Uses of Interface
Packages that use Auditable
Provides classes for building Java instances automatically from XML
Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that may be added to a
.Contains classes that can be added to a
.Provides classes for building "Edit Property" dialogs, and for editing
's and ModuleExtension
's.Provides classes that define game pieces.
Provides support for specifying and saving preferences.
Contains various utility classes.
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract implementation of theBuildable
An abstract implementation of theConfigurable
Abstract class for a Folder component that can contain/organize a particular type of configurable(s).class
Creates an item that is both configurable w/ an edit boxAbstractConfigurable
and buildable from the XML buildFileAbstractBuildable
, but which also has a Toolbar launch button.class
The GameModule class is the base class for a VASSAL module.class
A general-purpose configurable GUI container Widgets areConfigurable
objects that represent AWT components.Constructors in with parameters of type AuditableModifierConstructorDescriptionBadDataReport
(String message, String data, Throwable cause, Auditable owner, AuditTrail auditTrail) BadDataReport for a general exception raised during Expression Execution with supplied audit info -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A top-level Widget for displaying Chartsclass
This is now a dummy classclass
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.class
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.class
Represents theHelp
menu of the controls windowclass
This version ofMassKeyCommand
is added directly to aGameModule
and applies to all maps.class
GlobalOptions is a junction point for several flavors of "preferences"-related categories.class
This component places a button into the controls window toolbar.class
Holds static information of and a reference to a gamepiece.class
The Map is the main component for displaying and containingGamePiece
s during play.class
An optional extension to a GameModule Like a GameModule, it is built from scratch from a 'buildFile' in a DataArchive The components described in the buildFile are appended to components in the base DataArchiveclass
A ModulePlugin is basically identical to a ModuleExtension except that is loaded earlier and must throw Plugin specific error messagesclass
Combines multiple buttons from the toolbar into a single button.class
This is aGameComponent
that allows players to type and save text notes during a game.class
A window from which players can create newGamePiece
s by clicking and dragging from the PieceWindow.class
Maintains a list of players involved in the current gameclass
Plugin is a general purpose component for use by Module Plugins that require some sort of initialisation.class
Defines a saved game that is accessible from the File menu.class
A Map that may be configured to be visible only a particular side.class
Container for definitions of Game Piece prototypes.class
A Global Key Command that is automatically invoked on game start-up, once the various Key Listeners have been started.class
Takes buttons from the toolbar of a Map or the main module and places them into a popup menu -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement Auditable -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base DieServer Class Does most of the work.class
ShadowDice Dice Server -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Places an entry in theHelp
Unpacks a zipped directory stored in the module and displays it in an external browser window.class
Easier-to-use support for opening a single PDF file in the browser (it can be done with BrowserHelpFile, but requires a substantial workaround and weird confusing procedures)class
Places an entry in theHelp
Provides tutorial functionality by reading in a logfile -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Container for definitions of Generic Color Definitionsclass
Class that implements a named Color Swatchclass
Container for definitions of Generic Color Definitionsclass
Class that implements a names Font Swatchclass
Container for definitions of Generic Counter Definitions.class
Container for definitions of Generic Counter Definitions.class
The base portion of a Counter Layout component.class
Individual override parameters for an instance of anItem
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is aDrawable
class that draws the counters horizontally when the mouse is held over a stack with the control key down.class
This version ofMassKeyCommand
is added to aDrawPile
(which holds aDeck
) and applies to pieces/cards currently in the deck.static class
static class
Allows a player to ping a location ("send up a flare") by clicking on a map with the correct modifier key combination held down (default: Alt+LeftClick).protected class
Handles the drawing of cards in aPlayerHand
This allows the user to capture a snapshot of the entire map into a PNG file.class
Adds a button to the toolbar to manipulate Game Piece Layersclass
The optional "Game Piece Layers" component of a Map which allows pieces on the map to be assigned to an arbitrary number of visual layers according to a property setting.class
A class that allows the user to draw a straight line on a Map (LOS = Line Of Sight).class
Centers the map when user right-clicks on an empty hexclass
Draw shaded regions on a map.class
Adds a button to a map window toolbar.static class
Adds a button to a Maps toolbar that moves the view/camera to a specific pointclass
PieceMover handles the "Drag and Drop" of pieces and stacks, onto or within a Map window.class
Adds a button to a Maps toolbar that adjusts the positions of all pieces so that their centroid is at the center of the mapclass
This component listens to key events on a Map window and scrolls the map.class
This is the "At-Start Stack" component, which initializes a Map or Board with a specified stack.class
StackMetrics provides the [Stacking options] component of aMap
Controls the zooming in/out of aMap
window. -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement Auditable -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Hexgrid is a map grid composed of hexes.class
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for grid numbering classes for hexagonal and rectangular gridsclass
