvements :

  • prerequisite shown for on-board actions (if possible)
  • reports should be able to display some calculated properties ...
  • Venus Next ??? As an extension ? Not that difficult to implement, but I only have French Cards !

How to play (V1.1.2)

  • Standard Projects available from a menu
  • They don't automatically check for prerequisites, nor do they consume resources
  • too many specific situations where you could pay less or get reimbursed, depending on some corpo so they just report actions
  • French cards available along with the english cards.
  • No more french version of the game interface and reports - this would make the game bug.

In multiplayer game, after each player has set his color, the Game Master will roll the dice to define the order of players. Then the Game Master will place a colored cube in each of the 1-5 location on the main map, and wait for each player's corporation Card.

  • Generation 1, Research Phase

The Game starts on Generation 1, Research Phase. That phase blocks any activity not related to research.

Players will draw 2 Corpos Card and 10 Project cards directly sent to their research.

With or without a draft, the unwanted project cards will be either passed to next player's color, or discarded. The unwanted corpo will be discarded.

Once everybody agrees and has discarded their cards, it's the end of Research Phase : Players will keep their corpo AND their projects.

Kept projects are automatically paid 3M€ when sent to hand.

Both research and Hand are hidden from other players.

  • Generation 1, Actions Phase

This 1st Actions Phase of the game should start by each player revealing their Corpo, claming for their starting credit, and placing that corpo on the Main Map.

Only after they chose for their corpo and received their initial money should the players clic on Keep Cards from their research, so the money is correctly calculated from the beginning. As the hands are hidden, we can only rely on the log messages to count the number of kept cards for each player.

Each player plays 1 or 2 actions then ask for next turn.

After a complete round, players can play another set of 1 or 2 actions. This is repeated as many times as wanted until all players have passed.

A player who has passed is not supposed to play again during the generation, but this is not enforced.

Game Master then pushes on Next Generation AND must set phase to Research manually.

  • Next Generations, research Phase

The Corpos are locked and can't be drawn anymore.

The Projects can be sent to research 4 by 4, for each player.

  • Actions Phase

If a player can draw 1 or more cards, they will be sent directly to hand, and not in research. They don't cost anything, unless said so by the triggering action (like the Inventors Guild). It's then up to the player to pay 3M€ or discard the card.

Discarding a card is not possible from the hand ! It's called Selling Pattent, giving 1 M€ per card. It may be necessary to reimburse that credit if the triggering action is the Inventors Guild and the card should be discarded.

Eeach player has now a 4th board (v 1.0.8 and after)


Hidden from other players, used during each research phase at each new generation.
During 1st Generation, the research phase allows to draw corpo sent directly to the research board. They can be flipped, but I see no reason to do so. Suggestion is to place the corpo on the main board after this initial research phase.
Players should not clic and keep any of the research cards before they have shown their chosen corpo and set their initial amount of MegaCredit on their Map. That will ensure the cards paid 3 MegaCredits will find funds in the player's account. As there are some Corpos starting with less than 30 M€, it could cause a problem if they decided to keep the 10 cards ... Better to have the money, no ?
If draft was decided as an option, then the Game Master will mention the direction of the draft in the log (Black --> Blue --> Red --> Black, for example) at each Generation (even and odd turns use a different direction). Players should not pay to keep their cards until the end of the Research phase, so they can decide once they have all the researched cards available. So that's on the research board where the players can place some cards in a corner, and pass the others.
It's useless to flip a card before it's passed, as any card landing on the research board will be faced up. So this option has been removed. Only red cards can be flipped, and this should only be done on the cards board, once they are played.

Log Log Log what you do !

  • As some cards won't be visible after they have been played, players are invited to comment their actions.
  • As some cards will be paid with steel and/or platinium, players are invited to comment their values and costs.
  • Players should only use the Play Card action from hand when they want to pay in Mega Credits ! This will be taken from their account, even if they don't have enough money ! Money can't drop below zero, so you need to comment your buys.
  • If you are certain you won't play another turn but you played an action, especially on a turn by turn game, clic on the Pass button after your action(s). So next Generation will be started sooner. (The Pass button does nothing but logging your choice to pass.)

Try to respect order when you play a card. (This is just a recommendation)

  • Mention the prerequisites, and how you fulfil them
  • Mention the price and how you pay
  • Mention the reductions and why you pay the whole price then got reimbursed
  • Get the reimbursed money immediately on your account
  • Then apply the one-shot effects mentioned on the bottom of the card
  • Apply effects from left to right
  • Immediately apply the global objectives on the main map if the card has an effect on this
  • immediately increase your score (TM+1) after any move on the global objectives
  • remember : a forest does not give you an additional point during the game : it increases Oxygen level. Only if you can still increase the Oxygen level will you earn a point after placing a forest ! Once 14% has been reached, don't take any TM when placing a forest.
  • log you actions one by one !
  • If you play a standard project, say so ! And consume resources before applying the effect
  • If you play an action from a blue card, say so ! And click on the Action option on the card. This will both log the action and place a coloured cube on it.
  • If an action has a cost to be executed, you will mention the action you're about to play, then pay the cost, then play the action, then gain the revenue it provides.

