Module:Twilight Struggle

Publisher | GMT Games | Era | Modern Warfare |
Year | 2006 | Topic | The Cold War |
Players | 2 to 2 | Scale | Strategic |
Length | Medium |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
No Rule Enforcement 1.0.2 | ||||
Twilight_Struggle_NRE_1.0.2.vmod | Module | 6.57 MB | 2020-09-17 | 3.2.17 |
Play By E-Mail with ACTS - 1.2 | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-PBEM-1.2.vmod | Module | 6.52 MB | 2016-05-10 | 3.2.16 |
3.2 | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-3.2.vmod | Module | 3.98 MB | 2014-07-19 | 3.6+ |
3.1.2 | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-3.1.2.vmod | Module | 3.79 MB | 2014-07-19 | 3.2.12-3.5.8 |
Deluxe -3.0.11c | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-Deluxe-3.0.11c.vmod | Module | 3.86 MB | 2014-01-27 | 3.2.9+ |
Deluxe -3.0.10a | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-Deluxe-3.0.10a.vmod | Module | 3.81 MB | 2011-06-28 | 3.1.15+ |
Deluxe -3.0.10a Spanish Edition | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-Deluxe-3.0.10a-Spanish.vmod | Module | 3.88 MB | 2012-04-06 | 3.1.15+ |
Deluxe -3.0.9a | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-Deluxe-3.0.9a.vmod | Module | 3.81 MB | 2011-02-05 | 3.1.15+ |
2nd Edition - 1.3 | ||||
Twilight-Struggle-2nd-1.3.vmod | Module | 8.73 MB | 2010-06-12 | 3.0+ |
1st Edition - 2.5 | ||||
Twilight_Struggle-2.5.vmod | Module | 6.54 MB | xxxx-xx-xx | 3.0+ |
Module Information
Maintainer | mkiefte |
Contributors | mkiefte, tmccarron, jtesser, swampwallaby, bdgza, Kaiman, Dangulica, Benkyo |
NRE 1.0.2
Essentially the same as the PBEM module, but includes a button to deal cards and dice roll buttons, so can be played standalone without ACTS. NRE stands for "no rule enforcement", to distinguish this version from 3.1.2, which features full rule-enforcement.
PBEM 1.2
Designed for use with ACTS handling cards and dice rolls. Use the "Solo" player for storing data about the board and cards. Use "Soviet" and "American" players for "pass and play".
- Automated Presence/Domination/Control indicators
- Card use can be tracked from a toolbar menu by right-click commands
- Automated event markers and addition of mid/late war decks
- Updated custom code to run on Vassal versions 3.6, 3.7 and above
- Otherwise identical functionality to the 3.1.2 version
- NOTE: This module does not run on Vassal versions later than 3.5.8.
- Minor bug fixes
- Will now appear in its own room in VASSAL to prevent syncing with older versions
- Compiled for Java 5 for backwards compatibility with older JREs
- Added a dialog which asks if you're sure you want to play a card in the Space Race (which cannot be undone). This alert can be turned off in the preferences.
This module looks the same as the previous version but it works very differently. Here's a quick summary:
- full rules automation and enforcement
- support for PBeM
- support for solo play
- ability to randomly assign sides
- chess clocks to track time played for each side
- will show legal influence placement for both regular Op play and individual events
- dialogs are modeless which means that you can still move around the mapboard even when a dialog has popped up
- alerts players when they are to play (can be turned off in options).
- options to close hand when card played automatically (in options).
- automatically advance turn tracker when finished or done manually (so you can undo a play if you have second thoughts -- available in options)
- better support for undo (some things you cannot undo: whenever die is rolled, whenever a random card is drawn, when opponent can react, etc.)
- other things that I can't think of right now (but those are the main ones)
This has been tested for two months by a team of playtesters, but that doesn't mean there are no bugs. Please contact me at if you find anything.
And, as always, I am open to suggestions. That doesn't mean I'll implement them, but I will take them seriously and I usually do implement them (a lot of the above changes are the results of suggestions). Keep in mind that some things are impossible because this is still basically based on VASSAL.