A Class that defines a method of highlighting the a zone in a multi-zoned grid. -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for additional Menu items (with Hotkeys) that can be added to a DrawPile/Deckclass
Uses of Auditable in
Subinterfaces of Auditable in and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
static interface
A PropertySource provides an interface to read properties (values), usually game- or UI-related, from various game objects.Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Adds a toolbar button that changes the value of a global propertyclass
Dummy component that acts as a simple container for GlobalProperty componentsclass
Adds a global property to a Map or Moduleclass
Adds a global property to a Map or Moduleclass
Dummy component that acts as a simple container for GlobalProperty componentsclass
For property names of the form sum(name), returns the value of the named property summed over a list of pieces.class
Methods in with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRemoteEnumeratedPropertyPrompt.getNewValue
(DynamicProperty target, Auditable owner, PropertySource ps) RemoteIncrementProperty.getNewValue
(DynamicProperty target, Auditable owner, PropertySource ps) RemotePropertyChanger.getNewValue
(DynamicProperty target, Auditable owner, PropertySource ps) RemotePropertyPrompt.getNewValue
(DynamicProperty target, Auditable owner, PropertySource ps) RemotePropertySetter.getNewValue
(DynamicProperty remoteDP, Auditable owner, PropertySource ps) Evaluate any expression using the remote piece as the source of properties Pre-evaluate any $$ variables in the local piece. -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generic Turn Componentclass
Generic Turn Counter -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A CardSlot is identical to a PieceSlot except that it is initialized with a card-like GamePiece.class
A Chart is used for displaying charts and tables for the module.class
An HtmlChart is used for displaying html information for the module.class
A Widget that corresponds to a panel with aJList
sitting to the right of aJPanel
with aCardLayout
A Widget that corresponds to a JPanel with a GridLayout or BoxLayout layout.class
A Component that displays a GamePiece.class
A Widget that corresponds to a JTabbedPane.class
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement Auditable -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.configure
Methods in VASSAL.configure with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PropertySource source, GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail trail) boolean
(GamePiece source, GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail trail) boolean
(GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) PropertyExpression.getFilter
(PropertySource source, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) PropertyExpression.getFilter
(PropertySource source, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) boolean
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.counters
Subinterfaces of Auditable in VASSAL.countersModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
If class implementing GamePiece also implements the EditablePiece interface, then it can be manipulated from the Editor's Configuration Tree via thePieceDefiner
Interface to deal with the behaviors of a physical component of the game, or a Trait of one.interface
Interface for classes that can export the names and values of the properties they maintainClasses in VASSAL.counters that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Trait (akaDecorator
that acts like a button on a GamePiece, such that clicking on a particular area of the piece invokes a key commandclass
Trait allowing creation of an "attachment" to one or more other pieces, which can then be sent GKCs very swiftly and whose properties can be easily read (and if a Dynamic Property can also be set with a Set Global Property trait)class
This trait overrides the $BasicName$ property provided by the "Basic Piece", allowing a module designer decking to define pieces entirely by prototype to safely ignore and leave empty the Basic Piece.class
Basic class for representing a physical component of the game.class
Trait to draw a colored border around a piececlass
Conditional Marker A marker with a variable value depending on conditions.class
This trait adds a command that creates a duplicate of the selected Gamepiececlass
A trait that exists in a Piece Definition, but is not included when the piece is created in a real game.class
Trait that sends a Key Command to other pieces, selected with various filters.class
A collection of pieces that behaves like a deck, i.e.: Doesn't move.class
The abstract class describing a generic 'Trait' of a full GamePiece.class
This trait adds a command that creates a duplicate of the selected Gamepiececlass
Implements a trait to allow a piece to be deselected from the KeyBuffer in response to a Key Command.class
Trait that contains a property accessible via getProperty() and updatable dynamically via key commandsclass
d/b/a "Layer" The "Layer" trait.class
Embellishment has been extensively re-written for Vassal 3.2 changing both the behavior and the visual look of the configurer.class
Displays a movement trail indicating where a piece has been movedclass
d/b/a "Can Rotate" A Decorator that rotates a GamePiece to an arbitrary angleclass
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with Attachment -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and attaches themclass
The heart of all the different forms of Global Key Command, GlobalCommand handles sending a key command to multiple pieces, potentially on multiple maps, as long as they match its filtering condition.class
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with Attachment -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and *detaches* themclass
Adds a menu entry that fires a specified key event to the module window.class
Variant on GlobalCommand for use with SetPieceProperty -- instead of sending a key, finds pieces and sets their propertiesclass
d/b/a "Does Not Stack" Decorator that filters events to prevent a GamePiece from being selected and/or moved.class
d/b/a "Text Label" Displays a text label, with content specified by the user at runtime.class