How to play (V1.0.6 and later)

Each player's map has a Universal Modifier button in the middle, associated with 4 buttons :

  • -- takes 10 from the modifier
  • - takes 1
  • + adds 1
  • ++ adds 10

The modifier can take any value between 1 and 99 (99 is quite big)

Each player's map also has a + and - button associated to each production and stock. These buttons will add or remove the value of the universal modifier from the item. It's still possible to edit the value of each of these elements from the toolbar buttons, but faster to use +/- when you want to add/remove 1 or 2 units.

How to play (V1.0.5 and later)

No rules enforcement in this module. You play as if you were in front of the board game.

Just a few securized/automized elements, though :

  • Cards from corpo era can be sent in one click to the main projects cards deck.
  • Right click on the projects card deck allows for multi-pick : chose 10 for the 1st research, then 4 for each future generation. The number only applies for the next pick-up, afterward it's going back to default 1 by 1. Additionally, it has Draw 1 Card and Draw 4 Cards that directly moves the cards to the hand and flips them
  • each player has 3 boards (v 1.1 and after) :


Visible by all, indicates production and resource levels. There are toolbar buttons to change each of them. On Generation advance (through the main map) all resources are updated accordingly.


Hidden from other players. Cards MUST be placed here from the main board projects Deck, so their name is hidden from each player. During research phase, if you want to buy the cards, you have a reminder of 3M to pay for each. If discarded, they will go to discard pile as hidden from other players.


Visible by other players, but private. This means one can't move cards on another player's board. This to avoid looking at the red cards after they are played. On this map, blue cards may have resources and/or ACTION action. The resources increases or decreases a counter that is shown with the card; the ACTION is a reminder that the cards has been activated, and should receive a coloured cube until next generation. On next Generation this cube goes away.

Play by the rules, and all is fine.

Other Features

  • Bonus TR: when increasing Temp or Oxy, the player gets the TR and any bonuses in production, as well as advancing Temp on Oxy 8%.
  • Game Piece Inventory counts cards in hand, to see if the player claiming the milestone has 16 cards or more.
  • Counters on map (TR, Oxy, Temp tracks; Oceans, Greenery and Cities in map; milestones and awards locations) snap to location.

Solo Game

* Choose a color
* Change the Score counter for this color to 14
* Move the colored cube on the track from 20 to 14
* You have 14 generation to fulfill the 3 objectives ! This is the rule !
* Don't cheat, there is no draft : you start with 10 cards and pay for the ones you want to keep. At each new generation you draw 4 more cards, and you pay for the ones you want to keep.
* You only count your point if you finish the game in 14 generations. There are no Milestones or Awards to be dealt with.
* If you must reduce some production for a card to be played, this is always possible by considering a ghost player who always have something to lose.

Good Luck.

Module 1.0.2 - en & fr

Sorry for the size of the module, but with both english and french cards, this makes more than 20 MB. Unfortunately this can't be done with an extension.

More Counters

Added as global properties
There are 13 counters for each player. 
Player Black (and any other color) has a button to increase his TM level by 1.
On the Player Black Map, there are 6 boxes with the level of each of the 6 production : Income, Steel, Titanium, Plants, Energy, Heat
On the Player Black Map, there are 6 boxes with the amount of : Money, Steel, titanium, Plant, Energy, Heat
Below the TM Level and Banker Level, there is a vox for Total Income in M€.
Automatic Counters - Next Generation
When the Next generation button is pressed, all Prod will increase the amount of all of the 6 productions level (including the Total Income calculated from the TM Level and the Banker Level)
When a Player TM+1 button is pressed, the TM Level increases for this player, plus of course the total income, and the colored cube will move on the track around the main board.

Score Cubes

Moves on the track
5 cubes (1 per color) are placed at start on the level 20 on the main board. No need to delete/remove them (anyway, it's not possible) even if less than 5 players are playing.
These will move around the board, and shoudl correctly handle the curves at 25, 50, 75 and 100. Still, the +1 at 100 may generate a problem and be counted twice. Don't worry, just replace the cube on the board.
Each cube can be manually moved on the track ... this allows for the colored cubes not to be always hidden by another player's :)
As the text window tell you at which level a player's score cube should be placed, you can correct this manually if you want.

Each player has a counter that can be manually edited from the Dice & Counters menu ... so you can add 10 points by hand if you want, usefull at the end of the game.


A sound has been added for each of the 4 major counters : lake, generation, temperature and oxygen. Just reduce the sound if you don't like them.

Next Steps

  • Buttons on the board for the Standard projects to be paid automatically from the user's money.
  • Buttons/counter/property to pay for the cards ... this is NOT automatic at this time.
  • Buttons to revendicate the milestones and bet on the awards, placing a cube on them, and paying from the bank

Module 1.0.1 - en & fr


English and French available

  • Translated logs and cards are independent
  • Even if you don't want to play in french, the module has a lot of new fatures

Translated Cards

  • All the cards have been scanned in both english and french - players can swap from en to fr from the menu (2 flags shown)

Translated Logs

  • The logs have been duplicated in french too - this requires to change the Vassal preferences and restart the engine to have the game in french

Module size

  • With twice as many scanned cards, the en & fr module is 22,2 MB - Hey, what did you expect ?