Screen Shots
- Pipuf
- aqui
- Dangulica
- Sarge85
- Darcy Burgess
- juventus10
- tmccarron
- MikeO
- Wargamer777
- lrenn
- warbear
- ScottMayne
- theaney
- Demoitor
- dropded
- seanmac31
- gyoung20
- Gherardo
- Alberto
- DerDiplomat
- calvinus
- MiracleMike
- Toadkillerdog
- ArmedMedic
- sprydle
- SirGoul
- TrimChris
- rosso
- firefly
- Norty
- Ogreking
- Farsol
- MedievalBanquet
- RebelRob
- czmielon
- HAJ752
- eskravitz
- Coinflip
- Bluekingzog
- CroakerPete
- paulus22
- Alby
- jtesser
- rickbill
- ssather
- ges
- Jibe
- SimmyP
- KevinRohrer
- BobJ
- Athos
- Profit
- pzlehr
- runnersan
- ricmadeira
- jpke
- saisu
- SimmyP
- pmiranda
- mickery
- Lanehess
- Diego
- zylin
- Boris
- ges
- Telchar
- xrubio
- Infernarl
- casoli
- twhitten
- Minaya
- Cantata
- PerFischer
- jeibel
- EricTheRed
- Rondor
- yams69
- bpisarik
- Hal752
- allenwcu
- Toonces
- warloc66
- Buck
- regbob
- wga
- mking
- Hugh
- cwmassey
- Tmo
- malbersado
- jburdett
- ermd
- gap10
- wittgenstein
- rporrini
- ColtsFan76
- madhatter
- zollone
- Leonidas300
- Morpheus
- bilosta
- Vonpaolus
- lesulm1
- Peppe74
- Josh
- MajorOracle
- Lollok
- calamar
- cornjob
- leegb1
- kaukrato
- raestuart
- Preacher
- croak
- onibaloney
- Josep
- ArmedMedic
- jbarreto
- gittes
- Dysken
- todokeniata
- Iorwerth
- LordJesse
- harkonnen13
- KevinRohrer
- tanglewood
- jokerlan
- Salamon
- afifter
- shmcbee
- gwylie
- Hellgie
- daveyk39
- Morpheus
- lg
- Pabu
- CDRodeffer
- valkray
- crimedog66
- Marael
- Douglass
- ubirata
- Liverbirds
- Vetinari
- TKaz84
- hobnob
- Athos
- miyazakigrognard
- Metro
- Bridger
- Metro
- sincrobuster
- Asra
- caronthefiend
- moloch
- eskravitz
- Parvus
- CBRMichael
- Saufeius
- TomMcCorry
- elister
- jksedge
- Agitator
- Agitator
- gsikon
- jokerlan
- VonBrunt
- Shako
- Turnerius
- rudyhuxxxtable
- BugDany
- Ebbor
- Boxman
- rhammond
- lj1983
- Gevalle
- IdiotCrow
- psnixon
- Schlinker
- csrobins
- gittes
- happygrue
- robarrieta
- PontusNalle
- nicolassabido
- js314159
- billgoode
- pelotonto
- smtudor
- Baxter
- pkone3
- DrJambo
- callmeVlad
- MrJazbutis
- jgs3
- Cashnex
- nitro50010
- Tulfa
- bdgza
- rddfxx
- porkbelly
- J6A
- Luca Di Gennaro
- Eddy Riggs
- RPMcMurphee
- ganotisim
- JoelCFC25
- Brettner
- Dan Kaufman
- Roger Leroux
- Howitzer99
- Abismo2000
- John Anderson
- zschub
- Bruiser419
- casey92
- John Longstreet
- Derekrledr
- Mark Johnson
- MacStrass
- exoow
- ldsdbomber
- anewcar
- Belshire
- Mano82
- Michael Webb
- Vitaly820
- zbyhoo
- John Foster
- ActuallySophia