A generic Decorator that retains in its state the value of a property.class
Designates the piece as a "Mat" on which other pieces ("Cargo") can be placed.class
Designates the piece as "Cargo", which can be placed on a "Mat" to move along with itclass
This trait puts a menu separator bar in the context menu for the piececlass
d/b/a "Mark When Moved" A GamePiece with this trait will automatically be marked whenever it is moved.class
Allows a single trait to generate multiple context menu commands, using a set of filtered map locations.class
A trait for assigning an arbitrary shape to aGamePiece
d/b/a "Mask" Trait that lets some traits of a piece be hidden "from some players, some of the time".class
d/b/a "Can Pivot" Provides commands to pivot a Game Piece around a given pointclass
This Decorator defines a key command to places another counter on top of this one.class
A trait that plays a sound clipclass
A Decorator class that endows a GamePiece with a dialog.class
GamePiece trait that replaces a GamePiece with another oneclass
d/b/a "Report Action" A GamePiece with this trait will echo the piece's current name when any of a given key commands are pressed (and after they take effect)static class
Looks in both the new and old piece for property values.class
RestrictCommands Restrict the availability of Key Commands, depending on a Property Match Stringclass
d/b/a "Restricted Access" A GamePiece with the Restricted trait can only be manipulated by the player playing a specific sideclass
GamePiece trait that returns a piece to aDrawPile
This trait adds a command that sends a piece to another location.class
A Stack is a collection of pieces in the same location that can often be moved with a single drag-and-drop.class
A trait that groups menu items of other traits into a sub-menuclass
d/b/a "Spreadsheet" A Decorator class that endows a GamePiece with an editable spreadsheet (i.e.class
A trait to expose a translated string as a readable/displayable property.class
d/b/a "Move Fixed Distance" Give a piece a command that moves it a fixed amount in a particular direction, optionally tracking the current rotation of the piece.class
Macro Execute a series of Keystrokes against this same piece - Triggered by own KeyCommand or list of keystrokes - Match against an optional Property Filterclass
d/b/a "Prototype" This trait is a placeholder for a pre-defined series of traits specified in aPrototypeDefinition
object.Methods in VASSAL.counters with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) boolean
(GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) default boolean
Test if a piece matches the filter and provide Expression auditing facilitiesdefault boolean
(GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Test if a piece matches the filter and provide Expression auditing facilitiesstatic SendToLocation.Destination
(PropertySource source, Auditable auditSource, String destination, FormattedString mapId, FormattedString boardName, FormattedString zone, FormattedString region, FormattedString gridLocation, FormattedString x, FormattedString y, PropertyExpression propertyFilter, Map sourceMap, Point startPosition) Compute a destination from the parametersGlobalAttach.getVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke keyStroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) protected GlobalCommandVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke keyStroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) GlobalDetach.getVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke keyStroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) GlobalSetter.getVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke keyStroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) static Command
(List<Parameter> parameters, GamePiece piece, PropertySource source, Auditable owner) Find and set a series of Dynamic Properties in the supplied GamePiece named propertyName and generate a Command to set it to the specified values in other clientsstatic Command
(List<Parameter> parameters, GamePiece piece, PropertySource source, Auditable owner, AuditTrail auditSoFar) static Command
(String propertyName, String value, GamePiece piece, PropertySource source, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Find a Dynamic Property in the supplied GamePiece named propertyName and generate a Command to set it to the specified valuevoid
Constructors in VASSAL.counters with parameters of type AuditableModifierConstructorDescriptionAttachVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke stroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) DetachVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke stroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) GlobalCommandVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke stroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) GlobalCommandVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke stroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck, GlobalCommand globalCommand) SetVisitor
(Command command, PieceFilter filter, KeyStroke stroke, AuditTrail audit, Auditable owner, int selectFromDeck) -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.i18n
Subinterfaces of Auditable in VASSAL.i18nModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Decorators that contain localizable elements must implement this interfaceClasses in VASSAL.i18n that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Container for definitions of Translations.class
Singleton class for managing the translation of a module into other languagesclass
Utility class to allow translation of VASSAL using the Component Translation mechanism. -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.launch
Classes in VASSAL.launch that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.preferences
Classes in VASSAL.preferences that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for a Module Preference.class
A Checkbox Module Preference.class
A Decimal Number Module Preference.class
A Drop-down list preference.class
A whole number Module Preference.class
A String Module Preference.class
A multi-line textbox Module Preference. -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.script
Classes in VASSAL.script that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A BeanShell Interpreter customised to evaluate a single Vassal expression containing Vassal property references.class