Added Features


  • Counters are used for the 3 major objectives and the generation
  • Pushing the objective button moves the White cube on the track (except for the lakes, as there is no track), and gives info in the log that the player should also move their TM marker
  • Oxygen 8% pushes Temp +2° ; Temp 0° tells to add a lake and increase player counters

Set Up

  • If you don't rely on a saved setup game, you must place the correct White Cube on the main board : the 3 cubes are distinct, as they move with the counters push buttons
  • Suggestion is to use a 5 players saved setup game, and not opening the non-played colors - probably remove their TM counter from the track as well


  • Each color/player has 3 maps : hand, cards, map
  • The hand is invisible from other players and raises warning about the price of cards brought to it ... from the research phase
  • When a card is moved from hand to cards, it raises a warning about the card cost that should be paid by the player

Blue Cards

  • On the cards board, blue cards can have action and/or color cubes + unit cubes placed. These may need to be moved manually instead of stacked, as they would not be easy to see at the end

Version C

Version C of Terraforming Mars is an English-only fork of version A, 2.6.7c (English & French).

Version 2.2.1 changes

  • [X39] Corporate Archives had a typo for its tag marker, "scienceTag" instead of "scientificTag".
  • [X45] Robot Pollinators was missing the "NoTags" marker.
  • [X47] Directed Heat Usage was also missing the "NoTags" marker.

Version 2.2.0 changes

  • Added several Seasonal Promo projects and Preludes. Added Big Box Promo projects and corporations.
  • Split Promo Preludes from other Prelude cards (they will be merged back in only if "Promo cards" are enabled from the Game Settings window). Enlarged and rearranged Corps & Expansions board to make room for this new deck and the upcoming Prelude 2 expansion.
  • Cards which replace older versions (currently, the 3 Big Box Promos for Deimos Down, Great Dam, and Magnetic Field Generators) will now automatically cause their original versions to be deleted after they are merged into the main Projects deck during game start. Note that if the cards are manually moved from the Promo Projects deck after game start, the originals will still be present!
  • Split the 5 fan-made maps into a new extension, and integrated Colonies into the main module. Changed Colonies to default to off.
  • Fixed "Pass to next player" right-click option to not work on cards outside the Research hands.
  • [261] Venusian Plants - cost was corrected to 13 (was set to 9).
  • [X11] Saturn Surfing was not limited to 5 MC.
  • [X13] Advertising report now says that the bonus was triggered by itself when manually triggered.
  • Fixed bug that Tiles were checking for adjacent water before checking for legal placement, and associated bug with restricted placements with costs - Hellas South Pole, VB and UP North Pole(s).
  • Made the default Game Settings window taller, from 550 to 650 (apologies to those still using 800x600 displays!), to ensure the START button is always accessible.
  • Corrected "How to Play" documents (for main module and Colonies) to reflect the new extension organization.

FanMaps dd333 1.0 changes

  • 5 fan-made maps (all by dd333, AKA David Jus) split out of main module into extension. No actual changes to the maps otherwise.

Version 2.1.17 changes

  • Ocean increment button text changed to hide it again in VASSAL 3.7+.
  • Utopia Planitia map: Viking II site Placement Warning text corrected to say building tags instead of science tags.

Colonies 1.07 changes

  • Added missing VP to [C27] Molecular Printing.
  • [C23] Market Manipulation now has instructions on how to actually use it (in the chat log).
  • [C32] Red Spot Observatory: changed generic "Action: -1" to something more descriptive.

Version 2.1.16 changes

  • Changed Award button behavior–it no longer matters which actual Award button you click (8, 14, or 20); it will always charge you for and place a cube of your color on the button for the next available Award (e.g., if no Awards have been claimed, you will be charged 8 megacredits and your cube will appear over the "8" button, even if you clicked on "14" or "20"). Once 3 Awards have been claimed, the buttons no longer register.
  • Vitor corp now has a right-click menu entry for its mandatory 1st action (to fund an Award for free–made possible by above change).
  • Fixed Hand Card Count and Research Hand Count to actually count the cards (capitalization error was causing the count to always read "0").
  • Edited Elysium map rules for typos.

Version 2.1.15 changes

(versions 2.1.1 through 2.1.14 were local-only playtest versions)

  • Moved [Map Boards] for Main Map to top of Main Map to prevent blank Board Picker from appearing in VASSAL 3.6.3+.
  • Deleted redundant Zoom Capability from Black Research window.
  • Fixed adjacency bonus for Oceans placed by World Government Terraforming (they were not awarding the 2 M€ bonus the first time another tile was placed adjacent).
  • [006] Inventor's Guild - automatically opens player's Research window, has right-click option to toggle same window.
  • [230] Gyropolis was counting Wild Tags twice; per the official FAQ, they should only count once.
  • Mars Inc. corporation was missing its Earth Tag due to incorrect placement of the trait. Mons Insurance corporation was missing the "No Tags" marker.
  • Restricted UntapCards, also (as well as UnmarkAction) on Action cards if it's already untapped or on the wrong board (we were wasting processing time trying to untap everything at the end of the generation) ["action" prototype].
  • Added "ActionCube = true" Marker to all cubes that are used to indicate an action has been taken, so we can narrow the cube removal GKC further ["tapped_card" prototype].
  • Added "ActionCube == true" Fast Match test to DeleteCube GKC ["action" prototype].
  • Added "CurrentMap =~ .*Cards" Fast Match test to UntapCards GKC [module GKC], so it should only check on maps ending with "Cards".
  • "=~" was being used incorrectly all over the module--did a global search-and-replace with "==", which may improve performance--there were a total of 224 instances, and I double-checked that every single one was incorrect! (this did not affect the previous entry, because the Fast Match doesn't store a literal "=~" when configured to use that comparison).
  • AddMicrobes and AddAnimals prototypes were setting Microbes/Animals tags too soon, and therefore cards using those prototypes were being counted as having neither of those tags. Moved the tags back to the actual cards.
  • Game Settings window default height was too low, causing the Start/Close buttons to be invisible off the bottom of the window without manually resizing it. Now, vertical scrollbar should appear if window is too small to show them.
  • Minor typo fixed ("<color>Player" instead of "<color> Player").
  • Right-click converter added to Helion
  • Added markers to volcanic regions on all maps (except Hellas)
  • Updated drafting text to add, and put first, the name of the player to whom you are passing
  • Further updates to draft/research text to hide text outside Research and Draft Phases, and only give instructions for current round of Drafting (DP->GP)
  • Combined Draft/Research help texts into one.
  • Fixed Yellow Research not opening with pass button.
  • Clear Movement Trail command changed from "PlusNextGen" (which no longer reaches the cards) to UntapCards.
  • Initial instructions for keeping your corporation corrected (it hasn't gone to your "Mars HQ" since 2.0).
  • Also changed instructions to say to play your Preludes after advancing to the Action phase (not strictly correct by RAW, but easier game flow without actually breaking anything).
  • Added more descriptions to various pieces on Game Settings and HIdden Objects maps.
  • playerbutton prototype: unhide readybutton targets only the Hidden Objects map.
  • Start button changes:
    • Changed GKCs that move various setup pieces around to only send to the appropriate map (generally, Hidden Objects).
    • Changed GKCs that mix optional/expansion cards to only trigger when the option is enabled (instead of triggering, but doing nothing if disabled), and to only send to the Corps & Expansions board (or only the Xeno deck for that particular case).
    • Solo Setup GKC targets only that specific piece; within Solo Setup, DrawToTempo targets only the Projects deck, Discard targets only cards on Tempo map, BufferGas targets that specific piece.
    • Various autodeal GKCs target the specific deck they're drawing from.
  • (Note: the various "clean_up_" GKCs in Ready can't easily be targeted more precisely, as they each hit 2 different pieces on 2 different maps.)
  • Ready button: unhide start button GKC only targets Hidden Objects map.
  • Global Search-and-replace of "Rotate Big Token" to "SetTurnOrder", and the GKC (from Ready button) targeted only at Main Map.
  • Solar Phase: PlusOneGen targeted specifically at the Generation piece on the Main Map; Global Parameter raises targeted at their specific pieces on the Main Map/Venus map.
  • Deleted redundant "setup Parameters" pieces from Elysium and Vastitas Borealis maps, restricted startup "bing" GKC to only send to the "Game Settings" map.
  • Added Drafting notes on Research board
  • Performance improvements in setting Seat# and in the Ready Button
  • Fixed bug with moving back to Research phase when Drafting is disabled
  • Fixed bug with unit counters showing on back of card if at top of deck (Animals and Microbes)
  • [050] VIrus - corrected report to say owning player has to manually remove animals instead of current player.
  • Made Cost Preview available on Tempo board and during Draft phase.
  • Added Turmoil corps, then split them out into an extension. Alterations to the Corporations & Expansions board to make room for Turmoil. One line of code (Prototype - PayLessResearch) for a Turmoil corp - Terralabs
  • Help files: for UP Urbanist Award, rules didn't match map - 4 is correct; Added Colonies text to main Help for UP and AT
  • Draw 1 Corp to research didn't draw a Corp
  • Research boards - Made direction text unselectable, minor improvement to processing time
  • Added Turmoil Corps, none working yet.
  • Added new promo cards [X34] Asteroid Mining, and [X36] Bio Printing Facility
  • [069] Electro Catapult needed restriction on Tempo - also added restriction for [194] [185] [134] and [005]
  • [033] Regolith Eaters didn't mark action or take both microbes
  • Terra Cimmeria resource reporting for wild resource placement bonuses was reversed F6, K12
  • [034] GHG Producing Bacteria only removed 1 Microbe instead of 2, didn't Mark Action.
  • Added 40%, 75% Zoom to all card screens, reset initial zoom to 50%.
  • [095] Physics Complex reported that it consumes energy when you add a unit without an action.

Colonies 1.06 changes

  • AddAnimals prototype was setting animalTag too early, and therefore cards with the tag ([C42] Sub-Zero Salt Fish, Arklight corporation) were not registering as having the tag. Moved the tag back to the actual card instead of the prototype.
  • Minor typos fixed ("YT -1300", "Battlstar").
  • Replaced "Rotate Big Token" with "SetTurnOrder".
  • Since the SetTurnOrder GKC now only goes to the Main map, added a trait to the Action - Trade piece on the Main map to forward that command to the Colonies map.
  • Removed Space Colonist award from Tharsis map.
  • Deleted duplicate Venus Next Award/Milestone tiles on the Hidden Objects map.
  • Fixed bug with unit counter showing on back of card (in decks, all units)
  • Removed a pointless restriction in the fleet prototype in the hope it fixes a bug with fleets not returning home between Generations.
  • Alterations to the Corporations & Expansions board for Turmoil
  • Fixed Alert on Trade Envoys and Trade Colony to actually show the "How to use it" Alert.