Container for Scripts.Fields in VASSAL.script declared as AuditableMethods in VASSAL.script with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionExpressionInterpreter.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) ExpressionInterpreter.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) -
Uses of Auditable in VASSAL.script.expression
Fields in VASSAL.script.expression declared as AuditableMethods in VASSAL.script.expression that return AuditableMethods in VASSAL.script.expression with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(GamePiece piece, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) static AuditTrail
Factory method to create a new AuditTrail only if auditing is enabledstatic AuditTrail
Factory method to create a new AuditTrail only if auditing is enabledstatic AuditTrail
Factory method to create a new AuditTrail only if auditing is enabledstatic AuditTrail
(Auditable source, Expression originalExpression) Factory method to create a new AuditTrail only if auditing is enabledstatic AuditTrail
(Auditable source, Expression originalExpression, String comment) Factory method to create a new AuditTrail only if auditing is enabledstatic AuditTrail
(Auditable source, FormattedString originalExpression) static AuditTrail
(Auditable source, FormattedString originalExpression, String comment) BeanShellExpression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate this expression using a BeanShell InterpreterExpression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Expression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Each subclass must implement evaluate() to evaluate itself The default implementation just returns the expression itself, which works correctly for simple Expression types like NullExpression and IntExpression.Expression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Expression.evaluate
(Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) FormattedStringExpression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) SinglePropertyExpression.evaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) BeanShellExpression.getFilter
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Expression.getFilter
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Return a PieceFilter using the expression.Expression.getFilter
(Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) PropertyMatchExpression.getFilter
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Expression.quietEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) A version of tryEvaluate the supresses error messages.Expression.quietEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) void
(boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate an expression with data warning support built inExpression.tryEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate an expression with data warning support built inExpression.tryEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, Map<String, String> properties, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Core tryEvaluate implementation.Expression.tryEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) Expression.tryEvaluate
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate an expression with data warning support built inExpression.tryEvaluate
(Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate an expression with data warning support built inConstructors in VASSAL.script.expression with parameters of type AuditableModifierConstructorDescriptionAuditableException
(Auditable owner, AuditTrail auditTrail) AuditTrail
(Auditable source, String sourceField) AuditTrail
(Auditable source, String originalExpression, String sourceField) Create a new AuditTrailBshFilter
(Auditable owner, AuditTrail auditTrail) ExpressionException
(String s, String e, Auditable owner, AuditTrail auditTrail) -
Uses of Auditable in
Subinterfaces of Auditable in VASSAL.toolsClasses in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
class A String that can include options of the form $optionName$.class
A JButton for placing into a VASSAL component's toolbar.class
Deprecated.use FormattedString constructor with defaultPropertiesMethods in with parameters of type AuditableModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFormattedString.getLocalizedText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledFormattedString.getLocalizedText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey, boolean quietly) FormattedString.getLocalizedText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the supplied property source to find property valuesFormattedString.getLocalizedText
(Auditable owner, String fieldKey) Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the default property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledFormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaluate the supplied Formmatted String, using the supplied property source to replace any property references.FormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit, boolean quietly) Core implementation of getText.FormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, String def, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values If any property value is found to be null, use the supplied default value instead Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledFormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, String def, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values If any property value is found to be null, use the supplied default value insteadFormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey) Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledFormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey, boolean quietly) Evaluate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledFormattedString.getText
(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property valuesEvaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the default property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabledint
(PropertySource ps, String description, EditablePiece source, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit) -
Uses of Auditable in
Classes in that implement AuditableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An IconFamily is a named set of Icons in the four standard Tango sizes.