Version 2.1.0 changes

  • Added new How to Play PDF document, with instructions on using the module (no game rules).
  • Added Beginner Corps...could not get cards to auto-transfer from Research to Hand when automatic dealing is turned off, so just added a prompt to do it manually in that rare case.
  • Added more zoom options to card windows, increased mouse-over zoom for Research windows.
  • [247] Sponsored Academies no longer allows you to play it when you have no other cards in hand to discard.
  • Separated Corporate Era Projects and Corps into separate decks, added option to add them in (on by default). In the process, tightened up the spacing on the Game Settings window.
  • If CE is turned off, all players' productions are increased by 1.
  • Added drafting: Separate Pass board/window (that doesn't have to be viewed) and Draft Done button on the Research window. Also, an arrow by 1st Player token to indicate pass direction (which is automated). The only minor complaint is that the cards that are kept must be set aside in the research window, but not passed again on the honor system.
  • Sponsored Academies was giving bonus card to current first player, instead of all players besides whoever played it. This has been fixed.
  • Research windows open with Pass button.
  • Research windows close with Research Done button.
  • Unmark Action reports that the player did so.
  • Ecoline Corporation - 8 plants button on player board spends 7 plants.
  • Some cards (e.g. [X05] Interplanetary Trade) care about how many tags you have, so City Tags are now counted, too (not just number of cities on/off Mars).
  • Adjusted Arcadia Planitia Milestone Regions to better align with images on the board.
  • Added Colonies expansion as an Extension.
  • Correct Arabia Terra help file (Researcher should be 5 Science tags, not 4).
  • Colonies Specific adjustments
    • Behind the scenes - moved some traits to prototypes AddFloaters and AddAnimals to facilitate activating colonies when Floaters or Animals are put into play. Added Prototype - ActivateEnceladus to the Microbe cards that need it.
    • Added 'Prototype - PayMoreResearch' trait to 'researchCard' prototype for Polyphemos. Prototype is in Colonies extension.
    • Added NoTagGP for each player to track how many cards they have with no tags, updated the updater to check for it and update it, and added a Marker to all Projects, Corporations, and Preludes with no tags. 'NoTag = 1' means there are, in fact, no other tags on the card.
    • Altered the Colony Standard Project to do nothing without Colonies extension, and to work properly with it.
    • Adjusted Arcadia Planitia map Regions to allow room for Colonies components.

Version 2.0.0 changes

  • Reduced Main Map to just the map, made possible by all the items below:
    • Corporation and expansion decks moved off the main board to a new “Corporations & Expansions” board. Main Project draw and discard piles plus the special tile deck moved to a new “Projects & Tiles” board.
    • Deleted all Ocean and City/Greenery tiles; they are created on the fly with Place Marker, instead (they can also be created manually from the game piece palette). Vacant Ocean tiles location replaced with counter showing placed/total Oceans.
    • First player token updated: moved to a fixed location, but added a color cube to it to indicate the first player and (up to) 4 more cubes below or beside it to indicate turn order for the remaining players. Player resource boards also have a set of (up to) 5 cubes indicating the current turn order.
    • Moved corporation cards onto player card boards.
    • Old “Passed” markers moved to player boards (above “Money”), with simplified code; in addition, player passing is now indicated with a Text Label directly on their corporation card, and also by changing the player color cube indicating turn order on the main map (dimming it and adding a small PASS marker).
  • Lots of tile placement is automated. Because of this, please use Undo if you accidentally place a tile incorrectly, rather than manually moving it, to avoid messing up the scores/placement bonuses.
    • Off-Mars cities placed automatically; city, greenery, ocean, and special tiles (from cards, corps, preludes and standard projects) are placed in the Next Tile staging area (added to all boards) (some code adapted from A2.8.3_fr).
    • Bonuses for placing tiles adjacent to Ocean are now automated!
    • Placement bonuses are now automated!
    • City VP scores are now auto-calculated whenever a City or Greenery tile is placed!
    • Owning cubes automatically added to tiles when placed on the hex grid.
  • More automation:
    • New option to automatically deal cards at start of game and beginning of each generation (dealing sound courtesy of Kenney Vleugels []). Note that this option can actually be toggled during the game (by re-opening the Game Settings window from the gray gear icon), so if (for example) you want Project cards auto-dealt but want to use a non-standard starting deal (such as one standard corporation and 1 expansion corporation, instead of shuffling them all together and drawing 2), you can turn auto-deal off at the start, then turn it back on during the first Generation so it triggers on future Generations (you would need to manually draw your 10 starting Projects in this case). Auto-deal is on by default, on the assumption most people will want to use it normally.
    • [247] Sponsored Academies will also automatically deal cards to other players if autodeal is enabled.
    • For solo mode, automatically open Tempo board and deal 4 cards to it, placing 2 City & 2 Greenery tiles in the Next Tile area. Button appears on Tempo board to finish solo setup (which discards the cards and proceeds to the Research phase). A neutral player will be credited with 2 cities on Mars, so effects that count cities will work correctly. The Buffer Gas Standard Project will appear below the other Standard Projects in case you want to use the alternate win condition (to reach a TR of 63) from Prelude.
    • World Government Terraforming (WGT) during the Solar Phase (see Venus Next and later expansions) is now an option on the settings screen--if enabled, the first player is prompted to click a button on the map to select which parameter to raise at the end of each generation (no bonuses or TR will be given for this parameter or any further triggered parameters/bonuses).
    • VPs for claiming Milestones are added automatically. Note that, with the other changes above, this means that, theoretically at least, only Awards scores will need to be manually calculated at the end of the game (as long as players keep any cards with variable scores that need manual updating during the game properly updated).
  • Updated player boards to read “TR” (Terraforming Rating) & “M€ Production” instead of “TM Level” and “Banker Level”.
  • More instances of "Bank(er) Level" replaced with “M€ Production”, and plain “M”s replaced with “M€”.
  • South Pole (Hellas map) & North Pole (Vastitas Borealis map) placement bonuses were checking requirements in the wrong order; if you had enough money for the placement bonus but not 2x the money, it would give you the bonus but also complain that you didn’t have enough money!
  • [008] Capital was increasing both the “cities on Mars” and the “special tiles” counts for the player, which was a bit confusing when calculating the winner of the “Landlord” Award. Changed it to only increment the cities on Mars count.
  • [023] Arctic Algae - removed limitation from claiming bonus via right-click menu during the Research phase (helpful when WGT creates an Ocean).
  • [073] Mars University - reworded right-click menu option to “Science tag played, card discarded, ready for new card”.
  • [124] Hired Raiders can no longer steal more than the target has.
  • [129] Zeppelins -- had a right-click option to activate again (caused by extraneous Menu Command).
  • [172] Pets and Pur & Kleen corporation both stopped adding their VPs to the “Cards Units VPs” for their owning player, due to the changes made in C1.1.0 to the “unit” prototype. This has now been fixed.
  • [194] Power Infrastructure was not limiting the quantity of Energy you could convert to what you actually had on hand.
  • [242] Orbital Reflectors was only raising Venus once instead of twice.
  • [X03] Energy Market wasn’t limiting Energy purchasing by cash on hand.
  • [X05] Interplanetary Trade was assuming that you had at least one City tag if you had any cities; this isn’t necessarily the case (e.g., Tharsis corp, Standard Project). It also was only actually counting cities that weren’t on Mars (oops)! For the moment, added a note to manually subtract one from its effect if you have cities but no City tags. (Proper automated fix will be in a later update.)
  • [X11] Saturn Surfing had a typo in its play report (“Earch” instead of “Earth”).
  • Various projects with actions had right-click menu options that didn’t make sense (mostly “Action: -1” on projects that had no action to remove a resource). Cleaned these up.
  • Mars Inc. corporation right-click option was not increasing M€ production. Also added “no action” +/- 1 options.
  • Updated Arabia Terra and Vastitas Borealis maps and rules help.
  • Added 6th map, Terra Cimmeria, including Placement Bonuses with pre-req’s.
  • Added 7th map, Utopia Planitia, including Placement Bonuses with pre-req’s.
  • Added 8th map, Arcadia Planitia, larger map with alternate Global Parameters. As a side effect of this, you will see a bogus message about the Temperature being changed at the start of any game on the other maps, and can no longer manually cycle the Temperature “backwards” from -30 to +8 (+8 to -30 works fine still). Sorry, couldn’t figure out an easy way to avoid these minor issues.
  • Added 5 more Xeno Corps.
  • Help files cleaned up slightly.
  • Counter for Floaters (Prototype - AddFloaters) was broken for actually counting floaters, due to the same change that broke Pets, above.
  • Player card windows default size increased (we have one player in our local group who likes to spread his cards very wide, and we couldn’t scroll to see them easily with the old size).
  • Milestone and Awards were not being limited by cash on hand.
  • “Ready” and “Start” buttons on the Game Settings window restricted to only respond to the player in “Seat1” (the player who started the game), as it was possible to really confuse the game if 2 people both clicked either button at about the same time. Other players will get a pop-up window.
  • Unmark Action will now actually remove the cube marking the action as used, as long as it's still on top of the card.

  • Behind-the-scenes changes (not visible to players):
    • Because we didn’t like all those duplicate At-Start Stacks, and there was (until VASSAL 3.4.6) a bug which placed At-Start Stacks at the location defined on the first board (Tharsis), rather than the actually selected board, they have been collapsed down to just a few stacks, belonging to “<any>” board. Each piece was given a “Send to Location” command to move it to the correct location when the game starts.
    • AllProjects prototype removed, VenusMix Send to Deck and Restriction moved to new VenusProjects prototype, which was added to all Venus Project cards.
    • Deleted old version of Turmoil promo corps (in hidden Turmoil deck).

Version 1.1.0 changes (from version A-2.6.7c EN)

(Versions 1.0.x were assorted incomplete test versions, play-tested with a local group.)


  • Added 2 player-made maps: Arabia Terra and Vastitas Borealis.
  • Updated 3 original maps with space for Stanford Torus and future Colonies expansion.
  • Added buttons to the maps to claim placement bonuses (each hex with a placement bonus now has a button which can be clicked to claim the bonus; right-click menu allows for removing the button without claiming the bonus, e.g., if tile was placed by World Government during Solar Phase).
  • South Pole (Hellas) and North Pole (Vastitas Borealis) hexes have buttons with a large exclamation which can be clicked to claim their special placement bonuses, or right-clicked to read their special restrictions.
  • Also added right-click menu option to Ocean tiles to claim the 2 M€ bonus for placing a tile adjacent.
  • Special tiles now have correct images for each tile, instead of mostly cities. They should now be listed in alphabetical order when you are selecting a specific tile. Their names now all match their respective Project cards (e.g., "Nuclear Zone" rather than "Nuke Zone").


  • Replaced all $<propertyname>$ occurences within Beanshell expressions (curly braces '{}') with just <propertyname>. The former was an error which Beanshell ignored with VASSAL 3.3.2 and before (due to a VASSAL bug), but causes the module to fail with VASSAL 3.3.3-beta1!
  • Modified the "unit" prototype, making the right-click menu options trigger separate commands to adjust the qty of units, then report, so cards can suppress the reports if they want to do their own reporting, or still trigger the "Plus 1", etc. actions after disabling their menu options.
  • Removed all French images to save space.
  • Added descriptive reports to all cards that didn't already have them, when played or activated. Also added the card flavor text.
  • Color-coded the player boards so it's easier to tell them apart when they fill their windows.
  • Added display of number of Project cards remaining in deck and discarded.
  • Game will auto-advance to the Actions phase after all players click "Research Done" buttons.
  • Moved Permanent Effects menu item to the main toolbar.
  • Updated hex grid location/size on all main maps (Tharsis, Hellas, Elysium)--Elysium in particular was noticeably off. Note that the hex sizes vary slightly from map to map, so on some maps there are noticeable gaps between the tiles when played. Decided that was preferable to having the tiles getting farther off-center the further you went from the center of the map....
  • Updated Venus Next board positions (English board image is positioned/scaled slightly differently from the old French board image).
  • Added more City/Greenery tiles (to a total of 60, to match the physical game)--yes, we actually ran out of them in a 4-player game!
  • Added Ctrl-Z hotkey for Undo.
  • Removed extra buttons from "Help" window (only zoom buttons are useful).
  • Minor typos on multiple cards fixed. Lots of weird phrasings changed to something clearer. Terminology standardized to match the board game (e.g, "M€ production" instead of "Banker Level" or "income", "Power" tags and "Energy" resources [the two were used somewhat interchangeably before], etc. Note that a lot of the internal property and trait names were not changed, but all text visible to the players should have been [exception: Player Boards still show “Money” and “Banker Level”]).
  • Removed reference to French from module description. Various files, properties, and traits translated from French to English (not complete).
  • Removed wording about "checking total hand count" from the report for the "Draw 1 card to hand" action of the Project deck.
  • Moved Promo Projects and Corps to separate decks with startup button to add them (or not).

Projects & Preludes

  • [001] Colonizer Training Camp - prePayWithSteel option enabled (but didn't actually do anything) when requirements not met.
  • [006] Inventor's Guild - added missing card
  • [023] Arctic Algae - Didn't say to claim Permanent Effect.
  • [044] Natural Preserve - tile was listed as "Nature Preserve" in tile selection window.
  • [095] Physics Complex failed to change the player's "UnitsVP" total if the "No Action" options were used to change the quantity.
  • [097] Nuclear Zone - tile was listed as "Nuke Zone" in tile selection window.
  • [140] Lava Flows - Corrected Alert to say the Tile has to go on one of the 4 Bold text Volcanic Areas, that the card can't be played if all Volcanic Areas already have tiles, and that it can be placed on any non-reserved site if using the Hellas map (per official rules)--it previously said not to place the tile on Hellas.
  • [178] Heat Trappers - Corrected Alert to require both units of Heat production to be taken from a single player (see official FAQ).
  • [185] Olympus Conference - Now automatically gives itself the first resource for playing the card.
  • [206] Special Design - report said to flip after next card played, even if in next generation--the card must be used in the same generation, so corrected report.
  • [P12] Experimental Forest - now automatically opens the Tempo window and draws the first card to check.
  • [P35] Acquired Space Agency - now automatically opens the Tempo window and draws the first card to check.
  • [P37] Lava Tube Settlement - see [140] Lava Flows, above.
  • [P39] Psychrophiles - Now prompts for how many units to remove, instead of having to remove 1 at a time.
  • [222] Dirigibles - Now prompts for how many units to remove, and gives you 3 M€ per unit.
  • [243] Rotator Impacts - couldn't spend Titanium on action.
  • [248] Stratopolis - Right-click +1 action only added one Floater to card (should be two).
  • [251] Sulphur-Eating Bacteria - Now prevents you from removing more Microbes than it actually has.
  • All Venus Next cards which could add Floaters to themselves or other cards now have separate right-click options for each choice.
  • [211] Snow Algae - added promo card
  • [212] Penguins - added promo card
  • [X01-X12] Promo cards released with Turmoil added (except [X09], which is useless w/oTurmoil; it’s coded, but stored in a hidden deck and not currently used).
  • Standard Projects - now report when a rebate (e.g., from [156] Standard Technology) is applied, rather than applying it silently.


  • Celestic - Added separate right-click options for adding Floaters to itself or another card.
  • Credicor - right-click option to add 4 M€ wasn’t working because it was restricted if map != “cards”...should be map != “playground”.
  • ECA - Standard Project rebate was not functioning because the card setup was looking for the wrong command ("play" instead of "KeepCorpToHand").
  • ECA - Added 2 M€ to the Mark Action for selling a patent
  • Phobolog - was giving Black an extra Space tag, no matter who played it!
  • Pur & Kleen - added counter to be updated manually to track score for oceans adjacent to your cities.
  • Robinson Industries - added right-click menu options to raise production as corp. action -- only the option(s) for the lowest production(s) will be available to click.
  • Saturn Systems - not giving the automatic M€ production for playing the corp (due to its Jovian tag).
  • Shinra - not giving the automatic M€ production for playing the corp (due to its Power tag).
  • Thorgate - copied "st3" Calculated Property from AnyStdProject prototype so Standard Project rebates (e.g., [156] Standard Technology) are accounted for when activating the discounted Energy Plant project in the same way as when activating a Standard Project normally. Also see Standard Project change above.
  • ViTOR - increased starting money to 48 (from 45) to account for the 3 M€ granted automatically for playing the card (due to its VP icon).
  • Weyland-Utani - increased starting money to 50 (from 48) to account for the 2 M€ granted automatically for playing the card (due to its Science tag).
  • Added 3 more Beginner corporations, so everyone can have one! (Note that they are not coded, and so do not grant the correct starting money or give the player their 10 project cards for free.)
  • 6 Promo Corps added

Future fixes and improvements

(in no particular order)

  • [X38] Outdoor Sports only checks if there is 1 City and 1 Ocean, doesn't check that they're adjacent (hard to code).
  • [X46] Supercapacitors automation is not very good (allows you to change too much, requires you to manually revert the Energy->Heat conversion at the start of the new Generation).
  • [X41] Merger Prelude requires reworking how corporations do their initial setup–currently in Hidden Objects.
  • [X40] Double Down Prelude currently has to be done purely by hand; automating would require some way to re-trigger the direct effects (only) of a previously played Prelude.
  • Colonies can be dragged to the spot where the cube is supposed to end up, which doesn't properly trigger adding the colony.
  • Add reminders for mandatory first actions (from corps.) to Player Hand windows.
  • Automate enforced first-turn actions from corps.
  • Add rebates as well, and set them up to be applied automatically. As a corollary, update "Discount, Attributes, and Properties" window to show rebates. Would be good to also add count of green cards & blue cards and Total Score. List cards by type rather than color (Automated, Active, and Event cards, instead of green, blue, and red).
    • [P10] Ecology Experts - automate its card play.
    • [P11] Excentric Sponsor - automate its discount.
    • [210] Self-Replicating Robots - added promo card, but is still totally manual (card is currently stored in a hidden deck, and will not be shuffled in). Same for similar “Tyrell” Xeno Corp.
    • [X09] Political Alliance - programmed, but needs Turmoil
  • Emptying research hand should be equivalent to clicking "Research done". Exception: Generation 1 with Preludes (Preludes are played in the Research phase).
  • Edit Permanent Effects to specify which are automatically applied.
  • Add GPs to track # of PEs collected by each player, and auto-offset new ones so they don't overlap.
  • Auto-add PEs instead of prompting player to add manually.
  • Copy remaining version A French only updates (color coded reports, alternate solo mode).
  • Automatically send discards back to Projects if a card is drawn with the deck emptied.
  • On player Card maps, delineate locations for corp, prelude, green, blue, and red cards, and permanent effects. Place new cards in the correct locations cards with actions should not overlap.
  • Automate all card effects.
    • Helion - spend heat as cash (or make a right-click converter)
    • Manutech - +1 resource for each production increase
    • Vitor - no first action right-click option
  • Disable Action/Research buttons when already in matching phase.
    • [004] Cloud Seeding allows you to pick someone with no Heat production. [this is necessary for solo play]
    • [218] Comet for Venus allows you to pick someone with no Venus tags.
  • Currently, if another player adds (or removes) a unit to your VP card, they get (or lose) the points; fix it so the owning player always gets the points.
  • Add Turmoil expansion.
  • Have cards that require you to dig for projects with specific tags automatically pull the required cards from the deck, instead of requiring the user to manually draw a card at a time and discard the non-matches. Perhaps include an option to enable the old (current) behavior, for purists who don’t like skipping the discards. May even be possible to automate the current behavior, actually….
  • End game check: Do we want to implement? So it would do one more production but doesn’t advance 1st player, deal cards, or allow anything but placing greenery and greenery-related increases.
  • Allow clicking directly on M & A to claim, with code to determine cost.
  • Make Colonies & Venus Next maps auto-open when playing with them.
  • Improve drafting with separate board. And/or add some instructions to the research (or draft) board.

One-time-only glitches

These are bugs that we couldn’t reproduce--may have been caused by a corrupt module download or a networking glitch. Leaving them here in case they occur again....

  • [008] Capital didn’t trigger bonus for placing next to an Ocean
  • [023] Arctic Algae - effect report triggered when card was drawn
  • Robinson Industries doesn’t always mark the action as used?
  • Blue Trade fleet not returning from Miranda?